CHAPTER 16 Sixteenth-Century Painting in the Northern Europe

Multiple-Choice Questions

1. Adagia was written by

a. Martin Luther.

b. Bosch.

c. van Mander.

d. Erasmus.

Answer: d

2. Kramer and Sprenger were the authors of

a. “Sermon on Indulgences”

b. “The Garden of Earthly Delights”

c. The Witches’ Hammer

d. The Praise of Folly

Answer: c

3. In Bosch’s the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things, the dogs with bared teeth with one dog gazing at a large bone represent

a. superbia.

b. gluttony.

c. anger.

d. envy.

Answer: d

4. Which of the following correctly matches an individual with the correct region, city, or country?

a. Erasmus – Amsterdam

b. Luther – Germany

c. Bosch – Belgium

d. Dürer – Dresden

Answer: b

5. Printmaking refers to

a. woodcuts, engravings, and editions.

b. woodcuts, drawings, and painting.

c. engravings, editions, and painting.

d. woodcuts, intaglio, and drawings.

Answer: a

6. ______created the woodcut of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

a. Dürer

b. Cranach the Elder

c. Holbein

d. Vermeer

Answer: a

7. Which of the following artists was most famous for his woodcuts?

a. Grünewald

b. Bruegel

c. Holbein

d. Dürer

Answer: d

8. The textual source of Dürer’s Four Horsemen is

a. the Metamorphoses.

b. the Moriae encomium.

c. the book of Revelation.

d. the Ship of Fools.

Answer: c

9. Melancholia I is Dürer’s engraved image of

a. Martin Luther.

b. peasants viewing the fall of Icarus.

c. an idle creator looking for inspiration.

d. None of these answers is correct.

Answer: c

10. The closest northern equivalent of Vasari in the 16th century was

a. Erasmus.

b. van Mander.

c. Luther.

d. Sprenger and Kramer.

e. Tetzel.

Answer: b

11. Which of the following correctly matches artist with work?

a. Bosch – Netherlandish Proverbs

b. Bruegel – the Table Top of the Seven Deadly Sins

c. Holbein the Younger – Henry VIII

d. Dürer –Peasant Dance

e. Cranach – Melencolia I

Answer: c

12. Which of the following specialized in portraiture?

a. Grünewald

b. Hans Holbein

c. Albrecht Dürer

d. Pieter Bruegel

Answer: b

13. Grünewald’s Crucifixion has two saints in the side panels. They are

a. Sebastian and John the Evangelist.

b. Anthony and Mary Magdalene.

c. John the Baptist and John the Evangelist.

d. Anthony and Sebastian.

e. Sebastian and Jerome.

Answer: d

14. Grünewald’s Isenheim Altarpiece shows

a. musical angels.

b. various depictions of martyrdom.

c. profound religious emotion.

d. All these answers are correct.

Answer: d

15. The Isenheim Altarpiece is a

a. diptych.

b. panel.

c. polyptych.

d. triptych.

Answer: c

16. Cranach’s Judgment of Paris is set in

a. Saxony.

b. Troy.

c. Mycenae.

d. Italy.

e. France.

Answer: a

17. “P.M.” in Erasmus’s satire on Julius II refers to

a. Prime Minister.

b. Pontifex Maximus.

c. Saint Peter.

d. the Prime Mover.

Answer: b

18. Het Schilderboeck is the title of a(an)

a. painting.

b. book.

c. etching.

d. poem.

e. sculpture.

Answer: b

19. ______was one of the first painters to show people working in the countryside.

a. Bellini

b. Grünewald

c. Pieter Bruegel

d. Holbein

Answer: c

20. ______is/are thought to have visited Italy.

a. Pieter Bruegel

b. Hans Holbein

c. Albrecht Dürer

d. Both Pieter Bruegel and Albrecht Dürer

Answer: d

21. Peasant Dance must have been done in Northern Europe because of

a. the evident happiness.

b. the hidden symbolism.

c. the fact that there are peasants.

d. the energy.

Answer: b

22. In the myth of Icarus, who made the wings?

a. Icarus

b. Zeus

c. Breugel

d. Daedalos

e. the plowman

Answer: d

23. Which is the best match?

a. hubris – folly

b. alchemy – melancholy

c. etching – painting

d. proverbs – myths

Answer: a

24. In which work is there a “Pool of Lust”?

a. Landscape with the Fall of Icarus

b. The Alchemist

c. The Judgment of Paris

d. Garden of Earthly Delights

e. Netherlandish Proverbs

Answer: d

25. What carries the inscription “Melencolia I” in Dürer’s engraving?

a. a mouse

b. an angel

c. a dog

d. a toad

e. a bat

Answer: e

26. The word “melancholy” is derived from which two Greek words?

a. choleros meaning “anger” and bilas meaning “bile”

b. melas meaning “black” and ira meaning “anger”

c. chola meaning “depression” and melas meaning “bile”

d. cholos meaning “bile” and melas meaning “black”

Answer: d

27. Holbein was born in

a. England.

b. Antwerp.

c. Augsberg.

d. Nüremburg.

e. Rotterdam.

Answer: c

28. Holbein obtained a letter of introduction to Sir Thomas More from

a.Martin Luther.

b.Henry VIII.

c.Albrecht Dürer.


Answer: d

29. Holbein’s Erasmus rests his hands on a book,

a. the Bible.

b. the Moriae encomium.

c. the Adagia.

d. the Metamorphoses

e. “The Labors of Herakles”

Answer: e

30. Prints are made by pressing a sheet of paper or other material against an image-bearing surface called the

a. stage.

b. burin.

c. print matrix.

d. plate.

e. multiple.

Answer: c

Key Works

Attributed to Hieronymus Bosch, Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things, painted tabletop, poss. c. 1475, or as late as 1505–1515

Attributed to Hieronymus Bosch, Superbia, detail of The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things, painted tabletop

Hieronymus Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights triptych: Garden of Eden, World before the Flood, Hell, c. 1510–1515

Hieronymus Bosch, couple in a transparent globe, detail from Garden of Earthly Delights

Hieronymus Bosch, monster with an egglike body, detail from Garden of Earthly Delights

Hieronymus Bosch, The Cure for Folly, c. 1490s–1516

Caterina van Hemessen, Self-Portrait, 1548

Quinten Massys, Money-Changer and His Wife, 1514

Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, c. 1554–1555

Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Netherlandish Proverbs, 1559

Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Peasant Dance, c. 1567

Albrecht Dürer, Self-Portrait, 1498

Albrecht Dürer, Self-Portrait, 1500

Albrecht Dürer, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, c. 1497–1498

Albrecht Dürer, Melencolia I, 1514

Matthias Grünewald, Crucifixion with Saint Sebastian and Saint Anthony, and Lamentation, the Isenheim Altarpiece (closed), c. 1510–1515

Matthias Grünewald, Annunciation, Virgin and Child with Angels, and Resurrection, the Isenheim Altarpiece (opened), c. 1510–1515

Nicholas von Hagenau, central corpus and base of the Isenheim Altarpiece, early 16th century

Lucas Cranach the Elder, Judgment of Paris, 1530

Three Graces, from Pompeii, 1st century A.D.

Lucas Cranach the Elder, Crucifixion, 1503

Lucas Cranach the Elder, Martin Luther, 1533

Hans Holbein the Younger, Erasmus of Rotterdam, c. 1523

Hans Holbein the Younger, Henry VIII, c. 1540

Maps, Diagrams, and Projections

Map of northern and central Europe in the Renaissance

Key Terms








print matrix
