PRESENT: Councillors: S. Deely(Chairman from 7.44pm),L. Balzaretti, R. Brookes, R. Bullen, L. Carter, A. Day, C. Gabbitas, G. Leeke (Chairman until 7.44pm) and County Cllr. L. Caborn.

1 member of the public.

Cllr. Leeke explained that Cllr. Deely had been delayed and suggested that the public session be moved down the agenda to await the arrival of Cllr. Deely. This was agreed.

1.Apologies for absence

Cllrs. Harrison (personal commitment).

3.Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Day declared a pecuniary interest in item 10(iv) as Chairman of the St. Chad’s Centre Trust. Cllr. Gabbitas declared a pecuniary interest in item 10(iv) as a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee. Cllr. Balzaretti declared personal interests in items 9(iii) as a member of her family would benefit and 9(ii) as she knows one of the directors. Cllr. Carter declared a personal interest in item 6(iii) as his employer supports this. Cllr. Bullen declared a personal interest in item 9(iii) as a member of his family would benefit. Cllr. Leeke declared a pecuniary interest in item 5(v) as a beneficiary. Cllr. Deely declared a personal interest in item 9(iii) as a member of his family would benefit.

4.Acceptance of the minutes of the previous minutes (March)

The Clerk had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Gabbitas proposed that the minutes be approved, seconded Cllr. Brookes and carried unanimously.


(i) Bank balances

The following bank balances were reported:

Current Account£12,576.01

Investment Account£73,324.74

(ii) To review the asset register

The Chairman confirmed that he was looking into this with Cllr. Harrison.

ACTION: May agenda item.

(iii) To review the insurance policy

The Clerk reported that Zurich Municipal has quoted £382.22 for a 1 year contract and £358.57 for a 3 year contract. Aviva has quoted £414.54 for a 1 year contract and £393.81 for a 3 year contract. The assets cover remains the same with the excess on both policies at £250. Both companies are recommended by WALC. Cllr. Day proposed we accept the quote from Zurich Municipal for a 3 year contract as the best value quote, seconded and carried unanimously. The Clerk said that she has spoken to both companies regarding cover for contractors and both have given the same response. Contractors are only covered if they are not carrying out this work for their own company or if they are using their own equipment which requires separate insurance cover.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange the paperwork.

(iv) Clerk’s annual appraisal

Cllr. Gabbitas said that this would be taking place next Thursday.

ACTION: May agenda item.

7.40pm The Chairman left the meeting. Cllr. Day took the Chair.

(v) Passing of following accounts for payment.

RESOLVED: that the following accounts be approved for payment (proposed Cllr. Gabbitas, seconded Cllr. Bullen and carried unanimously).

Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary; April - £447.60

Mr. D. Connolly - Play area inspections + repairs (April) - £60.00

Warwickshire County Council - legal advice - £210.00

Hags-SMP Ltd. - cradle seat and rubber gate buffer - £188.76

Zurich Municipal - annual insurance premium - £358.57

Mr. A. Gandy - Meadow mowing (March) - £100.00

McBeath & Co - NP printing - £308.52

Warwick District Council - footway lighting - £1,000.00

Cadman Printers - printing - £141.00

Mr. G. Leeke - reimbursement for a lock for the shed in the allotments - £32.95

Mr. G. Leeke - reimbursement for printing for the Asps appeal - £48.86

7.42pm Cllr. Leeke returned to the meeting and took the Chair.

The Chairman asked if item 6 could await the arrival of Cllr. Deely. This was agreed.

7.Warwick District Council Matters

(i) To receive report from District Council

Cllr. Brookes explained that he was currently involved in a number of planning matters. He reiterated that he had written to the Secretary of State regarding the Grove Farm planning application which has been refused by the District Council. If this planning application goes to appeal he advised the Parish Council to ask for his request to be recovered.

7.44pm Cllr. Deely joins the meeting.

(ii) Maintenance and ownership of islands on Othello Avenue; update

The Clerk reported that the District Council has said that the islands are owned by the County Council but maintained by the District Council. The District Council is waiting for a quote for maintaining the islands.

ACTION: The Clerk to follow up on this.

(iii) Warwick Gates perimeter path; maintenance update

Cllr. Brookes said that the maintenance of the perimeter path was a District Council matter.

ACTION: The Clerk to follow up on this.

(iv) Public examination of the draft Local Plan initial hearing; 6th May

Cllr. Brookes said that he has been asked to attend the examination in public initial hearing for session 2 on housing. It was agreed that Cllr. Bullen would be representing the Parish Council at this hearing. Cllr. Brookes said that no date has yet been set for when the examination takes place. He explained that this is an initial meeting to decide whether this moves forward. The Chairman said there were 3 issues that the inspector would deal with; duty to co-operate, overall provision for housing and the supply and delivery of housing land. If the inspector is satisfied on all 3 counts then the examination will move on to the next stage.

7.55pm The Chairman hands the Chair to Cllr. Deely.

2.Public Session

A representative from Warwick Juniors Football Club introduced himself and explained the football tournament in detail. Cars would be arriving between 8am and 9am. A one way system would be operated. Finishing times of the matches would be staggered to avoid cars exiting at the same time. 6 or 7 people would be managing the car parking. Referees would be on each pitch. There would be a first aid tent. Barbeque would be run by the football club with the Sports & Social Club providing drinks. The event would raise money for children with cancer. They have run 4 previous events. Councillors asked if they could receive a copy of the risk assessment. The Clerk was asked to check our insurance policy and liaise with Warwick Juniors to ensure that this event has adequate cover. Warwick Juniors said that every player has insurance cover. The Clerk agreed to contact our Meadow grass contractor to ask if the pitch could be cut the week before and also arrange with Warwick Juniors timings for pitch markings. Warwick Juniors said that they would litter pick the Meadow after the event.

ACTION: Warwick Juniors to provide the Clerk with a copy of their risk assessment. The Clerk to find out whether Warwick Juniors need additional insurance cover. The Clerk to arrange for the Meadow to be cut the week before the tournament.

The Chairman thanked the resident for attending our meeting and updating us.

6.Warwickshire County Council Matters

(i) To receive report from County Council

Cllr. Caborn reported that he is involved in the safer routes to school project. He advised the Parish Council to forward a submission to him for the cycleway to the School.

ACTION: Cllr. Day to look into this.

He also said that Councillors have been given a highways budget. He has £27,000 to spend on capital but this is oversubscribed. The County is going out to tender for highways. Harbury Road crossroads is being reviewed. He has a meeting with the Police and will mention the speeding issues in the parish. There is going to be a new parish council charter. Cllr. Leeke requested that officers be made aware of this document once it has been adopted.

ACTION: The Clerk to request a copy of the draft Parish Council Charter from WALC.

(ii) Update from Highways working party meeting with Cllr. Caborn

Cllr. Caborn said that he met with the Chairman and Cllr. Gabbitas and understands that notes have been circulated to councillors. He will be taking our issues further.

(iii) VAS installation date update

The Clerk explained that Western Power would be organising the power supply to this sign. The Parish will have to pay for the electricity used and an agreement with Western Power needs to be signed before they will liaise with e.on for a power supply. The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting a copy of the agreement between Western Power and the Parish Council. Councillors agreed unanimously that this agreement could be signed. The Clerk signed the agreement and a copy is attached to these minutes. It was further agreed that the Clerk should continue to liaise with Western Power and Graham Stanley, Highways Officer, to ensure that this sign is installed as soon as possible.

ACTION: The Clerk to return the signed agreement to Western Power. The Clerk to continue to liaise with Graham Stanley, Highways Officer, to ensure that this sign is installed as a matter of urgency.

(iv) Mallory Road crossing point; update

Cllr. Caborn reported that Graham Stanley, Highways Officer, has a final set of documents for consultation. The Clerk said that we have not received any documents or quote for this scheme.

ACTION: Cllr. Caborn to follow up with Graham Stanley.

(v) To agree highways strategy to deal with speeding traffic on Mallory Road and Oakley Wood Road and other changes needed in the light of the Bloors development

Cllr. Caborn confirmed that a highways officer, will be looking at the boundary and the gates.

ACTION: May agenda item.

(vi) Proposed installation of traffic lights at the junction of Tachbrook Road; update

Cllr. Caborn said that he is looking into the issue with the layby, which he is trying to get included in the scheme, and will respond to Cllr. Gabbitas.

ACTION: Cllr. Caborn to respond to Cllr. Gabbitas.

8.Planning Matters

(i) Neighbourhood Plan; progress update

Cllr. Bullen reported that the plan was submitted to the District Council in February. A developer has complained about the plan and so the Parish Council has been advised by the District Council to carry out the pre submission consultation again. The District Council has appointed an officer to lead us through the process. Cllr. Brookes proposed that we republish the Neighbourhood Plan following the advice of the officer appointed to us, seconded and carried unanimously. It was agreed that Cllr. Bullen should liaise with this officer regarding making a hardcopy of the plan available and also liaise with our website administrator to ensure that all documents are on the website. Once Cllr. Bullen has ensured that all documents are available hardcopy and softcopy the consultation can be advertised on our noticeboards and on the website.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to liaise with the District Council officer to ensure that the District agrees that the necessary documentation is available for the public. Cllr. Bullen to liaise with our website administrator regarding the uploading of the documents to our website.

(ii) Planning appeal at the Asps; update

Cllr. Bullen said that the statement from our shared legal counsel is on the website. At the conclusion of this appeal the inspector will be writing a report which will be submitted to the Secretary of State for a decision. Cllr. Brookes said that he will pass a copy of his presentation to the new editor of the parish magazine.

ACTION: Cllr. Brookes to pass a copy of his presentation to the editor of the parish magazine.

(iii) AC Lloyd and Framptons; meeting date

The Clerk confirmed that this will take place on Friday, 1st May at 3pm in The Tower Room. Cllr. Day asked if Grove Farm phase 1 could be discussed and could the Clerk please make the attendees aware of how to access the new neighbourhood plan.

ACTION: The Clerk to book the Tower Room and liaise with the developer regarding topics and a copy of the Neighbourhood Plan.

(iv) Planning application no. 15/0471/LB - Mallory Court Hotel

Councillors discussed this application and agreed to object since they believe the pool is an important feature and should be refurbished. There is a similar pool at Upton House.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to planning.

(v) Planning application no. 15/0471 - Mallory Court Hotel

See (iv) above.

(vi) Planning application no. 15/0178 - 24 Church Hill; response

The Clerk reported that the District Council’s policy states that the roof should not be continuous. Cllr. Bullen said that he is fully aware of the Council’s policy but in this particular case the property would look better with a continuous roofline. It was agreed that Cllr. Bullen should represent the Parish Council at the Planning Committee meeting.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to speak against this application at the Planning Committee meeting.

(vii) Appeal withdrawn: Seven Acre Close

(viii) Planning application no. 15/0139 - 1 Calpurnia Avenue

Councillors discussed this application and agreed to object as the mass and scaling of this application is too big and the flat roof is poorly designed. It is in breach of DPI of the current local plan.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to planning.

(ix) Planning notice no. 14/1049 - land east of Oakley Wood Road; refused.

9.Amenities Matters

(i) To receive report

Cllr. Leeke reported that the Friends of Oakley Wood have received a cheque for £1,000 from the District Community Fund to help fund a family day on 19th September. There is also a bluebell walk on 21st April. David Connolly has been appointed for grass cutting for the village and the mower is stored on the allotments. David was given a good handover by Anthony Buckingham. Councillors thanked Anthony for his hard work and dedication. Cllr. Brookes said that there are a couple of bald areas on the green near the Church that require reseeding. The Chairman said that a resident has expressed concerns about the safety of children getting off the bus outside The Leopard.

ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to look at the bald areas that require reseeding. Safety issues outside The Leopard to be discussed at May’s meeting.

Cllr. Day said that he has noticed a lamp post that has not been painted. Cllr. Leeke suggested that he email Monica Brown at the District Council who will arrange for it to be painted.

ACTION: Cllr. Day to email Monica Brown at the District Council.

(ii) Bloors Development; update

Cllr. Day reported that Bloors are listening to the comments we made on their planning application and are taking this forward. They are pleased with the range of names we have come up with for the streets. Cllr. Day said that he is having discussions regarding the public bridleway but now needs to engage with the District Council.

ACTION: Cllr. Day to liaise with the District Council regarding the bridleway.

The Chairman declared a personal interest in the following item as members of his family would benefit.

(iii) Parish bus shelter improvement project; update

It was agreed that the Parish Council should apply for a Community Forum grant of £3,000 towards a bus shelter. Cllrs. Balzaretti and Gabbitas to obtain quotes for shelters. The Clerk to complete the form and submit as soon as possible.

ACTION: Cllrs. Balzaretti and Gabbitas to obtain quotes for bus shelters and forward to the Clerk. The Clerk to complete the form and submit as soon as possible.

Cllr. Gabbitas said that if the £3,000 will not cover the cost of a bus shelter then she will liaise with residents and the school regarding a fund raising project. Councillors agreed to review the situation at May’s meeting.

ACTION: May agenda item.

(iv) Parish Welcome Packs; update

ACTION: May agenda item.

(v) Walkway between Kingsley Road and the Meadow; damage to barrier

Cllr. Leeke said that he has looked at this barrier and spoken to the resident who reported it. He doesn’t believe that the barrier needs urgent attention but that it should be addressed as part of the cycleway project. Councillors agreed that this was an excellent suggestion.

ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to respond to the resident.

10.Police/Community Matters

(i) To receive report from Police

No new report.

(ii) Request from Warwick Juniors for use of the Meadow on 20th and 21st June

Councillors agreed to approve this subject to a licence agreement being signed and a copy of the risk assessment being received. There would be no charge since this is a charity event.

ACTION: The Clerk to send the licence agreement to Warwick Juniors.

(iii) Request from WI to plant a centenary tree

Councillors discussed this request and agreed that an oak tree would be appropriate on St. Chad’s Green. It was also suggested that the tree be protected with a metal tree guard and a plaque could be placed on the guard.

9.50pm Cllrs. Day and Gabbitas left the meeting.

(iv) Request from St. Chad’s Centre Trust for temporary use of the green for a compound

The Clerk explained that this request is for a temporary compound, details to be agreed, plus access across the green from 1st July until 30th June 2016. This was discussed in detail and Cllr. Bullen said that he would like the period to be shorter. The Clerk explained that the Trust is reliant on District Council funding which is due to be discussed in June. The Trust doesn’t know yet whether it will require this access from 1st July but have requested the maximum amount of time in case the work does not start until September. Cllr. Brookes proposed that we grant temporary use of the green for a compound plus access across the green, subject to details of the compound being agreed plus details of the proposed route, 5 voted in favour with 1 against.