Table of Contents

PAGE 2Welcome Letter

PAGE 4Required Materials Checklist (supply list)

PAGE 5Instrument Information

PAGE 6Grading Policy

PAGE 7Classroom Procedures

PAGE 8Concert Attire

PAGE 9Practice and Tutoring

PAGE 10Information Form (please detach and return promptly)

PAGE 11Benito Orchestra Boosters (Please join! Help us meet our goal of 100%)

PAGE 13Contact Reference Sheet and Private Lessons

PAGE 14Tentative Calendar

January 2017

Dear Orchestra Parents,

Greetings and welcome to The Benito Middle School Orchestra! Welcome to all the new students and parents! Congratulations on enrolling your child in orchestra! My name is Colleen Strom and this is my10thyear as the director of the orchestras here at Benito Middle School. I hold degrees from Stetson University and The Florida State University. I have proudly served as an orchestral director in Hillsborough County for 13 years.

Last year was another wonderful year for the orchestras at Benito. I am one of a very small number of orchestra directors Hillsborough County to earn 12consecutive years of SUPERIOR ratings at the District VII Music Performance Assessment Festival. The Jaguar Orchestra also earned ALL SUPERIOR ratings at the FOA District VII Solo and Ensemble Festival in November. We had 20 students chosen to play in the All County Honors Orchestra. Finally, we had 1student go all the way to the All State Orchestra! I am very excited about working with your child and you and sharing music with him or her! This handbook will provide you with information on the policies and other aspects of the orchestra. A tentative calendar, containing concert dates and other events, is included. This is going to be another wonderful year for these students, and I invite all parents, friends and relatives to join us in all events! Please support your child by encouraging him or her to practice and to participate fully in all orchestra events!

Music provides students with a wealth of fringe benefits. In addition to obtaining the life long skills needed to become a music performer or consumers, a child learns skills that can be used in every facet of life. Team work, dedication, self-discipline, and responsibility prepare a child for a successful future in any profession he or she may choose. A variety of research shows that music students are among the academically strongest in their school and score higher on the SAT than other students. Most colleges and universities look for more than good grades on a child’s transcript. They want the well-rounded students that have been able to accomplish more than just textbook knowledge. Also, many colleges and universities offer music scholarships to eligible students regardless of their field of study.

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me throughout the year. My conference period is during 6thperiod from2:30-3:20, and the school’s number is 813-631-4694. My voice mail extension is 459 and the direct extension to the music suite is 247. My email address is . Email or Edsby are the best way to reach me!!

Again, I look forward to working with you and your child this year. Please watch for flyers and e-mails on upcoming events!


Colleen Fawk Strom


Please take a moment now and add my email to your address book.

Also, if you have NOT registered for Edsby, Hillsborough County’s online gradebook, please visit

99% of orchestra communication is on edsby!


(Take this checklist with your to a recommended music store)

ALL MATERIALS DUETuesday, Jan. 17th

  1. _____Instrument, bow, and case with a name tag
  2. _____Shoulder rest for violinist / violists ( recommended music store). The following brands have the Strom seal of approval!Put your name on it!
  • Kun (I’ve had mine for 20+ years!)
  • FOM (available from Mrs. Strom for $20 VIOLINS AND 14 in. violas ONLY)
  • Everest
  • Muco
  1. _____Rock stop for cellists and bassists. (available at any local music store OR from Mrs. Strom for $7)
  2. _____Rosin
  3. _____Soft cloth to wipe away rosin dust and finger prints and stringed instrument cleaner / polish.
  4. _____Method Book(PUT YOUR NAME IN AND ON IT!)This is available at most local music stores.
  5. Essential ElementsBook 1Allex, Gillespie, and Telejohn-Hayes) Please check that you have the newest edition and the correct instrument
  6. _____Black three-ringed binder (1 or 1 ½ in.) containing transparent cover sheets for assigned music. (available at Walmart)(PUT YOUR NAME IN AND ON IT!)
  8. _____One or more of the following: box of tissues, roll of paper towel, Clorox / Lysol wipes, or a package of 8x10 printer paper (any color).


  1. _____ I recommend “Bow Hold Buddies” for all beginning orchestra students. They are available at
  2. _____ Chromatic tuner / metronome (free apps available!)
  3. _____It is a good idea for violins, violas, and cellos to carry a spare set of strings. The following brands are accepted: ( offers great deals on strings)
  • D’Addario - Prelude
  • Zyex
  • Dominants (advanced students)
  • Helicore (advanced students)
  • Larsens (advanced students)


*Parents, I understand that there is a financial commitment to being in orchestra. If there is any problem in attaining these items, please contact me. That is not a reason to get an instrument and supplies in your child’s hand. I will work with you in all ways to bring success to your child. Most music stores have a rent-to-own plan that includes insurance. Please see page 5 for a list of recommended manufacturers. If not, you may pay more in repairs than the instrument itself. Please contact me with questions or concerns.


Congratulations on enrolling your child in Hillsborough County’s BEST ORCHESTRA! In order for your child to participate in orchestra, it will be necessary for you to furbish an instrument. A list of recommended music stores has been included in the handbook for your convenience. Renting or leasing an instrument is highly recommended. Please avoid purchasing an instrument off the internet.Again, most of the recommended stores offer rent-to-own programs with reasonable rates and insurance. It is important that your child’s instrument be in EXCELLENT CONDITION AND THE CORRECT SIZE or it will hamper his or her progress. Please contact me as soon as possible if you have any difficulty acquiring an instrument. An extremely limited number of school instruments may be available for students with financial need. Please contact me with any financial concerns and I will provide your child with a school rental contract. 631-4694 ext 459 or

Recommended Brands

Violins and Violas:

  • Knilling
  • Glasel
  • Yamaha
  • Antonio Vivaldi
  • Fritz
  • Williams
  • Euro


  • Knilling
  • Yamaha
  • Glassel
  • Emmanuel
  • Englehardt
  • Franz Hoffman


A bass can be extremely hard to find to rent in local music stores. The Violin ShopDOES carry quality basses! Students will most likely need to rent an instrument from the school. Bassists are encouraged to take their instruments home on weekends. If transporting a large instrument is not possible, the orchestra room is open at 8 AM for practice and tutoring. Also, bassists can be issued two instruments (when inventory permits). One may be used at home, and the other may be used at school.


Daily Participation20%

Students learn in the doing. Full participation in all classes/rehearsals is expected.In order to fully participate, the student must have an instrument in working order, keep his or her fingernails trimmed (at or below finger tips) for proper hand position and good intonation, and bring ALL materials (see page 4) required to each class/rehearsal. Binders will be checked for completeness periodically as a part of a student’s participation grade. If a student's instrument is in the shop for repair, a note from the parent should be presented to be excused from rehearsal. The student may use a school instrument if one is available. If one is not available, a different task will be assigned. Failure to bring all materials to class will result in a deduction from the student's participation grade.


Students will have several opportunities to master (pass off) exercises in their method books each week. The class will prepare each exercise that is to be mastered, and each student will individually demonstrate his or her mastery by performing the exercises. A minimum of 20 exercises should be mastered each grading period. Scales will also be taught and reviewed in class. Each scale mastered will count the same as an exercise in the method book. Students will also be assessed, both individually and by section, on various excerpts of concert music. Students are evaluated on note and intonation accuracy, rhythmic accuracy, tone, tempo, and musicality. Students that do poorly on a test may make it up FOR FULL CREDIT by playing before school or by submitting a VIDEO RECORDING to Mrs. Strom via email or other electronic device.


Orchestra is a performance-oriented class as stated by Hillsborough County School Policy. The students practice and rehearse to perform the skills they master in class. Since performances are part of the curriculum, all students involved are required to be present for all concerts. Students participating and demonstrating the proficiencies taught in class will earn an "A" for that performance. Students who do not demonstrate mastery of the required music will not be permitted to play in the concert. A small number of before/after school rehearsals will be required throughout the school year. Parents will be notified of these rehearsals via EDSBY well in advance. Students with an excused absence may make up the grade for a missed performance by taking a written music test, by performing a prepared solo piece for the class, or other comparable assignment. Accepted excuses include personal illness or a family emergency and must be documented by a parent or guardian immediately upon the students return. It is the responsibility of the student to present this documentation to the director.

*Parents, you and your child(ren) are encouraged to monitor progress on Edsby. Edsby will be updated several times a week, if not daily. Progress reports are sent home quarterly. Please see the calendar in the handbook for specific dates. I will always make time to discuss via email, phone, or in person, your child’s progress. Please register at


1. Enter the classroom quietly.

2.Place books and other materials under your chair or on the back of your chair.

3.Unpack instrument and place CLOSED case to the right of your chair.

4.Get your instrument tuned by the teacher. (if I haven’t already done it!)

5.Participate in warm-up exercise.

6.Be in your assigned seat, with all materials, ready to rehearse once the
director has completed tuning.

7.Follow all directions the first time they are given.


A conduct grade is given in all subjects for citizenship, behavior, and cooperation.

Benito's Orchestra will follow school-wide rules.

  1. Follow directions of all adults on campus, and all district policies.
  2. Be in the right place at the right time with the right materials.
  3. Stay on task and be productive.
  4. Keep you hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
  5. Respect yourself and others: No profanity, threatening, name calling, or put-downs.


1st offense - verbal warning

2nd offense - conduct cut and parent phone call

3rd offense - conduct cut, time out, parent phone call

4th offense - referral

HillsBoroughCounty GradingScale


Uniforms help make a performing group look professional! In addition, it provides a sense of unity for the group. This attire is to be worn at all performances. Students failing to comply will receive a zero for the performance. Please contact me with any questions regarding the uniform.


  • White blouse with sleeve
  • Black dress pants (NO LEGGINGS) or long skirt (below the knee when seated)
  • Black stockings or tights
  • Black, close-toed dress shoes
  • All hair must be of a natural color


  • White tuxedo shirt (pleated front, wing-tip collar) - TUCKEDIN!!!! (available at Bib ‘N Tux 1821 East Fowler AvenueTampa, FL 33612)
  • Black dress pants. NODENIM!!!!!!
  • Black dress belt.
  • Black socks
  • Black dress shoes. NOSNEAKERS!!!!!
  • Black bow tie (available at Bib ‘N Tux 1515 East Fowler Ave.)
  • All hair must be of a natural color


As I have in past years, I will continue to hold practice sessions before school. Students are presented with the opportunity for help if it is needed and the opportunity to do some enrichment work. These sessions are strictly for practicing and increasing skill on an instrument. This is not a social activity, nor is it time to do work for other classes. No appointment is necessary. Students who are struggling are encouraged to ask for help.

Morning practice will be held daily from 8:00 until 8:50. For the students’ safety, no student should be on campus before that time for any reason. Parents please do not drop your students off prior to this time. If morning practice is canceled for any reason, excluding emergencies, students will be notified at least one day in advance.In the case of my emergent absence, students are to report to the gym before school.

Students participating in the morning practice program MAY NOT leave the orchestra room prior to 8:30AM.

Morning Practice will begin JAN. 9th for those who have all materials!



Due to Mrs. Strom TOMORROW!

Student's Name ______


Home Phone ______

StreetAddress ______

City______Zip Code ______Grade______

Parent Email______

Instrument______Class Period______

Mother's / Guardian’s Name______

Cell Phone______Work Phone______

Father's /Guardian’s Name______

Cell Phone______Work Phone______


I have read the orchestra handbook and agree to the information and policies as stated. I will make all necessary arrangements to participate in all required orchestra performances. I realize that I am an important contributing member of the Benito Middle School Orchestra and that my actions will affect all group members, not only myself. I will strive to reach my full potential as a student and as a musician.

Student Signature______Date_______




A non-profit organization

MRs. Colleen Strom, Director of Orchestras

10101 Cross Creek Blvd.

Tampa, FL 33647

One of the most vital elements of a successful music program is the Booster Organization. The Boosters are made up of parents and other concerned persons who wish to help support the music departments’ day-to-day activities. The Boosters help students in the following ways: fund raising, chaperoning, transportation of students and equipment, and various other efforts for our orchestra. Our hope is that all parents will want to be involved in the Booster Organization in some way. Your child will greatly benefit by your efforts and you will benefit by being involved with the events and interests of your child. Remember, we cannot do it without your support, and we thank you for your help!

What’s in it for you and your child?

Where does YOUR money go?

  • Sheet music
  • Awards
  • Transportation
  • Florida Orchestra Association membership and application fees
  • Maintenance on school-owned instruments
  • Music Performance Assessment
  • Smart Music
  • Sponsorship of students in financial distress
  • Purchase of new instruments
  • Replacing bows
  • Instrument racks and storage
  • Chaperone fees for performances such as Busch Gardens and The Florida State Fair
  • Supplies



A non-profit organization

MRs. Colleen Strom, Director of Orchestras

10101 Cross Creek Blvd.

Tampa, FL 33647

Yes! I want to become a Benito Middle School Orchestra Booster!


Please make checks payable to:


Your donation is tax deductible!

(Please complete Booster Information below).

Please check if you can provide additional support in one of the following areas:


____Fundraising assistant

____ Uniform Coordinator

____Communication Committee

____Chaperone for field trips

____Help in transporting instruments for field trips.

____ Provide refreshments for concert intermission sales.

____ Assist with intermission sales during concerts.

____ Setup/clean-up for concert events.

Booster Information:

Student's Name ______

Last First

Parents' Name______


*Any class with 100% participation will get an ice cream party at the end of the year!

The Violin Shop(813)288-8215

Roydon Music(813)685-9641

Music Showcase(813)685-5998

Gainesville Violins (352)-331-5555



David Qi and Baoling Xu(813)971-5447

Siri Gunderson (813)407-0657

Kasia Dolinska(813)404-1974

Rosalie Lathers(813)767-3717

Portia Bradby(813)361-6810

Steven Bossert(727)215-8297

Valerie Adams(813)317-6020

Liesel Soley(727)532-4016

Shari Sarale(813)-841-1764

Leann Plungis(813)732-2778

Barbara Cripe(813)661-1826

Kathie Aagaard (viola) (813)234-0500

Ken Kwo (viola)(813)231-3309


Diego Villa(813)453-6032

Carlos Audi (813)655-4030

Mikel Thomas(806)

Marilee Wallbrun(813)237-0742

Grace Juliano(813)426-6412

Natalie Schulthess(321)412-1020

William Sanderson(678)739-1745


Raymond D. Vans Evers(813)962-1258

Joe Grady(813)789-7209

Karen Bishop(813)-885-6474


Shar 1-800-248-7427

Discount Strings1-800-348-5003

Southwest String 1-800-528-3430



Jessica Calandra, executive director 727-204-3072


John Importuno (813)961-7282

Gainesville Violins(352)-331-5555

Jaguar Orchestra 2017 Calendar*

What / Who / Where / When / How
All State Orchestra and FMEA / All State Orchestra Students and Mrs. Strom / Tampa Convention Center / Jan.12-14, 2017
All County Orchestra Festival / All County Orchestra Students / BLAKE HS School (rehearsals)
LETO HS (CONCERT) / Jan.5, 2017
Jan. 19-21, 2017
Cheesecake and Cookie Dough Fundraiser / All Music Students / Benito MS / TBA
During class / Jan. 31, 2017 / MANDATORY
Florida State Fair Trip / All 7/8 graders / FL State Fair Grounds / Fri. Feb. 17, 2017 / See Mrs. Strom
Pre MPA Festival / All 7 /8 Orchestra Students / WHARTON / TBA / REQUIRED
MPA Festival / All 8th grade Students / TBA / Feb. 22-24, 2017 / REQUIRED
Master Musician Exam / Any prepared student / Williams MS / Mar. 27, 2017 / See Mrs. Strom
During class / Apr. 25, 2017 / MANDATORY
End of the Year Orchestra Festival / All Orchestra Students / Wharton HS
6:00PM / April 27, 2017 / REQUIRED
Busch Gardens Field Trip / All interested Orchestra Students / Busch Gardens, Tampa, FL / April 28, 2017 / See Mrs. Strom
Awards Ceremonies / CHAMBER ORCHESTRA / Benito Middle School / TBA / REQUIRED

*All dates and locations are subject to change. You will be given ample written notice!

** Required for Chamber Orchestra