Patient Health Summary – DATE…………………………………
Please complete as much as possible of this form and return to reception with your registration form.
NAME………………………………………………………...... Date of BIRTH……………………......
……………………………………………………………………….. POSTCODE:………………………......
TELEPHONE NO:……………………………………... MOBILE………………………………………...
EMAIL ………………………………………………… MARITAL STATUS………………………………
NEXT OF KIN…………………………………......
NEXT OF KIN CONTACT DETAILS…………………………… ……………………………………………………..
NAME OF SCHOOL FOR ALL UNDER 16s……………………………………………………………………………
'A carer is a person of any age, adult or child, who provides unpaid support to a partner, child, relative or friend
who couldn't manage to live independently or whose health or well being would deteriorate without this help.
this could be due to frailty, disability or serious health condition, mental ill health or substance misuse.'
If yes, have you involved Social Services? ......
Do you have a Learning Disability YES NO If you have a support worker please give details:
Registered blind YES Date registered ...... NO
Partially Sighted YES NO
Hearing aid user YES NO Any communication needs …………………………….
DO YOU HAVE A CARER YES NO If YES please complete details below
CONTACT DETAILS…………………………………..
ALLERGIES: List all known allergies:
HEIGHT:………………………………...... WEIGHT:……………………………………
Smoker: Cigs per day: ...………... Pipe smoker:
Ex smoker: approximate date stopped...... Never Smoked
Current Drinker Ex Drinker Lifelong Teetotal
ALCOHOL: Approximately how many units do you drink a week?
1 unit = ½pint beer/lager/cider, 1 glass of wine, 1 measure of spirits, 1 small glass of sherry
For the following questions please circle the answer which best applies.
1 drink = ½ pint beer or 1 glass of wine or 1 single spirit.
1. How often do you have eight or more drinks on one occasion?
NeverLess thanMonthlyWeeklyDaily or
Monthlyalmost daily
2. How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
NeverLess thanMonthlyWeekly Daily or
Monthlyalmost daily
3.How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your drinking?
NeverLess thanMonthlyWeeklyDaily or
Monthlyalmost daily
4. Has a relative or friend, or a doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?
NoYes, but not inYes, during
The last yearthe last year
MEDICATION:ATTACH a repeat request slip from your previous practice or medication boxes with chemist labels
Practice Procedure re Repeat prescriptions: We now generate repeat prescriptions electronically, these are sent directly to the nominated pharmacy of your choice. Please contact your chosen pharmacy ask them to arrange this.
If there is no preference prescriptions will be kept at the surgery for collection.
Please record your ethnicity and preferred first language:
White British9S10.Pakistani 9S7
White Irish9S11.Bangladeshi 9S8..
White – Any Other Ethnic Group*9S12.Asian – Any Other Ethnic Group 9SH..
Black/White Caribbean mixed9SB5.Black Caribbean 9S2..
Black/White African mixed9SB6.Black African 9S3..
Asian/White mixed9SB2.Black – Any Other Ethnic Group 9SG..
Any Other Mixed Ethnic Group9SB4.Any Other Ethnic Group* 9SJ..
PREFERRED FIRST LANGUAGE ………………………………………………………………
*If you wish to supply additional details, enter here ......
If you do not want your ethnicity recorded tick here 9SD