

Re: Passageways PowWOW Proposal 2018

I am writing to ask for approval to attend Passageways’annual conferenceOct 9th-12th, 2018in Indianapolis, IN. The conference isfourfull days of learning, best practices sharing, value-packed break-out sessions, enlightening speakers, and new innovations. It is the one conference each year that brings together the entire community of Passageways experts. At a total cost of about$XXX, it is the most cost-effective way to ensure we are getting the most from our Passageways investmentand should result in immediate ROI.

In particular, I would like to focus on finding solutions and best practices that could benefit these projects:

  • [add project or initiative]
  • [add project or initiative]

In addition to a multitude ofbreakout sessions with Passagewayscustomer and partner speakers, the conference offers achance to problemsolve with Passageways employees and industry partners.

Here’s an approximate breakdown of conference costs:

Airfare: $ XX

Transportation: (Airport to Hotel) $ XX

Hotel: (4nights at $185)$ 740

Registration Fee:$ 1,349

Total: $X,XXX

This conference will deliver incredible value to our business. Passageways is committed to training how to implement and use their latest features and see what’s planned for future releases. I will also develop important contacts with other portal experts and gain knowledge in innovativeportal design, collaboration, employee engagement, and analytics. This investment will pay off in the form of streamlined practices, tested solutions, and a network of peers to call upon when working with our portal.

I am currently working on ways to reduce expenses, including hotel discounts, ride sharing, and meals with vendors. I willalso submit a post-conference report that will include an executive summary, major take-a-ways, tips,and a set of recommendations to maximize our current investments in Passageways. I can also share relevant information with key personnel throughout the company.

Thank you for considering this request.I look forward to your reply.
