Hartford Board Meeting Minutes-Hartford Board of School Directors
May 8, 2013 @ 7:00 PM
HACTC- The Getaway Dining Room
Board members present: Administrators Present:
Jeff Arnold Tom DeBalsi
Peter Merrill Julia Haynes
Kevin Christie Jim Vezina
Eric Michaels
Lori Dickerson
Call to order 7:06 PM Kevin Christie
Approval of Agenda: Peter Merrill motions to accept the Agenda as written. Jeff Arnold seconds the motion. No discussion: A unanimous verbal vote 5-0 passes the motion.
Public Comment relative to items not on the proposed agenda- None
Items Requiring Board Action
Ø Career & Technology Center Mission Statement- Doug Heavisides, Director HACTC, presents the current HACTC Mission Statement and a draft of the proposed HACTC Mission Statement. Mr. Heavisides is requesting feedback from the Board. The Board first spends time looking over the draft, the exercise then has each member discussing with other Board members their specific feedback. Following this, the Board collectively gives Mr. Heavisides feedback. Some of the comments were: ”love” the top line, Engage, Learn, Work, Serve, Grow, statement doesn’t stand out as a Tech Center, achievable 9 goals that follow the opening, repeated use of the word, learn in the 9 goals, love the layout and visuals. Continued rewriting and adjustments will continue as staff work towards a final draft.
Ø Professional Staff Nominations/Resignations- Mr. DeBalsi reports the following:
o Nominations:
o Doug Anton
o Amy Wheeler
o Israel Provoncha
o Resignations:
o Rick Schluntz
o Leave:
o Sheila Vowinkle 1 year
Peter Merrill motions to approve the nominations and resignations with thanks to those leaving the District. Jeff Arnold seconds the motion. Discussion: exit interviews are done and Jeff Arnold said Rick Schluntz has been here for a long time and will be missed by students and staff. A unanimous verbal vote 5-0 passes the motion.
Consent Agenda- Minutes of 4/24/13 regular meeting- Peter Merrill requests two corrections. One each in: public comments and Executive Session statement. Peter Merrill motions to accept the minutes of 4/24/13 as amended. Lori Dickerson seconds the motion. A unanimous verbal 5-0 passes the motion.
Incidental Information
Ø Student Representative to the School Board-Mr. DeBalsi introduces Tanner Wilson. Tanner is a junior at Hartford High School who offers to bring many contributions to the Board. Mr. Merrill asks Tanner questions regarding what he will be bringing to the table. Mr. Arnold would like Tanner to be involved with meaningful discussions. Jeff Arnold motions to appoint Tanner Wilson as a student representative to the School Board. Discussion of length of time Tanner will serve. Jeff Arnold motions to appoint Tanner Wilson to the Board as a student representative for the remainder of this school year. Lori Dickerson seconds the motion. A unanimous verbal vote 5-0 passes the motion. Tanner joins the Board at the table!
Ø Preparation for Annual School Action Plan Presentation- Outline presented by Mr. DeBalsi. Kevin Christie request he inquire whether the Tech Center should present. Mr. DeBalsi has reviewed that Action Plan. Lori Dickerson would like to hear that attainable, measureable goals presented. The order of presentations was discussed and will be kept as presented. Julia Haynes will present the AYP protocol before the presentations as a reminder to the public. Mr. DeBalsi will send out a packet prior to the meeting.
Ø Update: Community Recreation Building Schedule- Mr. DeBalsi gave the Board an updated time line and meeting information.
Ø Draft 2013-14 School Board Meeting Schedule- Mr. DeBalsi presented the Board with draft #2 at tonight’s meeting. The 2013-14 work plan is also presented and needs to be populated.
Ø Year-end Board Member invitations- Mr. DeBalsi hands out a schedule of Hartford School District important dates for the Board to consider accepting.
9:02 PM- Peter Merrill motions to enter Executive Session (contract issue). Eric Michaels seconds the motion. A unanimous verbal vote passes the motion 5-0.
9:45 PM- Public session is reconvened. Peter Merrill motions to adjourn. Lori Dickerson seconds the motion. A unanimous verbal vote 5-0 passes the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol Bagley