Your Name in Bold

Personal Details




Driving license:



Personal Summary

Give an overview of your experience, i.e. how many years experience you have working with children as a Maternity Nurse and also in other roles. The qualifications you have and what you are looking to do. (no more than 5 lines).

Key Skills and Competencies

Outline key competencies.

Examples below:

·  Experience of assisting first time mothers on maternity leave.

·  Prepared to travel nationally and internationally with the family.

·  Confident and imaginative with constructive play and age appropriate activities.

·  A driver with full clean license (car needed).

·  Proactive, very creative and have fantastic ideas to keep children occupied.

Work Experience

Job role example below…..

Nov 2010 – 15 April 2012 Role Location

Responsible for looking after two children from birth, now aged 3 months and 2 years of age. I was successful in implementing their daily routine and helping them to grow, learn and develop.

Duties: e.g.

·  Responsible for the safety, wellbeing and development of the young children.

·  Supported mother to breastfeed with first child, specifically helping with initial challenges of positioning and attachment of baby.

·  Implemented sleep and feeding routine

·  Introduced the weaning process, including preparing fresh nutritious meals.

·  Encouraged the use of cutlery and supported transition from bottle to cup.

·  Helped and supported the family to combine the care of the new born baby and siblings.

·  Regularly take children to activities outside including parks, museums, and soft play areas

Academic Qualifications

Sep 2014 Access to Midwifery (Higher Education) Level 3 London

Sep 2013 OCN Level 3, Postnatal Maternity Nurse Award, Babyem Ltd London

Sep 2012 Ofsted Compliant Paediatric First Aid, Babyem Ltd London

August 2012 OCN Level 3 Care of Multiples Course, Babyem Ltd London

August 1989 – 1999 10 GCSE’s Grade A – C, Harlington Upper School London


In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, as well as going to the Theatre, reading and keeping fit.

References: Available on request.