Ingenuity is a Start-Your-Own-Business programme run by ISAX (The Ireland Smart Ageing Exchange), sponsored by Bank of Ireland and in partnership with DCU Ryan Academy and Local Enterprise Offices in Dublin, Fingal and Limerick.
Start Your Own Business Programme for both lifestyle and fast-growth businesses, run in Limerick, Fingal, and Dublin in collaboration with Local Enterprise Offices. These programmes will be run over 8 weeks on 2 evenings per week starting in the end of September.
Participants of the programme will
- Be allocated a mentor with relevant industry knowledge to assist them as the programme progresses.
- Pitch their potential or actual businesses to a relevant panel of business experts and investors at the conclusion of the programme.
- Gain the skills and knowledge required to set up and manage a successful business using a business plan.
The cost of the programme is €250 payable on acceptance of place. Payments may be made by cheque or using PayPal to
Please complete this application form as fully as possible to be considered for a place and return it to or by post to Jane Howlett, ISAX, 2nd Floor Arthurs Quay House, Arthurs Quay, Limerick.
Deadline for applications is 31st August 2016 early applications will receive priority.
First Name:Surname:
LinkedIn Profile URL:
Please indicate your employment status:
Employed Unemployed Self-employed Student Retired Semi-retired Pre-retirement Redundant
Current/most recent position:
Brief description:
Areas of expertise/skills:
Please give details of your new proposed product/service/new business idea if you have one already:
Details of experience relevant to your potential business:
What relevant domain or industry expertise do you have which will be useful in starting a business?
Please indicate at what stage your potential business is at? (Please tick all that apply)
Idea stage Market research done Business plan complete
Prototype available Piloted with customers Already trading
Company name (if applicable)
Company URL (if applicable)
Other* Please give details:
Which Programme are you applying for?
Ingenuity Limerick Ingenuity Dublin Ingenuity Fingal
What do you hope to achieve by completing the Ingenuity Programme?
Why should you be offered a place on the Ingenuity Programme?
Please provide any further information you would like to share about yourself or your business idea:
How did you hear about Ingenuity?
Ireland Smart Ageing Exchange, 2nd Floor Arthurs Quay House, Arthurs Quay, Limerick
Tel: 061 317 578 E-mail: