The Road toward Environment Development

And Removal & Modification Works of Key Pollution Enterprises in


Wang Zhongyan

Dalain Environment Protection Agency

Dalian is located in the southern part of Liaodong peninsula in China. It is beautiful and charming seaside city. In recent years, Dalian has stepped on to the environment development road. Especially the removal and modification projects of key pollution enterprisise has written down a heavy stroke on the sustainable development strategy. From 1993, Dalain has carried out the removal and modification with the characteristic of development and entirety for the industrial enterprises of backward technology, serious pollution, high energy consumption and bad benefit. Since 6 years, under the active support of relevant government departments and the close coordination with the removal enterprises, the technology level, competitive ability and economic benefit of industry is enhanced. Meanwhile, the land resource of urban area improved, and the food situation of win-win relative to the enterprise development and urban construction id formed. Dalain city ordinally go into the line of the 10s top city of the comprehensive rectification and control of environment of national, the national hygiene city, the model city of national environment of national, the national garden city. Also it is listed as one of Sino—Japan environment coorperation demonstration city. In 2001, Dalian is selected as “Global 500” by United Nations Environment Programme.

The removal and modification of key pollution enterprises id the highlight for government to implement “the sustainable development strategy.”

Dalain is historically one of industrial city of heavy industry structure in long-term. In 1993, Dalian formulated the guiding principle for urban industry structure and layout into the overall planning of the city development. The removal and modification of key pollution enterprises become the main point for government to implement “the sustainable development strategy”.

In 1995, Dalain government set up the leadership group of Dalian industry structure adjustment leaded by the former mayor Mr. Bo Xilai composed of relevant committee, agency and office of Dalian. There is an office belonging to the group to take charge of the planning of the preceding stage, project examination and approval and policy coordinating which is affiliated to Dalian economic committee. The government has issued some documents such as “the relative regulation for urban enterprises’removal and modification in Dalian” and “the implementation scheme for the removal and modification with the characteristic of development and entirety for the urban enterprises”.

The key enterprises of removal and modification of development are:

The product of noncompetitive ability; obsolete equipment; low profit; may not exist and develop without modification; lack of enough funding for modification; the enterprise production and management stays in very difficult condition.

The enterprise production seriously pollutes and affects environment, and jeopardizes the resident life and ecosystem environment.

The enterprise locating good area makes the land useless without bringing the land superiority and resource into full play.

  1. The relevant polivy and regulation

In order to make the enterprise removal and modification of development go on smoothly, the government give all the enterprise a lot of favourable policies. The document of “the relative regulation for urban enterprises’removal and modification in Dalian” proposes that the department involved in the enterprise removal and modification should examine project on the basis of respective obligation, simplify the procedures of examination and approval, and speed up the enterprise removal and modification. 40%-70% of all removal fee and the land sale fund of comprehencive land price in the light of the distance to destination will be given to the removed enterprise if its original land is sold. The planning department will try best to take care of the enterprise benefit regarding to the new land required by the removed enterprise. Based on the prirequisite of conforming to the city overall planning, the removed enterprise may enjoy a series of preferential exemption policies of local revenue in a limited period under certain condition, which greatly mobilizes the positivity and initiative of the removed enterprise. This provides strong policy for successfully implementing the removal and modification work of development of the urban enterprise in Dalian.

  1. The relevant implement scheme

In order to smoothly realize the industry structure adjustment and fulfil the removal and modification of the urban industry, on the basis of the city overall planning and the principle of comprehensive planning, stressing the highlight and step by step to implement, Dalian has taken the following 5 measures to do the adjustment regarding to the old industry locating in the business area:

Making modification in the new address. The promising enterprise or product with good profit may establish a new factory outside the urban and invite the foreign investment.

Dying out on the spot. The unpromising enterprise with bad benefit will be eliminated according to the legal procedure.

Making incorporation through the removal. Several similar enterprises with small scale will be removed into one address to produce together in order to make room for developing new industry.

Shrinking the large scale industry. In relation to the large enterprise occupying more land, the production system with bad benefit may be removed or transferred or eliminated to make room for developing new industry.

Selling the whole enterprise. The enterprise that is suitable for inviting foreign and domestic investment may be sold our as a whole so that the receiver may make technical modification in the new address or make use of the original land to develop the tertiary industry.

Through the above 5 adjustment measures, we have implemented the principle of incorporating the adjustment with reformation, broken down the barriers of profession, industry and ownship so that realized “the asset increment, industry transfer, function change and staff to another job”. Following the market rule and the actual situation of Dalian, we now try best to reorganize and set up several large scale industry group with the promising market, the products of close interrelationship and the economic scale up to the national standard so enhance the whole industry level of Dalian.

  1. The brief introduction for the enterprise removal

Through the rational planning and lay-out and industry structure adjustment, we have implemented the overall removal and modification for the industry locating the downtown area. The city economic committee and planning agency etc works closely and organize elaborately so that the special industries of serious pollution including casting, forging and electroplating etc has been merged together. Until first half of 2001, we have issued 18 lot of removal planning including 177 enterprises, another 28 enterprises outside the planning have been removed also. To the end of 2000, we have removed 105 enterprises in the planning and 28 outside the planning. These make room for 3 million square meters land, involve 50,000 staff, the original fixed asset value of 2.5 billion Renmingbi and net. value of 1.8 billion Renmingbi. By selling the occupied land including part of workshop, the enterprise obtain the agreement funding of 3.1 billion. Now 2 billion has been has been paied including the land sale of 1 billion and the removal reimbursment fee of 1 billion. The funding problem related by the removed enterprise has been resolved by Dalian government, never apply to national.

The removal and modification works of the key enterprise brings obviously environmental benefit.

It brings a lot of environmental benefit

By way of removal and modificational, eliminating products of noncompetitive ability, adopting clean process, the total pollution amount is reduced greatly and the urban environment quality is effectively improved. In 5 years, 17 lime factories and 4 cement factories are closed down, 11 charcoal factories of small scale are cleaned out, 150 charcoal kilns of small scale are demolished. We concentrate our strength on treating and controlling the urban smoke and dust, so that 2415 sets of coal burning boilers of less than 1 tons and 227 boilers from 1 to 4 tons are dismantled or shut down or sealed up. More than 2000 pieces of chimneys are demolished. Meanwhile, the production systems of 35 urban enterprises of casting and forging are closed down or paused or transfered. At present, the chemical and pharmaceutical factories causing seriously industrial pollution have been removed out from the urban. The main pollution sources of mechanical, textile and metallurgical industries causing waste water, noise, smoke and dust have been thoroughly treated and transformed early or late. The reduced pollutants per year can be seen as the table 1.

After putting the removal and modification into effect, the urban environment quality has been evidently improved. The comprehensive air pollution index (CAPI) has dropped down from 7.88 of 1990 to 4.40 of 2000. Especially in the “95” period, it become more better, you can see the chart 1.

Among 47 key cities of national in 2000, the Dalian CAPI rank 12th. The air quality rank 9th among 42 key city from air quality daily API in 2000, rank first among 18 northern cities.

The offshore sea quality of the urban has been obviously improved. Especially the main pollutants in the coastal waters of the southern part in Dalian has declined evidently. see table 2.

It brings out potential economic benefit.

Through the great removal, not only the industrial pollution has been brought into permanent control, but also several elegant projects of urban construction, business and office building and residential such as hope square, huale square, hope building, Dalain CCPC building, changchun garden have been established one after another according to the principle of “Removing it Modifying it, Controlling it Benefiting it” and the city overall construction planning by making use of the vacated land. Before 1999,90 enterprises had been removed out with the result of the vacated land of 2.4 million square meters among which 1.13 million square meters is for the purpose of residential area, 0.42 million for business and office, 0.85 million for the urban road, square and dwelling green. So enterprise removal speed up the urban construction development and also brings the urban environment benefit into the economic benefit.

By way of enhancing the environment quality and completing the urban function, the whole city value has been increased. In 1992, the usable fund of Dalian financial was 2.1 billion yuan, the last year up to 9 billion. In 1992, the land sale price was 40 yuan per square metre in Dalian, up to 800 in 1994, up to 4000 in 1999, therefore in 5 years the land sale price in the urban has increased 5 times. Meanwhile, in 8 years, Dalian GDP has raised from 27 billion yuan in 1992 to 111 billion yuan in 2000 with 14.2% of the annual average rate of increase. The material object asset is increased from 75.8 billion yuan to 260.9 billion yuan with 16.7% of the annual average rate of progressive increase. The proportion of the tertiary industry in the GDP raises from 32% to 44%. The total foreign investment is up to 9.28 billion yuan.

It brings the nice social benefit

It makes a earth-shaking change on the city environment. The nice environment quality and perfect city function become a famous name card for inviting foreign investment, so result in relative industry development. In 2000, the state-owned commercial realized that the benefit ranked first among each metropolises in northeastern and round-hohai-sea in 5 years running, the tourism income broke down 9 billion yuan, the number of foreign visiters and the foreign exchange earnings of tourism all increased 30% than last year and 52 exhibition fairs happened with the trade volume of more than 30 billion yuan. Until 2000, the composition proportion of increment value of the tertiary industry had been adjusted from 12:56:32 to 9.8:46.2:44, so that realized the historical and striking development. It becomes main force in promoting the national economic development.

The environment economic development makes the consumption constitution and life quality of urban and rural obviously improved and enhanced. Since 1992, Dalain government has paid attention to improve humanbeings environment and construct safe, beautiful and healthy residential area following the principle of “people being basic”. So 23 million square metres residential has been construted. 1 million people of 2 million have removed into new apartments. The average living space per capita is raised from 9.2 square metre to 13.8 in the urban, the covering rate of green up to 40.5% in the constructed area, and the public green land per capita up to 8.5 square metre.

Live in one globe, care the same earth

In recent years, the removal and modification work make the sky more blue, the waters more clean, the mountain more green and the city more beautiful in Dalian. Its environment quality become more better. We have stepped on to the sustainable development road. But we understand that the world economy depends on each other, the global environment problem is related with humanbeings destiny. Live in one globe, care the same earth. Under the new situation, whatever the world economic or environmental problem all need the international cooperation. Now, While Dalian government depends on itself energy to resolve the current environment problem, we play active role to gain the international add and invite foreign investment through all way.

In 1997, Dalain was recognized as one of Demonstration cities of Sino—Japan environment cooperation with the final goal of making it become an international modern city of the rational city lay-out and industry structure, perfect circulate of city ecosystem, beautiful environment and sustainable development.