Labor * Disabled / $13,821.00 / 39.45%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $6,504.00 / 18.56%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $1,886.57 / 5.38%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $887.80 / 2.53%
Insurance / $609.75 / 1.74%
Equipment Amount / $1,666.67 / 4.76%
Equipment Operating Cost / $104.17 / 0.30%
Supplies / $3,388.33 / 9.67%
Other / $682.70 / 1.95%
Administrative Overhead / $3,320.00 / 9.48%
Contingency / $63.00 / 0.18%
TIBH Management Fee / $2,102.17 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $35,036.15 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 4 Average Wage: $8.50

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 1,626
2,168 / 75.00% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $15,707.57 / 44.83% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $3,388.33 / 9.67% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $3,320.00 / 9.48% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Comments: None

Labor * Disabled / $3,343.00 / 32.53%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $1,275.00 / 12.41%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $637.51 / 6.20%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $117.05 / 1.14%
Insurance / $272.00 / 2.65%
Equipment Amount / $0.00 / 0.00%
Equipment Operating Cost / $118.00 / 1.15%
Supplies / $1,987.56 / 19.34%
Other / $251.90 / 2.45%
Administrative Overhead / $925.33 / 9.00%
Contingency / $733.00 / 7.13%
TIBH Management Fee / $616.61 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $10,276.91 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 4 Average Wage: $8.75

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 382
477 / 80.08% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $3,980.51 / 38.73% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $1,987.56 / 19.34% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $925.33 / 9.00% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Comments: None

Labor * Disabled / $24,642.75 / 51.17%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $6,759.50 / 14.04%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $1,893.59 / 3.93%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $907.94 / 1.89%
Insurance / $299.04 / 0.62%
Equipment Amount / $0.00 / 0.00%
Equipment Operating Cost / $813.04 / 1.69%
Supplies / $0.00 / 0.00%
Other / $9,452.67 / 19.63%
Administrative Overhead / $0.00 / 0.00%
Contingency / $500.00 / 1.04%
TIBH Management Fee / $2,889.48 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $48,158.00 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 12 Average Wage: $8.25

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 2,987
3,785 / 78.92% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $26,536.34 / 55.10% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $0.00 / 0.00% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $0.00 / 0.00% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Comments: None

Labor * Disabled / $10,180.50 / 58.84%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $3,542.00 / 20.47%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $787.22 / 4.55%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $661.80 / 3.82%
Insurance / $299.04 / 1.73%
Equipment Amount / $0.00 / 0.00%
Equipment Operating Cost / $793.72 / 4.59%
Supplies / $0.00 / 0.00%
Other / $0.00 / 0.00%
Administrative Overhead / $0.00 / 0.00%
Contingency / $0.00 / 0.00%
TIBH Management Fee / $1,038.15 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $17,302.43 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 5 Average Wage: $8.25

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 1,234
1,642 / 75.15% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $10,967.72 / 63.39% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $0.00 / 0.00% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $0.00 / 0.00% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Comments: None

Labor * Disabled / $3,679.50 / 51.36%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $1,207.25 / 16.85%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $289.90 / 4.05%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $483.19 / 6.74%
Insurance / $299.04 / 4.17%
Equipment Amount / $0.00 / 0.00%
Equipment Operating Cost / $775.28 / 10.82%
Supplies / $0.00 / 0.00%
Other / $0.00 / 0.00%
Administrative Overhead / $0.00 / 0.00%
Contingency / $0.00 / 0.00%
TIBH Management Fee / $429.84 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $7,164.00 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 5 Average Wage: $8.25

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 446
571 / 78.11% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $3,969.40 / 55.41% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $0.00 / 0.00% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $0.00 / 0.00% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Comments: None

Labor * Disabled / $7,000.00 / 46.12%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $1,740.00 / 11.47%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $540.09 / 3.56%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $128.52 / 0.85%
Insurance / $451.84 / 2.98%
Equipment Amount / $1,135.60 / 7.48%
Equipment Operating Cost / $2,006.00 / 13.22%
Supplies / $563.86 / 3.72%
Other / $0.00 / 0.00%
Administrative Overhead / $350.00 / 2.31%
Contingency / $350.00 / 2.31%
TIBH Management Fee / $910.59 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $15,176.50 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 5 Average Wage: $10.00

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 700
840 / 83.33% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $7,540.09 / 49.68% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $563.86 / 3.72% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $350.00 / 2.31% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Comments: None

Labor * Disabled / $8,350.00 / 68.22%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $300.00 / 2.45%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $976.73 / 7.98%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $0.00 / 0.00%
Insurance / $608.00 / 4.97%
Equipment Amount / $0.00 / 0.00%
Equipment Operating Cost / $404.88 / 3.31%
Supplies / $231.00 / 1.89%
Other / $0.00 / 0.00%
Administrative Overhead / $280.00 / 2.29%
Contingency / $355.00 / 2.90%
TIBH Management Fee / $734.40 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $12,240.00 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 3 Average Wage: $10.00

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 835
835 / 100.00% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $9,326.73 / 76.20% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $231.00 / 1.89% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $280.00 / 2.29% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Comments: None

Labor * Disabled / $2,830.00 / 45.04%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $852.00 / 13.56%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $694.77 / 11.06%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $209.17 / 3.33%
Insurance / $137.61 / 2.19%
Equipment Amount / $266.40 / 4.24%
Equipment Operating Cost / $205.47 / 3.27%
Supplies / $163.83 / 2.61%
Other / $75.00 / 1.19%
Administrative Overhead / $267.82 / 4.26%
Contingency / $204.73 / 3.26%
TIBH Management Fee / $377.03 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $6,283.82 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 1 Average Wage: $10.00

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 283
354 / 79.94% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $3,524.77 / 56.09% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $163.83 / 2.61% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $267.82 / 4.26% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Comments: None

Total Number of Opportunities for Disabled: 39

Total Estimated Wages to Individuals with Disabilities:


Total Contracts Amount:


Labor * Disabled / $4,455.00 / 38.86%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $1,595.00 / 13.91%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $750.81 / 6.55%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $278.02 / 2.43%
Insurance / $500.00 / 4.36%
Equipment Amount / $475.00 / 4.14%
Equipment Operating Cost / $1,125.00 / 9.81%
Supplies / $0.00 / 0.00%
Other / $0.00 / 0.00%
Administrative Overhead / $1,146.00 / 10.00%
Contingency / $451.86 / 3.94%
TIBH Management Fee / $687.87 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $11,464.56 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 3 Average Wage: $9.00

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 495
640 / 77.34% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $5,205.81 / 45.41% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $0.00 / 0.00% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $1,146.00 / 10.00% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Prior Year Estimate Wages to Disabled: $4,062.55 Prior Year Actual Wages to Disabled: $4,317.00 Comments: None

Labor * Disabled / $6,400.00 / 57.17%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $400.00 / 3.57%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $1,071.36 / 9.57%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $66.96 / 0.60%
Insurance / $694.00 / 6.20%
Equipment Amount / $0.00 / 0.00%
Equipment Operating Cost / $400.00 / 3.57%
Supplies / $150.00 / 1.34%
Other / $0.00 / 0.00%
Administrative Overhead / $1,000.00 / 8.93%
Contingency / $341.13 / 3.05%
TIBH Management Fee / $671.71 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $11,195.16 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 2 Average Wage: $8.00

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 800
840 / 95.24% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $7,471.36 / 66.74% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $150.00 / 1.34% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $1,000.00 / 8.93% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Prior Year Estimate Wages to Disabled: $7,471.36 Prior Year Actual Wages to Disabled: $7,846.13 Comments: None

Labor * Disabled / $4,140.00 / 42.59%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $440.00 / 4.53%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $693.04 / 7.13%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $73.66 / 0.76%
Insurance / $716.40 / 7.37%
Equipment Amount / $165.00 / 1.70%
Equipment Operating Cost / $1,150.00 / 11.83%
Supplies / $300.00 / 3.09%
Other / $0.00 / 0.00%
Administrative Overhead / $972.00 / 10.00%
Contingency / $486.71 / 5.01%
TIBH Management Fee / $583.20 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $9,720.00 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 1 Average Wage: $9.00

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 460
500 / 92.00% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $4,833.04 / 49.72% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $300.00 / 3.09% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $972.00 / 10.00% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Prior Year Estimate Wages to Disabled: $4,296.03 Prior Year Actual Wages to Disabled: $4,512.61 Comments: None

Labor * Disabled / $43,137.50 / 48.13%
Labor * Non-Disabled / $9,798.00 / 10.93%
Employee Benefits * Disabled / $6,751.02 / 7.53%
Employee Benefits * Non-Disabled / $2,108.80 / 2.35%
Insurance / $4,024.16 / 4.49%
Equipment Amount / $1,550.00 / 1.73%
Equipment Operating Cost / $8,125.00 / 9.06%
Supplies / $1,600.00 / 1.79%
Other / $2,662.61 / 2.97%
Administrative Overhead / $3,000.00 / 3.35%
Contingency / $1,500.00 / 1.67%
TIBH Management Fee / $5,378.11 / 6.00%
Total Contract: / $89,635.20 / 100.00%

Persons with Disabilities: 6 Average Wage: $7.25

Program Requirements
Categories / Proposed Contract Amounts / Precent of Total Contract / Requirements
Direct Labor Hours * Disabled Total Direct Labor Hours
Percent of Direct Labor Hours to the Disabled / 5,950
6,925 / 85.92% / Equal to or Greater than 75%
Wages and Benefits Paid to the Disabled / $49,888.52 / 55.66% / Equal to or Greater than 35%
Percent of Supplies to Contract Total / $1,600.00 / 1.79% / Equal to or Less than 20%
Percent of Admin. Overhead to Contract Total / $3,000.00 / 3.35% / Equal to or Less than 10%

Prior Year Estimate Wages to Disabled: $43,137.50 Prior Year Actual Wages to Disabled: $45,221.05 Comments: None