Our aim is to unite like-minded mothers in an effort to grow our small businesses while achieving a happy work/family balance. As a group, we meet, talk, share ideas and, ultimately, support each other wherever possible.
If you agree to this motto we would love you to apply to become a member.
Date: ___/___/___
Applicant details:
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Surname ...... Given Name(s)......
Residential Address:
...... Post Code......
Mailing Address (if different from Residential Address)
...... Post Code......
Contact Phone: ......
Email ......
Business Name ......
About your business (Category/Products or Services you offer, etc):
Membership Applied for:
Voting Member:
Voting Member applications are open to local mothersthat are registered business owner.
Children’s ages: ……………………………………..
Full members are permitted to vote and sit on the board.
Non-Voting Member
Non-VotingMember applications are open to all. It is not a requirement to be either a parent or a registered business owner. Non-Voting Members are permitted to attend member meetings and board meetings but will not be able to vote or sit on the board.
There is currently no charge for MOTG Business Network Inc. membership.
All members and guests must pre-book and pay per attending meeting the advised meeting costs (usually $12.50* subject to change). Notification of meetings and costs are advised on our website, through email and Facebook.
About Membership and Benefits:
Members enjoy the benefits of a local networking community, access to our private Facebook page (upon approval), a business listing on our website, invites to MOTG Business Network Inc. meetings and events, and the opportunity to be a MOTG Business Network Inc. featured member.
The MOTG Business Network Inc. Featured member is provided the opportunity to give a 10 minute presentation to members at an assigned monthly meeting, is asked to donate a ‘Lucky Door Prize’ for that meeting, receives feature promotion on our MOTG website, social media and in our monthly newsletter.
I would be interested in being a MOTG Feature Member
My Lucky Door Prize donation: ……………………………………………………..
(This lucky door prize can be as small or large as you like. We encourage you to use your services wherever possible. When your lucky door prize is offered you receive certain privileges. These include a 10 minute talk about your business during the assigned meeting, an article about you and your business appearing in thee-newsletter with a photo, and a write-up on the Mums On The Go Facebook page and website.)
Members agree to go on our database and receive MOTG newsletters, invitations and relevant information. We will not share your information to a third party and Cairns Mums On The Go will keep your details in a safe, private location.
MOTG Business Network Inc. | Member Application Form | Sept 2015 | Page 1 of 2