South Side Middle School

School-Parent Compact


(Revised 07/23/2014)


South Side Middle School jointly developed, with parents, a School-Parent Compact that outlines how parents/school/staff/students will share responsibility for improving student academic achievement and how the school and parents will develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards.

Parent/Guardian Agreement – I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will be responsible for supporting my child’s learning by doing the following:

Monitor my child’s attendance and punctuality on a daily basis.

• See that my child is dressed according to the MCS uniform policy each day.

• Support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline.

• Establish a time for homework and review it regularly.

• Be watchful and aware of what my child is learning as reflected by behavior, grades and associations.

• Communicate with teachers frequently to find out how my child is doing in school.

• Review my child’s report card each nine weeks and progress reports every three weeks.

• Consult regularly with my child’s teachers via parent/teacher conferences and /or parent meetings to determine what more I can do to help my child succeed.

Assist the school by giving my time and talent through volunteering in classrooms as time permits.

Parent’s Signature______

Student Agreement – It is important that I do my best. Therefore, I will strive to do the following:

• Attend school regularly and be on time to all classes.

• Come to school each day with notebook, paper, pencils, pens, and other necessary tools for learning.

• Listen, follow directions, and complete all classroom assignments.

• Take books home to complete and return homework assignments on time.

• Follow all school rules of student conduct with respect.

• Makeup missed assignments promptly.

• Seek help of my teachers, principals or another respected adult when I do not understand or have problems I cannot solve as soon as there is a need.

• Follow the MCS dress code as specified in the student handbook.

Student’s Signature______Grade ______

Teacher Agreement – It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I will strive to do the following:

• Demonstrate professionalism by example in every way and remain sensitive to the individuality of each child.

• Determine the student’s educational needs and adjust the instruction to accommodate those needs.

• Provide high-quality instruction that fosters high academic expectations.

• Assign meaningful homework assignments to support, emphasize and extend classroom-learning experiences.

Maintain an on-going and positive line of communication between parents and myself.

• Communicate frequently with parents to let them know how their child is doing in school.

Provide students and parents with student progress reports frequently (at least 3 times each nine weeks).

• Provide a warm, inviting classroom environment where students have access to various teaching/learning experiences through high –quality curriculum development, rigorous, relevance, technology, and real life experiences.

Signatures of Core Content Teachers:


Language Arts Mathematics


Science Social Studies

South Side’s School Responsibility – I, Kobie Sweeten, (Principal) support this Student/Parent/Teacher compact, and will strive to do the following:

§  Provide a supportive, safe, and effective learning environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent, and student via flyers, progress reports, monthly calendars, Parent Link, marquee postings, and parent suggestions.

§  Ensure high quality instruction in the school by implementing a strong academic program based on best practices and literacy.

§  Provide annual teacher conferences.

§  Encourage teachers to use diverse teaching methods and strategies that allow all students to learn at higher levels.

§  Encourage teachers to regularly provide homework assignments that will reinforce classroom instruction.

§  Encourage teachers and students to have high expectations academically, socially, emotionally, and physically.

§  Help foster a school environment where educators work collaboratively daily so that student achievement is attained at a higher level.

§  Give parents reasonable access to staff, to volunteer, participate, and observe in their child’s class

Principal’s Signature______