Aspects of a Successful Career Service

James P. Sampson, Jr.

Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development
University Center, Suite A4100, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2490
(850) 644-6431 (voice) (850) 644-3273 (FAX)

June 2, 2003

1. Clarify Staff Responsibilities

  • Decide on the duties of staff serving individuals in the resource room
  • Decide on the duties of the greeter

2. Review Resource Room Design

  • Decide on a rationale for various elements of resource room design
  • Create a map of the resource room

3. Develop Career Resource Collection

  • Create an inventory of print, audio-visual, and computer-based resources
  • Decide on the criteria used to select career resources for the Center
  • Decide on the procedures for selecting, acquiring, and indexing resources
  • Select resources for individuals with limited reading ability, visual disabilities, and English as a second language
  • Select adaptations for information delivery for individuals with physical disabilities

4. Develop a Plan for Operating the Career Resource Room, Including Staff Training and Supervision

  • Decide on a policy for determining which staff are assigned to serve individuals in the Resource Room
  • Decide on a schedule for staff working in the Career Resource Room
  • Decide on procedures for training staff in using screening instruments and helping clients use career resources
  • Decide how staff assigned to work in the Career Resource Room will be supervised
  • Create appropriate signage for the Career Resource Room

5. Develop Resource Guides

  • Select topics and prepare resource guides

6. Use Screening Instruments

  • Identify a screening instrument (or instruments) to use in service delivery
  • Decide on the criteria for selecting which individuals use the screening instrument
  • Identify how often the instrument (or instruments) is used
  • Evaluate the impact of using screening instruments in service delivery

7. Develop and Use Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)

  • Adapt or create an Individual Learning Plan
  • Decide on the criteria for selecting which individuals the Individual Learning Plan
  • Identify how often the Individual Learning Plan is used
  • Evaluate the impact of using the Individual Learning Plan in service delivery

8. Evaluate Services and Work Towards Continuous Improvement

  • Decide on a strategy for evaluating service delivery
  • Create evaluation instruments
  • Are the right resources being used by the right person with the right level of support at the lowest possible cost?