The Eighth Meeting of the Framework Management Group

2nd Generation Framework Agreement

Wednesday 11th January 2006, 3.00 pm

Council room, 170 Queens Gate, Imperial College


Present: / Zoë Mulholland / Imperial College (Chair)
John Caine / Curtins
Christopher Cook / Imperial College(Secretary)
Mike Crowder / T. Clarke
Roy Dickerson / Imperial College
Brian Finnimore / Lend lease
David Fox / Hurleypalmerflatt
Mike Hazleton / Henry Riley
Steve Howe / Imperial College
Les Ridgewell / Imperial College
Cathy Stewart / Pascall and Watson
Vijay Vaja / Faithful and Gould
Derek Victor / Imperial College
Apologies: / Steve Hateley / Faith and Gould
Rob Thorogood / Hurleypalmerflatt
Steve Lyon / Modus

Agenda Item

/ Action
1. / Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record.
2. / Matters Arising
(a) Item 2b. Zoë Mulholland agreed to liaise with Cathy Stewart over the wording for the revisions to the College Standards Library. (Notes will need to include comments column.) / Zoë Mulholland/ Cathy Stewart
(b Item 2g. Matrix of design responsibilities was issued by John Caine and to be reviewed by Imperial College at business meetings. Need to define at what stage consultants/contractors get involved. Rob Thorogood to agree deliverables schedule with other M&E consultants and issue for comment. College to review stage ‘E’ novation proposal and instruct. / Rob Thorogood/
(c) Item 6g. Cathy Stewart to issue schedule of specialist subcontractor under performance. / Cathy Stewart
(d) Item 7a . Rob Thorogood is now working on design schedule of deliverables at novation for M&E services. / Rob Thorogood
3. / Imperial College Report – New Faces
Zoë Mulholland noted that the following additions to the Estates Project team
(a) Dan Curtis, Project Manager Minor Works
(b) Will Frame- Minor, Project Manager minor works (both reporting to Les Ridgwell)
(c) Valerie Saunders, Projects Team Administrator (reporting to Zoe Mulholland)
(d) Luqman Jalloh, Electrical Engineer (reporting to Roy Dickerson)
4. / Imperial College Report – Communications
(a) Zoë Mulholland issued Project fact sheets which are available on web at:
(b) The next edition of the Estates Newsletter was due at end of January 2006.
(C) Zoë Mulholland issued the ‘Company Profiles’ report to all present and requested that the report be circulated to framework partners for amendment/ update. / All
(d) Zoë Mulholland issued the ‘Initiative Schedule’ to all present and requested that all ongoing initiative to be detailed and forwarded to ZM for inclusion on master Schedule for monitoring purposes. Zoë agreed to circulate a standard template for Sub Group Reports. / All/
Zoë Mulholland
(e) Steve Howe to organise rotation of Framework Management Group members. / Steve Howe
5. /

Imperial College Report- Projects

(a) Concordat signed by Ashford Borough Council, Kent County and Imperial College London with respect to the development of Wye College into Biomedical engineering/Life Sciences Centre with attached business park. Development targeted for commencement 2008 as public/private Partnership.
(b) Non SRIF 3 Projects
Steve Howe noted the following projects now in inception
·  Beit Quad student union
·  Library refurbishment
·  L3 and L4 Sheffield building
·  Hammersmith various projects
·  Weeks hall refurbishment
·  Fisher hall refurbishment
6. /

Architects Report

(a) In response to Cathy Stewart query, it was noted a meeting would be held on 23 January 2006 to select a third technical author for O&M manuals.
(b) Cathy Stewart to arrange workshop to define pre and post notation design deliverables for architectural design – to complement that already put together for ME services, (Note: M&E workshop recommended novation at Stage E as preferred default procurement route). / Cathy Stewart

(c) Brian Finnimore to forward template on novation/design deliverables to Zoe Mulholland

/ Brian Fitzsimmons
(d) Cathy Stewart said the College did not offer an affordable mid range furniture supplier and architects were faced with cheap and cheerful Office Depot or top of the range Spacecraft. Chris Cook agreed to investigate. / Chris Cook

(e) Cathy Stewart to liaise with architects group and appoint DDA champion

/ Cathy Stewart
7 / Cost Managers Report
(a) Mike Hazleton noted that JCT terminology was still finding its way into tender and contract documentation. He requested that all parties use the ECC terminology. / All

(b) Mike Hazelton ran through the initiatives as stated in the Cost Manager’s Report 11 January 2006.

8. /

Structural Engineers Report

(a) John Caine noted that the design deliverables matrix still leaves some deliverables unclear, e.g. design of secondary steelwork. John Caine to forward details of items of design with unclear ownership to Chris Cook for review. / Chris Cook

(b) John Caine noted that Structural Engineers could contribute to initiatives on the Framework Energy Working Group e.g. thermal performance of a building.

/ John Caine
9. /

Building Contractors Report

No report was received from the Building Contractors
10. /

M & E Consultants Report

(a) Mike Crowder noted that if drawings presented in the wrong format they should not be accepted and returned to the design team.
(b) Specialist contractors needed to display visibility of pricing from the alarm and security contractors (e.g. Eleco and Tasc). Roy Dickerson has advised that he has spoken to Elecro about this. / Steve Lyon
(c) Roy Dickerson noted that Elecro were the College approved supplier for installing and commissioning of fire alarms. However, contractors were able to use other companies to install the systems (in accordance with College specifications) with Elecro used only for the final connection on to the College Systems. Any new supplier must be approved by the College.

(d) Chris Cook confirmed that alternative security/CCTV contractors can be used provided that the installations are in accordance with College specifications and access control installers are Lenel approved.

(e) Chris Cook to forward schedule of supervisor duties to Rob Thorogood. / Chris Cook
(f) Steve Howe noted that the new Exhibition Road building to is to be a Landmark building in terms of energy efficiency.
11. / M & E Contractors Report
(a) Mike Crowder noted that framework contractors have difficulty getting onto tender lists for large non framework projects. Chris Cook is to check with John Whitlow. / Chris Cook
(b) Mike Crowder noted that energy saving technologies, e.g. lighting control, plug and play electrics often omitted due to cost savings. Steve Howe noted the college wished to be at the cutting edge of innovation and requested that M&E contractors and consultants develop business cases for energy saving technologies defining long term benefits. / M & E and Contractors
12. / Project Managers Report
(a) Kieran McDaid noted the new contingency model to be use for new projects.
(b) PRINCE2 project management to be implemented college wide for all projects in excess of 100,000.
(c) Needlemans CCM problem noted with uploading quotes takes too long if steps are missed then need to restart. Chris Cook to liaise with Needlemans on improvement.
(d) It was agreed that Chas Guirey would be invited to the next FMG meeting. / Project Managers
Chris Cook
Zoë Mulholland
13. / Date of the Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at 3pm on Tuesday, 21st March 2006 in Estates Meeting Room 1, Level 5, Sherfield.


Feb 06


FMG (11 January 2006) - Minutes