4th Grade Lesson Plan

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4th 3rd Nine Weeks/Week 27Rotation Week 2/B Group

Music TEKS: 4.1A&B; 4.2A; 4.4A&B; 4.5D; 4.6A&B&C.

PREPARE: Sixteenth notes, d’, r’, m’.

PRESENT: Music classroom procedures, rules, CHAMPS and the Six Pillars of Character; Orchestral Instruments; playing in F-do & G-do.

REINFORCE: Third grade concepts—pentatonic, low la, low so, low la minor mode

EVALUATION: Teacher observation, oral response.

ACTIVITIES: Sing in tune; listening; pass yarn ball on instrumental cue; move to the beat; play Orff instruments.

Greeting: Sing Hello Song, drmsl, response—group. Pass yarn ball to steady beat: each child says his/her name and passes the ball to the next child.

MTWThF Rev. Music classroom rules and CHAMPS; the Six Pillars of Character.


MTuWThF Music and Movement from Music for Creative Movement, compiled by John Feierabend. Sustained, Satie “Gymnopedie No. 1; Shostokovich, “Pizzicata Polka from Ballet Suite No. 1”.

M-Th- “Alabama Gal,” p12., Chimes of Dunkirk, New England Dance Masters. Students listen to song and echo chant words; then teach dance. As song is learned, students will experience patterned movement to refrain, different one to verse.

Dance Instructons: Formation: Partners stand facing one another in longways set.

  1. First couple sashay down the center of set & back to top. 2. Right hand turn around partner 3. Left hand turn around partner. 4. All face up. First couple cast off & others follow behind. 5. First couple makes a two-hand arch at bottom of set. 6. Second couple meet below the arch & back to place, with all other couples following back to place.

M-Th- “Willoughby,” TE2:69, CD2:4:11. Students listen to song and echo chant words; then teach dance. As song is learned, students will experience patterned movement to refrain, different one to verse.

Dance Instructons: Formation: Partners stand facing one another in two lines. 1. Partners first join right hands, then left hands, so that arms are crossed. 2. Refrain: Partners pulled their joined arms back & forth in sawing motion to the beat. 3. Verse: All raise their joined hands. Head couple does a slide-step down the “alley” formed by the arch of the joined hands of the others & remains there, creating new head couple. 3. All lower their arms on the fermata & get ready to repeat.

M-Th- “Galopede,” p16., Chimes of Dunkirk, New England Dance Masters. Students listen to song and echo chant words; then teach dance. As song is learned, students will experience patterned movement to refrain, different one to verse.

Dance Instructons: Formation: Longways set for 8-12 couples.

A1. All forward & back (8) All cross over, passing right shoulders, no partner’s place. (8) A2. Repeat A1.

B. Dosido partner (8) Two-hand turn partner (8)

C. Top couple takes two hands & sashay down center to bottom of set. Other couples move up one place.

M-Th- “Heel and Toe Polka,”p ., Chimes of Dunkirk, New England Dance Masters. Students listen to song and echo chant words; then teach dance. As song is learned, students will experience patterned movement to refrain, different one to verse.

Dance Instructons: Formation: Double circle for 8-12 couples.

A1. Heel & toe (2x), slide (4x)

B. Right hand clap (3x), left hand clap (3x), both hands clap on legs (3x), clap own hands (3x).

C. Swing partner around (1x) (1-2-3-4), pass right shoulders, go to new partner (5-6-7-8).

ThF-Dance-Intro Alabama Gal, Chimes of Dunkirk, New England Dance Masters. Introduce dance terms such as long set, square set, cast off, sashay, etc. Teach dance and perform as half the class observes, then switch places.

ThF-Dance-Intro Sweets of May, Chimes of Dunkirk, New England Dance Masters. Introduce dance terms such as long set, square set, cast off, sashay, etc. Teach dance and perform as half the class observes, then switch places.

F-Game Day

Goodbye Song, drmsl, response—group.