What Do I Do When I’m Done Assignment
Quarter 1
Name ______Period ______
Directions: Using the back of the American History book’s Skillbuilder Handbook, complete the Practicing the Skill activities on each page when you are finished with all of your other class work. Activities will be collected each quarter for a grade. Be sure to label each activity with its title. Check off each activity on the line provided when it is complete, and staple this cover sheet to your work.
First Quarter
Reading and Critical Thinking
______1.1Taking Notes with Graphic OrganizersPage R2
______1.2SummarizingPage R3
______1.3Finding Main IdeasPage R4
______1.4Sequencing EventsPage R5
______1.5CategorizingPage R6
______1.6Analyzing Cause and EffectsPage R7
______1.7Comparing and ContrastingPage R8
______1.8Identifying Problems and SolutionsPage R9
______1.9Making InferencesPage R10
What Do I Do When I’m Done Assignment
Quarter 2
Name ______Period ______
Directions: Using the back of the American History book’s Skillbuilder Handbook, complete the Practicing the Skill activities on each page when you are finished with all of your other class work. Activities will be collected each quarter for a grade. Be sure to label each activity with its title. Check off each activity on the line provided when it is complete, and staple this cover sheet to your work.
Second Quarter
______1.10Making GeneralizationsPage R11
______1.11Drawing ConclusionsPage R12
______1.12Making DecisionsPage R13
______1.13EvaluatingPage R14
______1.14Analyzing Point of ViewPage R15
______1.15Distinguishing Fact From OpinionPage R16
______1.16Analyzing Primary SourcesPage R17
______1.17Recognizing Bias and PropagandaPage R18
______1.18 SynthesizingPage R19
What Do I Do When I’m Done Assignment
Quarter 3
Name ______Period ______
Directions: Using the back of the American History book’s Skillbuilder Handbook, complete the Practicing the Skill activities on each page when you are finished with all of your other class work. Activities will be collected each quarter for a grade. Be sure to label each activity with its title. Check off each activity on the line provided when it is complete, and staple this cover sheet to your work.
Third Quarter
Reading Maps, Graphs, and Other Visuals
______2.1Reading MapsPage R20
______2.2Reading Graphs and ChartsPage R22
______2.3Analyzing Political CartoonsPage R24
______2.4Creating a MapPage R25
______2.5Creating a ModelPage R26
Research, Writing, and Presentation Skills
______3.1Formulating Historical QuestionsPage R27
______3.2Identify and Use Primary and Secondary SourcesPage R28
______3.3Using a DatabasePage R29
______3.4ParaphrasingPage R30
What Do I Do When I’m Done Assignment
Quarter 4
Name ______Period ______
Directions: Using the back of the American History book’s Skillbuilder Handbook, complete the Practicing the Skill activities on each page when you are finished with all of your other class work. Activities will be collected each quarter for a grade. Be sure to label each activity with its title. Check off each activity on the line provided when it is complete, and staple this cover sheet to your work.
Fourth Quarter
______3.5OutliningPage R31
______3.6Forming and Supporting OpinionsPage R32
______3.7EssayPage R33
______3.8Constructed ResponsePage R34
______3.9Extended ResponsePage R35
______3.10Creating a Multimedia PresentationPage R36
Using the Internet
______4.1Using a Search EnginePage R37
______4.2Evaluating Internet SourcesPage R38
______4.3Recognizing BiasPage R39