Domain 2 Word Wall
Expansion and Industrial RevolutionLouisiana Purchase
Extension of land from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains sold by the French
Lewis and Clark
In 1812, Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the new territory, in what become known as the Lewis and Clark expedition.
War of 1812- US and Britain fought and the US won. War took place because of an Embargo and War Hawks wanted war.
Impressment: Policy of seizing people or property for military or public service
Erie Canal
Connected the Atlantic Ocean with the Midwestern USA
Trail of Tears- forced march of the Cherokee Indians to move west of the Mississippi in the 1830’s.
Indian Removal Act- Act passed by Congress in 1830 that allowed the federal government to negotiate land trades with the Indians in the Southeast.
Monroe Doctrine
Foreign policy doctrine set forth by president Monroe in 1823 that discouraged European intervention in the western hemisphere
Industrial Revolution
Shift from manual labor to mechanized work that began in Great Britain during the 1700s and spread to the United States around 1800
Movement aimed at stopping alcohol and problems created by alcohol
Someone in the nineteenth century that joined the movement to end slavery
Women Suffrage
A women working for greater rights & opportunities for women
Seneca Falls Conference
In 1848, the nation’s first Woman’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York.
Jacksonian Democracy
Andrew Jackson ‘s version of Democracy where the common people are more important than the federal government
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
An American suffragist, social, activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women’s right movement
Cotton Gin
Machine helped separate cotton to make slaves jobs easier created by Eli Whitney
Buildings and roads that were organized to help the US grow and move west
Eli Whitney
Created the cotton gin , the machine made the process faster
Interchangeable Parts
Components that can be used in place of one another
Manifest Destiny
The belief that God wanted the US to own all of North America
Public School Movement
Movement by Horace Mann to create public school education in the US
William Lloyd Garrison
Created an antislavery Newspaper called The Liberator in Boston Massachusetts
Frederick Douglass
A former slave that escaped in 1838 and become one of the greatest anti slavery speakers
Grimke Sisters
Abolitionists who gave speeches about the horrors of slavery