Name: Period:


You will create 10 panels of your own graphic novel memoir!

Please use this planning guide to get started.

You will turn your completed planning guide in as part of your grade


  1. Create the superhero version of you!

a)  What is something that makes you different?

b)  How can you turn your difference into a superpower? (Example: Cece’s Phonic Ear lets her hear things no one else can; she can be the teacher lookout!)

c)  Draw and label yourself as a superhero, using the power mentioned above. This drawing must be one panel in your comic.

  1. When did your superhero “power” affect you? For example, sometimes Cece feels left out, like at Ginny’s slumber party. Other times her Phonic Ear is amazing, like when she’s the lookout during Quiet Math. Write about a specific situation where your “power” helped or hurt you:
  1. Think of a beginning, middle, and end to your story. Use your answer from question 2 in your plot.

a)  Beginning: introduce yourself and your superpower. (Cece loses her hearing and gains her Phonic Ear)

b)  Middle: What problem did you face? How did this problem affect you? (Cece feels lonely and left out; she is self-conscious about the Phonic Ear.)

c)  End: what happened when you confronted the problem? How did you feel? (Will Cece feel accepted? How can she use the Phonic Ear to help herself and others?)

  1. Create your comic! You may choose the size and shape of the panels. Make sure you are using the graphic novel elements we’ve discussed to help tell your story:

a)  Panel shape and size

b)  Text effects

c)  Speech bubbles, sound effects, and thought balloons

d)  Color (how does color affect mood and tone? Use color to differentiate between characters, caption boxes, etc.)

e)  Perspective

f)  Facial expressions and body language

Use this space to plan out your panels. Remember, you need at least 10 panels and your story needs a beginning, middle, and end.

Congratulations! Now that you have completed the planning guide, you are ready to create the final draft of your comic! You must turn this planning guide in with your final comic.


1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Planning Guide / Planning guide is not filled out / Planning guide is partially filled out; at least one question is blank / Planning guide is filled out, but student didn’t use complete sentences. / Planning guide is filled out using complete sentences.
Plot & Superpower
(Questions1-3) / Comic is a list of facts with no clear beginning, middle, or end / Comic has one of the following: beginning middle, or end / Comic has a beginning & middle (problem) but no resolution to the problem (end) / Comic has a clear beginning, middle, and end. The problem is introduced and solved.
Graphic Novel Elements
(Question 4) / Use 2 or fewer elements: varied panel size, text effects, speech bubbles, color, perspective, expressions, body language / Use at least 3 elements: varied panel size, text effects, speech bubbles, color, perspective, expressions, body language / Use at least 4 elements: varied panel size, text effects, speech bubbles, color, perspective, expressions, body language / Use at least 5 elements: varied panel size, text effects, speech bubbles, color, perspective, expressions, body language
“Read-ability” and Quality of Work / Doesn’t make sense to the reader, very low effort / Hard to follow in some places, effort can be improved / Can be followed, shows good effort / Interesting, easy to follow along, shows high level of effort
Mechanics and Organization / 5 or more misspellings. Missing all of the following:
Title, first name, last name, period. / 3-5 misspellings. Missing two of the following:
Title, first name, last name, period. / 1-3 misspellings. Missing one of the following:
Title, first name, last name, period. / No misspellings Missing none of the following: title, first name, last name, period.