Minutes from 5th September of TheMoultons Parish Council held at Moulton Seas End Village Hall at 7pm.

Present: Cllrs Woolf (Vice Chairman), Cooper, Poll, Henderson, Benton, Wright, Tibbs.

District Cllr Casson, 4 members of the public and one member of the press.

  1. Chairmans welcome. In the absence of Simon Meade, Chairman, Cllr Andrew Woolf,Vice Chairman, presided. Cllr Woolf welcomed everyone.

Public forum.

  1. Apologies.
  1. Apologies had been received from Cllrs Meade, Thorpe, Hahn and Wakefield. Reasons given and accepted by all.
  1. Declarations of interest.
  1. None received.
  1. Notes of the meeting held on 4th July 2017 be accepted as a true copy of the minutes.
  1. Proposed by Cllr Cooper and seconded by Cllr Poll that these be accepted. ALL AGREED.
  1. Clerks report.
  1. The Clerks report on outstanding matters had been circulated to all Cllrs before the meeting. ALL AGREED.
  1. Cemetery, Churchyard and Allotment report.
  1. The Clerk can report that all the above is running smoothly and the Allotment rents will be sent out at the end of September.
  2. The email received from Moulton PCC will be discussed under item 13.
  1. Police report.
  1. ASB=4, criminal damage=1, RTC=1xHall lane, 1x Broad Lane, theft=2, violence=0, burglary=1.
  2. The Clerk attended a meeting arranged by County Councillor Nigel Pepper, with the new Commissioner of Police for Lincolnshire. Commissioner Marc Jones updated everyone attending, of his strategy for Policing the Lincs area.
  1. Highways matters to include the SID report.
  1. Nothing received from Highways Dept. Cllr Cooper asked if the Clerk had requested permission from the relevant departments to erect the new SID brackets on various posts.
  2. SID data. Clerk can report that all speeds are within the limit.
  1. Financial matters.
  1. The financial report was read, this included both July and August finances. Proposed by Cllr Wright and seconded by Cllr Benton. ALL AGREED.
  1. Planning matters.
  1. Standing Orders were suspended: General discussion with both Cllrs and the public had taken place, regarding how planning applications are discussed at SHDC level. 5 Dwellings in MSE located on a dangerous bend had been approved and yet in another area in MSE 5 other dwellings were refused. Standing Orders resumed.
  1. Moulton Village Ward.
  1. A request had been received by the Clerk for funding towards the new heating system in Moulton Community Centre. After discussion, it was decided that the sum of £300 will be given. Proposed by Cllr Woolfe and seconded by Cllr Henderson. ALL AGREED.

Moulton Park. Nothing has yet been discussed regarding Moulton Park and hopefully a meeting with SHDC will take place soon.

  1. Maintenance on the area surrounding the village notice board, was to be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.
  1. Moulton Seas End.
  1. The broken seat on one of the play equipment has now been ordered from Wicksteed and the metal gates, which had been reported as twisted, will be inspected by Cllr Wright and a report and advice given. The new notice board situated on the village hall outer wall has now been erected.
  2. As per comment from a member of the public. The grass on the playing field will be cut by Dawsons in the next few days.
  1. Moulton Chapel.
  1. The new notice board situated on the board by the bus shelter/church has now been erected.
  2. Standing Orders were suspended to discuss the email received by the PCC regarding the removal of a large tree blocking view of the church. It was decided that the cost of this work will be split two ways with the District Councillors contributing £300 towards the final cost. ALL AGREED. Also, a car had missed the bend on the road and ploughed through the churchyard hedge. District Cllr Casson stated that he would deal with this matter. StandingOrders resumed.
  1. Correspondence.
  1. The Parish Council insurance is now due with Came & Co. It was decided that we try to get the best deal possible that suits our needs. Clerk with report this at the next meeting.

Standing Orders were suspended. To enable Cllr Henderson to discuss the ‘litter picking’ equipment available from SHDC.D.C.Casson said that he would look into obtaining a pack on our behalf at a cost of £150. It was agreed that of a pack was available then we should buy one. Standing Orders resumed.

  1. Councillors reports & items for inclusion at the next meeting.
  2. Date of the next meeting.
  3. It was confirmed that the date of the next Parish Council meeting will be on 3rd October at 7pm at Moulton Chapel Youth & Community Centre.
  4. To resolve whether to include the public, police and press who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

It WAS requested that these people be asked to leave the meeting.

The general meeting ended at 8.30pm