Name: ______Per: ______Day: ______

The Odyssey Annotations

Directions: Use these questions as a way to annotate The Odyssey as you are reading.

“The Cyclops”
  1. Record Odysseus’ descriptions of the island as he is traveling to the cave.
  1. How does Odysseus' curiosity put everyone in danger once the men are in the cave? (Hint: Why doesn’t Odysseus want to leave before the Cyclops returns?)
  1. How does the Cyclops prove his barbaric and violent nature soon after he meets Odysseus and his men?
  1. What does Odysseus answer when the Cyclops asks him about his ship? When Cyclops asks for Odysseus’ name? How is his answer humorous later?
/ Annotations
  1. Why doesn’t Odysseus stab the Cyclops when he has the chance the first night he falls asleep? Why does the Cyclops fall asleep so quickly the next night?
  1. How does Odysseus save his men and make it safely out of the cave?
  1. What critical error does Odysseus make with Cyclops as he is leaving on his ship? How does this help Cyclops and how does he respond?
Quick Write#1:What Central Ideadoes Homer develop about pride in this adventure? How do Odysseus’ character and actions help to develop that Central Idea? Use textual evidence as support for your answer.
Questions / Annotations
“The Sirens”
  1. Who warned Odysseus of this next adventure?
  1. What is magical about the Sirens?
  1. How does Odysseus protect his men? Himself?
  1. How did the men “disobey” Odysseus?
Quick Write #2: How is the Sirens story significant in terms of Odysseus’s character development? How has he changed? / Annotations
“Cattle of the Sun God”
  1. Why do the men stay so long on an island that poses a threat to them?
  1. Why do the men even think about eating the cattle in the first place?
  1. Why isn’t Odysseus part of the group that eats the cattle?
  1. How are the men convinced to actually eat the cattle?
  1. How does Zeus find out what the men have done?
  1. Why is Zeus “forced” to retaliate against the men?
/ Annotations
“Cattle of the Sun God” Continued
  1. How are the men punished?
  1. What happens to Odysseus?
  1. How does Zeus help Odysseus out once he is floating alone at sea?
10. Where does Odysseus end up? / Annotations
“Father and Son”
  1. How is Odysseus disguised by Athena so that he is unrecognized by others? How will this disguise help him later at the palace?
  1. Describe Telemachus’ initial reaction to Odysseus. Include the Homeric simile Homer uses to describe the moment.
  1. What information does Telemachus give to Odysseus about the suitors and what they will have to contend with back at the palace?
  1. Odysseus has a plan and he gives 3 specific instructions to Telemachus…what are they?
/ Annotations
“The Suitors”
  1. How does Antinous treat the “beggar” Odysseus? Give details.
  1. How does Odyssues react? What does he say?
  1. How do the other suitors react to Odysseus and Antinous’s actions?
  1. What is Telemachus’s reaction?
  1. What does Penelope ask Eumaeus to do with the “beggar”?
Quick Write #3: How has the character of Odysseus changed in this section? Use textual evidence from the reading to show that Odysseus is learning to rely on wisdom rather than pride to succeed. / Annotations
  1. What does Penelope ask about the “beggar” and how does Odysseus respond?
  1. What does Penelope tell Odysseus about how it’s been for the past 20 years and how she has been trying to deal with the suitors in her house?
  1. What is the final promise the “beggar” gives to Penelope about Odysseus?
/ Annotations
“The Challenge”
  1. Describe the “challenge”
  1. Describe in detail how Odysseus faces achieving the challenge.
  1. Describe some of the suitors’ comments and why they are ironic.
  1. Explain how Odysseus and Telemachus then react to the suitors – What does Odysseus say to his son? What does Telemachus do?
Quick Write #4: In what ways are Penelope and Odysseus similar characters? Use textual evidence as you develop your answer. / Annotations
“Odysseus’s Revenge”
  1. How does Odysseus transform?
  1. Who is the first to die? How?
  1. Once the first man dies, Odysseus clearly reveals himself to the rest of the suitors and then tells the men what?
  1. Who is the next suitor to die and how does he try to save himself and the rest of the suitors? Odysseus’ response?
  1. Describe the rest of the massacre, include where Telemachus goes.
/ Annotations
“Penelope Tests Odysseus”
  1. Odysseus is made handsome and muscular by Athena before he faces Penelope; according to Odysseus, how does she immediately react to him?
  1. Penelope gives the nurse, Eurycleia, a specific order, at which Odysseus becomes enraged. What was the order and why was Odysseus so mad?
  1. Briefly finish this section
  1. Describe what happens the next day after Odysseus’ return.
/ Annotations