MINUTES of a Extraordinary Meeting of Little Downham Parish Council held in the Village Hall,

Main Street, Little Downham, on Thursday, 6 March 2008 commencing at 7.30pm.

Councillors present: CM Frankland, in the chair, and DA Adams Payne, H Atwal, CE Hall, EW Hall,

RS Martin, RC Stacey, BL Taylor (8.07pm), AJ White and KO Winters.

In attendance: Mr Rohan Wilson (Sustrans) and five parishioners.


1. Apologies were received from Cllr BL Taylor, Dist Cllrs A Bailey and T Goodge, County Cllr P Read, PC Humble & PCSO Collins.


1. Mr Rohan Wilson briefly explained Sustrans role and the network of cycle routes. Various options were discussed in Black Bank Road and Hurst Lane areas. It was agreed that the matter should be discussed in more detail and that funding would have to be sought because the £50 million Sustrans has been awarded is tied up in 79 other projects nationwide.

8.07pm Cllr BL Taylor arrived.

8.10pm Mr Wilson was thanked for his attendance and left the meeting.

230/07 TO ADJOURN MEETING FOR PUBLIC FORUM – No comments from the public


1. Cllr DA Adams Payne declared a personal interest in item 232/07.1.2 because she lives next door.


1. To consider planning applications received:

1.1 07/01468/FUL Mr & Mrs R Broker, Site to East of Woodlands, Downham Common, Lt Downham – Construction of stables and change of use to paddocks – Amendment – relocating the proposed stable block to ensure it is partially screened by the existing hedge and to also bring it closer to the existing development - RESOLVED: The Parish Council had no concerns.

1.2 08/00118/FUL Mark Turner, Hereward House, 66 Main Street, Lt Downham – change of use of existing annexe to business use (treatment studio for acupuncture/reiki or small office) RESOLVED: The Parish Council had concerns about this application and recommends outright refusal of permission for the following reasons:

1. Proposed uses - The proposed uses, by reason of its siting, are considered inappropriate in this high residential area within a conservation area. The conversion of this annexe to business use as diverse and briefly suggested on the application form would assume to greatly increase the number of people using or visiting this property.

2. Parking - Access to and from the site is restricted due to the property sharing a narrow driveway with No. 66 Main Street. On road parking is an issue on Main Street and the local area outside this property is no exception. Due to the restricted access and lack of turning area on site, it is assumed that parking would have to be on Main Street.

2. Planning correspondence:

For information only:

2.1 ECDC Notification of Appeal

Location: / Land adjacent to 20 Park Lane, Lt Downham
Proposed Development: / Outline permission for one dwelling
Application Reference: / 07/01057/FUL
D of E Appeal Reference: / APP/V0510/A/08/2065527/WF
Appellant’s Name: / Mr & Mrs Hobbs
Deadline date: / 24th March 2008

2.2 CCC Notification of application to be considered at Development & Control Committee

Location: / Land at Murfitt Industries Ltd, Wisbech Road (A1101), Littleport
Proposal: / Variation of condition 4 (noise levels of E/1060/01/CW AND E/3014/02/CW)
Application No: / E/03012/07/CW
Date & time of meeting: / 12th March 2008 at 10.30am
Venue: / Kreis Vierson Room, Shire Hall, Cambridge

The Clerk was instructed to write to inform that residents in Third Drove and at Pymoor have also reported to councillors of being able to hear the noise from the Murfitt Industries.

2.3 ECDC - Applications approved: 08/00015/FUL,

ECDC - Applications withdrawn: 07/01467/FUL, 08/00034/FUL


1. Highways – Concern regarding signage at junction of Lawn Lane, Lt Downham

2. Reports of horse manure dumped on A Furlong – The Clerk was asked to make local enquiries


1.  Co-option process to fill one vacancy

Three applications had been received. The Clerk explained the ‘one councillor, one vote’ system. The Chairman read out each candidate’s application. Following one ballot, the Clerk, as the Proper Officer of the Council, declared Mrs M Oldfield as duly elected with an overall majority of votes. The Chairman thanked the other applicants for their interest and to those that had attended.

There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.40 pm.

LD.mins Page 2 of 2 06/03/08

Little Downham Parish Council