BJD Updated Patient Partner - UK Project Proposal - DRAFT

Table 1. Objectives

  1. To ensure that UK primary care physicians, nurses and allied health professionals arecompetent to assessa patient with musculoskeletal symptoms and make a differential diagnosis, a treatment plan, and provide basic life style and self-management messages.
  2. To review the content of the Patient Partners programme to ensure it meets current day objectives.
  3. To ensure that Patient Partner course materials are updated and continue to draw on patients as active participants in the process.
  4. To develop a quality improvement programme to ensure delivery is of a consistent high standard.
  5. To make the updated Patient Partner course material accessible through a website
  6. To carry out a pilot of the updated programme in an area of the UK using patient-centred training applied to community based health providers who will increasingly providing care for people with musculoskeletal conditions
  7. To support the new NHS strategy towards GP commissioning and strengthening of community based health care.

Table 2. Project Organisation

Project Organisation
The project will be organised on two levels:
At the first level there will be a high level Steering Group (SG)that will meet on a periodic basis to review the progress of the project, advise on expert issues and approve the quality of deliverables and milestones. The members of the SG are to be advised.
At the second level will be an Expert Delivery Group made up of the Project Coordinator (PC) a Work Package Lead (WPL) a Research Resource (RR), Web Editor (WE) and Video Editor (VE). The PC will also be a member of the SG.

Table 3. Description of Tasks

Description of work
The project is to further develop the Patient Partner program to improve access to it and to pilot the updated program in an area of the UK.This will be achieved by reviewing the existing material for currency, updating it where appropriate and making a web-based version and a video demonstrating history-taking and examination skills. The web-based version will act as a resource for local implementation of the program in a consistent way. It will also allow access to the material in other countries where local implementation of a training program may be limited.A quality improvement program will also be developed to ensure that delivery of the Patient partner approach is of a high and consistent quality.
Sixtasks with associated sub-tasks have been identified to deliver the project:
Task 1Review Patient Partner Materials
1. The work-packagelead (WPL) will identify all the existing materials of the Patient Partner Programme and collate the latest versions. The WP will agree the existing content with the Project Coordinator (PC).
2. The WPL and PC will carry out a systematic assessment of the existing materials of the Patient Partner Programme and identify content areas for update and opportunities for format and delivery improvement.
3. The WPL will draw up a programme of work to update the content of the existing material, and to reformat the materials where appropriate. The WP will also draw up a programme to change the delivery of the programme from paper to web and video-based. The WPL will agree the programme with the PC. The programme of work will constitute a milestone in the delivery of the task.
4. The WPL will confirm the resource requirements to carry out the identified programme of work and ensure that they are within the limits of the project budget.
5. The PC will ensure that the resources to carry out the programme of work are made available either from internal or external sources according to the skills required.
Task 2Update Patient Partner Materials
1. The WPL and Research resources (RR) will update the content of the existing material, and reformat the materials where appropriate. The updated and reformatted materials will constitute a milestone in the delivery of the task.
2. The WPL and the web-editor (WE) will use the updated and reformatted materials to construct the home page and the content of individual webpages as an input to the design of the Patient Partner website. The home page and the content of individual webpages will constitute a milestone in the delivery of the task.
3. The WPL, RR, WE and Video-Editor (VE) will review the updated content of the existing material and identify the sections that will be supported by web-based video presentation.
4. The VE will write the script for the web-based video presentation and will work with the PC to identify willing participants for the video. The VE and PC will agree the script and the VE will then commission production of the video based on the approved script. The production of the video will constitute a milestone in the delivery of the task.
Task 3Design Patient Partner website
1. The WPL and WE willproduce an initial design for the Patient Partner website that will be partly open to the general public with an intranet-restricted part designated for access by trainers, trainees and those who have previously completed the programme. The WPL will agree the initial design with the PC.
2. The PC will provide the resources (internal or external) that will build the website with the required design and content. The resources will build the website.
3. On completion the WPL and PC will sign off the build and hand the site over to the WE. Sign-off of the website will constitute a milestone of the project.
Task 4Upload Patient Partner Materials
1. The WE will upload the home page and the content of individual webpagesto the Patient partner website.
2. The WE will upload the web-based video presentation tothe Patient partner website.
3. The WE will provide a web editorial policy for ongoing news items and events and will be responsible for maintaining the currency of the content of the Patient Partner website throughout the life of the project. The populated website will constitute a deliverable of the project.
Task 5Develop Quality Improvement Programme
1. The PC and WPL will provide an outline design for the Quality Improvement Programme to the RR, based on a review of the updated content of the existing materials and the content of the website.
2. The RR will develop a full draft of the Quality Improvement Programme and present this to the WPL for review and finalization. The production of the finalized draft will constitute a milestone in the delivery of the task.
3. The PC, WPL and RR will build the new Patient Partner program from the updated content of the existing materials; the content of the website and the Quality Improvement Programme and in so doing will construct the new content for a pilot implementation. Finalization of the pilot implementation content will constitute a deliverable of the project.
Task 6UK Pilot Implementation
1. Criteria to identify an area of the UK for the pilot implementation will be drawn up by the PC. It is important that the pilot is targeted at an area where it is believed that suitable patients can be identified for training and where there is a local willingness to improve the delivery of community based care by local health professionals.
2. An Implementation Committee (IC) will be brought together to orchestrate delivery of the Patient Partner Programme in the pilot area.
3. The IC will be responsible for drawing up an implementation plan for the pilot. The implementation plan will include objectives, timetable, success criteria, nominated patient trainees; community based health care providers, and will detail how the pilot will be delivered in terms of the available materials from Patient Partners, including the Quality Improvement Programme, location, numbers and dates.
4. The pilot implementation will be delivered
5. A report of the outcome of the pilot will be prepared by the IC and will include details of the training delivered, its effectiveness, and recommendations for further roll-out including revision to the Patient Pilot materials, website and video presentation if required
6. Separate financial support to deliver the UK pilot implementation will be sought. Completion of the pilot will constitute a deliverable of the project.

Table 4. Milestones and Deliverables

Progress in achieving each of the updated Patient Partner project tasks will be measured through achievement of a series of milestones that are specific to each of the work-streams and linked directly to the final deliverables.
The following milestones and deliverables have been defined as the outcomes from each of the six tasks:
Milestone 1.1The programme of work (MO 1)
Milestone2.1–Updated and reformatted materials (MO 3)
Milestone 2.2 - Home page and the content of individual webpages (MO 4)
Milestone 2.3–Production of the video(MO 6)
Milestone 3.1 - Sign-off of the website(MO 6)
Deliverable 1–populated website (MO 7)
Milestone 5.1 - Finalized draft Quality Improvement Programme (MO 8)
Deliverable 2 – Finalization of the pilot implementation content (MO 9)
Deliverable 3 - Completion of the pilot (MO 12)

Table 5 Timescales (Gantt chart)

A Gantt chart has been developed with the timescales for delivery of the Updated Patient Partner program and UK pilot area implementation. Although the Gantt chart shows the project tasks as being continuous, there is a clear break point between development of the Updated Patient partner materials and the piloted implementation of the training in an area of the UK.

Year 1
Start / End / M1 / M2 / M3 / M4 / M5 / M6 / M7 / M8 / M9 / M10 / M11 / M12
Tasks / 1 / 12
Task 1 / 1 / 1
Task 2 / 2 / 6
Task 3 / 4 / 6
Task 4 / 6 / 7
Task 5 / 7 / 9
Task 6 / 9 / 12
Milestone 1.1 / 1
Milestone 2.1 / 3
Milestone 2.2 / 4
Milestone 2.3 / 6
Milestone 3.1 / 6
Milestone 5.1 / 8
Deliverable 1 / 7
Deliverable 2 / 9
Deliverable 3 / 12

Table 6.Resource Requirements

An estimate of the resources to deliver the Updated Patient Partner programme has been made. The resource requirements for updating the Patient Partner programme have been separately identified from those required to deliver the pilot phase. There is a clear break point between the two sets of work

Resource Code / Resource Title / Task Nos. / Person Days / £ Cost per day / £ Total
PC / Project Coordinator / 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 5.1, 5.3, 6.1 / 11 / 800 / 8800
WPL / Work Package Lead / 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 / 18 / 400 / 7200
RR / Research Resource / 2.1, 2.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 / 63 / 200 / 12600
WE / Web Editor / 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 / 61 / 200 / 12200
VE / Video Editor / 2.3, 2.4 / 23 / 200 / 4600
Total / 45400

Table 7 Other direct costs

Estimates have also been made for other direct costs that will be required to deliver the Updated Patient Partner program and deliver the pilot area training.

Description / Cost (£) / Justification
Website build / 10000 / External resources (if required
Web hotel etc / 500 / Depends on hosting decision
Other goods and services / 500 / Sundries
Total / 11000

Table 8 Project History

How the Project was Acquired
AW was given responsibility to revise this global programme several years ago and pulled together a group in the name of BJD. The copyright belonged to Pfizer, with the proviso that if was not used by Pfizer, the programme would revert to the BJD. After a year of correspondence in 2012-2013, it was agreed that the licence could revert back to the BJD and would include all materials. There were no restrictions from Pfizer, except it cannot be rolled it out in the name of another pharmaceutical company.
Towards the end of 2013 AW began having a dialogue with Pfizer to achieve a grant for rebranding as a BJD initiative and putting the material on a website.
Mid 2014 AW made an application to Pfizer to revise the Patient Partner programme. Much will be done in house for contribution to salaries, ensuring enough operating funds for the Secretariat. AW was advised by Pfizer UK to request funding from the UK rather than Europe or global as this would be the most likely successful approach.
How the Project is Progressing
A project proposal was submitted to Pfizer during September 2014 and they have agreed to part fund this development. A grant for 70% of the project cost has been offered (£40k) with the other 30% being contributed by AW donating his time and some office costs not being claimed. Final submissions from BJD Foundation Trustees are awaited in early November 2014 to complete the Pfizer compliance process.
Which resources will be involved
The intention is to resource the work from the central office so that the Pfizer funding can be used to support central office activity.