(Reflective Essay)

(July 2014)

Writing enables us to reflect on who we are and how we fit into the world.

Unit Statement: Using the writing process presented in Donald Murray’s The Craft of Revision, the student will draft and revise a reflective essay. The student should develop reflective, critical thinking through their writing as a distinguishing character of this essay when compared with (E02) The Personal Essay.

The writing process in this unit should be used to assess “mastery” in (E01) The Writing Process. If taught in conjunction with E01, the time frame for this unit is approximately twenty-seven classroom hours.

Essential Outcomes: (must be assessed for mastery)

1.  The Student Will analyze effective writing in model reflective texts.

2.  TSW focus on a particular aspect of a personal topic.

3.  TSW incorporate narrative and descriptive elements in the reflective essay.

4.  TSW organize the essay purposefully using topical coherence.

5.  TSW develop a written discussion through reflections.

6.  TSW convey a personal voice.

7.  TSW establish a reflective tone through specific word choice.

Introduced Outcomes: (taught, not assessed)

1.  The Student Will summarize the main ideas of the reflective essays.

2.  TSW write a personal response to one of the authors of the model texts.

Practiced/Ongoing Outcomes: (development is ongoing)

1.  The Student Will actively participate in a congenial and respectful manner when completing class assignments.

2.  TSW use reading and vocabulary building strategies to improve English proficiency.

3.  TSW peer edit classmates’ essays for clarity.

4.  TSW practice using open-ended questions to discuss the selected topic for the reflective essay.

5.  TSW take notes on the variety of ideas – personal reflections – expressed in blogs or editorial pages related to one of the topics of the Model Texts in RCWW.

Key Terms and Concepts:



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First-Person Narrator



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Suggested Student Materials: (provided by school)

“Reflection” in Reading Critically, Writing Well (pp 147-206)

The Craft of Revision by Donald Murray

(Each TSW is connected with a specific chapter in Murray’s book.)

Suggested Professional Materials For Teachers: (provided by school)

“Reflection” in Reading Critically, Writing Well (pp 147-206)

The Craft of Revision by Donald Murray

(Each TSW is connected with a specific chapter in Murray’s book.)

Additional Resources: (may not be provided by school)

Writing Creative Nonfiction by Carolyn Forche and Phillip Gerard

Technology Links:

·  OWL: Purdue Online Writing Lab

·  “This I Believe” (National Public Radio Archive)

·  PB WORKS: On-line wiki used for drafting, revising, peer revising and editing.

·  Destiny Webpath Express (found in school library)

Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:

·  Students should annotate the “reflective” vocabulary (Verbs – to wonder, to consider, to contemplate, to muse over, to question; may/might; Transitions – perhaps, sometimes, maybe) in the model texts.

·  Students can create a chart of these words from the reflective essays.

·  Students could compare “reflective statements” to “argumentative” statements by having to separate a list of statements into two categories and then discuss their reasons for classifying a statement as “reflective” or “argumentative.”

·  Students can discuss a topic (following a Fast Write) in small groups with the emphasis on exploring a topic for possibilities rather than any specific solution or opinion.

·  Attached Rubric may be used to assess ALL essential outcomes (TSWs).


Suggested Unit Evaluation Rubric – Reflective Essay (E03)

Student Name: ______Date: ______

To receive a ‘B’ in the unit, a student must demonstrate “MASTERY” of all TSWs.

*To receive an ‘A’ in the unit, a student must demonstrate “ABOVE MASTERY” on (5/7) TSWs and must include TSWs 2, 3, 5 and 7.

TSW / ‘A’ LEVEL / ‘B’ LEVEL / Notes
Analyze effective writing in model reflective essays / Explains the author’s crafting of effective, reflective writing. / Identifies specific elements of effective writing in reflective essays.
Focus on a particular aspect of a personal topic / Focuses on a unique aspect of the topic specifically related to the writer and the audience. / Focuses on a generic topic from a personal perspective.
Incorporate narrative and descriptive elements / Narrative and descriptive elements introduce and illustrate reflections. / Narrative and descriptive elements dominate the essay.
Organize the essay using topical coherence / Follows stream of consciousness and illustrates sophisticated crafting of the essay beyond “main” points as might be seen in the “5 Paragraph” essay. / Demonstrates an understanding of purposeful paragraphing and transitions.
Develop reflections on the topic / Reflections are insightful and enhance the reader’s understanding of a subject. / Reflection on general ideas is based on lessons learned from the experience.
Convey a personal voice / Establishes a personal voice that reveals the attitude of the author. / Establishes a generic, credible voice.
Establish a reflective tone through diction / Incorporates reflective vocabulary appropriately, especially transitions. / Chooses specific diction to create reflective tone.

Name: ______Date: ______

(E03) The Reflective Essay (Suggested Student Self-Assessment Rubric)

Examples of Effective Writing:

Copy and paste (5) examples of “EFFECTIVE WRITING” from your Reflective Essay. In the “explanation” column, discuss how the sample you have provided exemplifies EFFECTIVE WRITING. (Explanation should discuss the quality of the writing in terms of “how” it is written – not what the identified text means.)

Your Text: / Explanation:

Understanding Revision:

Select (3) examples of how you revised your Reflective Essay. In the first column, copy and paste the initial text. In the second column, copy and paste the revised text. In the “Explanation” column, explain what guided you in making this revision and why the revised text is “more effective.”

Your Initial Text: / Revised Text: / Explanation:

Model Texts:

In a brief paragraph using specific references to one of the model texts annotated in this unit, discuss how the model text influenced your own writing.


The Significance of Writing:

In a brief paragraph, discuss how writing the Reflective Essay has affected your understanding and/or appreciation of the subject of your essay.




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