The First Amendment

Study Guide


Due Process Clause

Establishment Clause

Free Exercise Clause

Heckler’s Veto




Prior Restraint

Shield Law

Symbolic Speech

Content Neutral

Ideas and Concepts – General

  • Why are schools so often at the center of 1st amendment debates?
  • Explain the importance of the following quotations to the concept of individual rights:
  • “…free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.”
  • “My right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins.”
  • What is the importance of the 14th amendment?

Ideas and Concepts – Freedom of Religion

  • What does the Free Exercise Clause protect?
  • What has the Supreme Court interpreted the Establishment Clause to mean?
  • What were “religious tests”?
  • What is the Supreme Court’s logic on religion in school
  • (I pull this topic out separately, not because it is more important, but rather because it is a good topic to represent other religion issues…the logic is often the same)?
  • Why/when is it not allowed? Why?
  • When is it allowed? Why?
  • What does the Supreme Court say about citizens “freedom of belief”?
  • Know the importance of the following court cases:

  • West Virginia v Barnett
  • Westside Schools v Mergens
  • Jacobson v Massachusetts

  • What is the Lemon Test?
  • Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives
  • What is the theory behind the creation of this agency of the government?
  • What important Constitutional question must this agency constantly answer?

Ideas and Concepts – Expressive Rights

  • What does it mean that the Supreme Court gives “preferred position” to First Amendment rights?
  • What is the Court’s reasoning for this?
  • What is the “Clear and Present Danger” Rule?
  • What are the limitations placed on this category of speech restriction?
  • What are “Fighting Words”?
  • What are the limitations placed on this category of speech restriction?
  • What is the logic behind “Symbolic Speech”?
  • What are the restrictions on Obscenity?
  • Why is the “Miller Test” and why are obscenity definitions so problematic?
  • What are the two opposing positions regarding “shield laws”?
  • In what ways can the government restrict one’s right to assemble?
  • What Constitutional ideas are conflicting in the idea of a “heckler’s veto”?
  • Why can the government restrict free expression on Radio and Television?
  • Know the importance of the following court cases:

  • Chaplinsky v New Hampshire
  • Cohen v California
  • Tinker v Des Moines
  • Schenck v United States
  • Phelps v Snyder
  • ACLU v Reno
  • Brandenburg v Ohio

Current Events and “Daily Desktop” Concepts

  • Law of Diminishing Returns
  • BRIC