~Week8:PASS Facilitator Info~

.....is the name of the game this fine week☺

After last week’s poster exercise the students should have a reasonably sturdy grip on the processes so texts and lecture notes are cheating ;0) Small edible prize may be given to winning team

·  Divide the class up into teams per table and each table takes it in turn to choose an artist from their team who will take the stage and the whiteboard maker.

·  All the possible words are popped into a ‘hat’ and the chosen (or courageous volunteer) artist blindly chooses one. They are given a couple of seconds to think about it then the leader starts the clock.

·  All tables are allowed to guess regardless of whether the artist is from their team.

·  For every word which is correctly guessed: the team who gets it right gets 5 points and the drawing team gets one. No correct guess -no points for anybody!!

·  The artist is not to:

o  Talk

o  Use numbers, letters or symbols

(Jumping up and down and pulling out own hair is OK but probably isn’t much help)

·  All the words are directly relative to Electron Transport Chain, Glycolysis, Citric acid cycle, etc.

May the Games Begin!!! J

List of words:

ü  Enzyme

ü  Glycolysis

ü  ETC

ü  Exergonic

ü  Endergonic

ü  Citric acid cycle

ü  Hydrolysis

ü  Activation energy

ü  Chemiosmosis

ü  Protein complex

ü  Mitochondria

ü  Oxidative phosphorylation

ü  Fermentation

ü  Cytoplasm

ü  ATP

ü  Entropy

ü  ATP Synthase

ü  Substrate

ü  Active site

ü  Enzyme-substrate complex

ü  Allosteric inhibition

ü  Aerobic/anaerobic

ü  Pyruvate

ü  Ion gradient

ü  Acetyl CoA

Bonus ‘3 point Questions’ to be thrown in here, there or at the end:

·  What does chemiosmosis mean?

·  What is the maximum number of ATP molecules which can be generated from one glucose molecule?

·  How many protein complexes are there in the ETC?

·  What is the product of anaerobic cellular respiration?

Exam Questions from 2006:

*Q 20. maybe directly related to one of the lectorials from this semester (2006)*