Attachment A

Department of Employment Response to Senate Order of Continuing Effect No. 15 for the period 18 January 2016 to 20 April 2016


Name of Portfolio Body / Name of member / Position Type / State / Start date of appointment / End date of appointment / Remuneration (including allowances)
Coal Mining industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation Board / Mark Klasen / Director and Chair representing companies engaged in black coal mining in Queensland / NSW / 16.03.16 / 15.03.20 / $549
(per diem)
National Workplace Relations consultative Council / DenitaWawn / Member representing Master Builders Association / ACT / 19.02.16 / 18.02.18 / N/A
National Workplace Relations consultative Council / Alana Matheson / Member representing Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / NSW / 18.04.16 / 17.04.18 / N/A
National Workplace Relations consultative Council / Melissa Adler / Member representing Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / NSW / 26.06.16 / 25.06.18 / N/A
National Workplace Relations consultative Council / Steve Knott / Member representing Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / VIC / 15.07.16 / 14.07.18 / N/A
Safe Work Australia / Diane Smith-Gander / Chairperson / WA / 09.02.16 / 08.02.19 / N/A

Department of Employment Response to Senate Order of Continuing Effect No. 15 for the period18 January 2016 to 20 April 2016


Name of Portfolio Body / Position
National Workplace Relations Consultative Council / Member nominated by Australian Council of Trade Unions
Fair Work Building and Construction Advisory Board / Member with knowledge of, or experience in, workplace relations; law; or business, industry or commerce and Chair of the Advisory Board
Fair Work Building and Construction Advisory Board / Member who has experience or background in employee representation in the building industry
Fair Work Building and Construction Advisory Board / Member who has experience or background in employer representation in the building industry
Fair Work Building and Construction Advisory Board / Member with knowledge of, or experience in, workplace relations; law; or business, industry or commerce
Fair Work Building and Construction Advisory Board / Member with knowledge of, or experience in, workplace relations; law; or business, industry or commerce
Fair Work Commission / Expert Panel Member (Superannuation: to deal with the four yearly review of default fund terms in modern awards)
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission / One of two members with qualifications or experience relevant to the Commission’s functions, or exercise of its powers
Safe Work Australia / Member representing Victoria
Safe Work Australia / Member representing Queensland