Warsop Parish Council, Town Hall, Church Street, Market Warsop, Mansfield, Notts.NG20 0AL Tel: 01623 846011


MINUTES of the Parish Council meeting held on MONDAY24th February, 2014at 6.30pm upstairsin the Council Chamber, Town Hall.

Present: Cllrs. J. Kerr (Chairman),P. Crawford (Vice-Chairman), A. Wetton, D. Evans,P. Shields (MDC),H. Kochanowski,M. Needham, S. Moody and J.S. Dale.

Notts. Crime and Police Commissioner Paddy Tipping, Insp. Mark Webster, PC Wayne Bennett and Warden Geoff Lomas, Gary Kirk, NeighbourhoodPlan Consultant. CHAD reporter and members of the public.

Apologies:Cllrs. J. Allin (NCC), M. Ellisand D. Harrison.

9080. DECLARATIONS BY MEMBERS OF PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTEREST - The Chairman drew the attention of Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests related to agenda items.

Big Warsop Partnership – Cllr. H. Kochanowski and P Shields

Warsop Town Hall Management Group – Cllrs. S. Moody, J. Allin, P. Crawford, J. Kerr and H. Kochanowski

Warsop Carnival – Cllrs. S. Moody, P. Shields, J. Daleand D. Evans.

SOS – Cllrs. S. Moody, P. Crawford, J. Kerr and H. Kochanowski

CCTV – Cllr. J. Allin

Age Concern – Cllrs. J. Allin, P. Crawford and H. Kochanowski

Welbeck Colts - Cllr. A. Wetton

Market Warsop Players – Cllrs. S. Moody

Meden Vale the Future – Cllrs. J. Allin and J. Kerr

Warsop Footpaths & Countryside Group & Unit 2000 – Cllr. H. Kochanowski, S. Moody (Unit 2000)

Friends of the Carrs – Cllr. P. Shields

Assoc of Labour Councillors – Cllrs. A. Wetton, J. Allin,s. Moody, J. Kerr and P. Crawford.

9081. MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING –Monday 20th January, 2014 accepted as a true record.

9082. CRIME AND DISORDER –The Chairman introduced Paddy Tipping, Police Commissioner for Nottinghamshire and welcomed him. Paddy gave a talk explaining his role, what he has achieved so far and what he intends to do in the future. Although his budget has been cut he is recruiting new PC’s and PCSO’s.Mansfield Woodhouse Police station has been closed and team have been located to cheaper offices, more police stations will close as statistics prove that if someone wants to speak to an officer they pick up the phone or use email. He invited Councillors to ask questions and The Chairman allowed discussion to take place on this occasion.

The Chairman wished PC Wayne Bennett all the best in his new post and added that the PC is very sorry to see him go. He added that the reason crime figures are down the Parish are because of the excellent work the Warsop Police Team have done.

The Chairman thanked Paddy and Mark for coming.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:The Chairman welcomed Shaun Hird, Sports Development Officerfor MDC, he handed out information about the SE Community Activation fund project outline to appoint 2 sports activators to promote increase numbers of sedentary people into sport and reduce anti-social behaviour. He asked for a letter of support from the PC it was agreed and offered to promote the project through the Warsop and District News.


9083. TOWN HALL–The Clerk reported thatCllr. Dale has fitted loft insulation voluntary above the IT suite. She also reported that at the last service of the fire alarm service Chubb recommended that the system needs updating at a cost of £731.36. It was agreed to accept the recommendation.

9084. SHOP–Contracts are due to be exchanged any day.

9085. WARSOP AND DISTRICT NEWS –March edition front page will feature, The Carrs and the positive news about funding from MDC. Advertising revenue is up this month but to keep costs down it will be 20 pages again.

9086. CARNIVAL –Copies of the end of year financial summary 2013 were handed out and the Cllr. Moody asked if PC will continue to support the Carnival financially to the amount of £4,000 for this year. It was unanimously agreed.

9087. BIG WARSOP – Cllr. Kochanowski informed members that the AGM will be held on Wednesday at 7pm in the Town Hall. Everyone is welcome.

9088. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – Copies of the minutes from the last meeting were handed out for information only. The Clerk will be attended a 3 day training course in York on 23rd March. Gary Kirk gave a short talk and told the meeting the leaflets are printed and ready to go out with the W&DNews but Cllr. Moody thought that it would be better for them to go out a week later, as he felt it would have more impact than being push through the letter box with the paper. A show of hands was recorded at 6 for and 2 against, Tania will arrange this and the cost will be £360 to use the W&DN delivery team.. Gary told the meeting that the event bus is confirmed and Cllr. Dale offered to drive it, there will be no charge to hire of the bus but Gary suggested a donation of £100.Cllr. Evans added that Radio Mansfield is willing to do a live promotion on the 27th March. A presence at the Carnival is a must.

9089. F&GP MEETING – Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17th February were circulated to all members and the recommendations were ratified.

a. Town Hall Staff–recommendation for 14 hours cover for Town Hall

Receptionat living wage of £7.65– agreed.

b. Budget 2014-15 – Minutes of meeting held 6th February and

expected income and expenditure figures hand outs –

recommendation from the F&GP to raise the precept to £90,000 and if

we are allowed as a PC to save £15,000 with the Credit Union to go

ahead as soon as possible. Agreed unanimously. Cllr. Kochanowski

will confirm the details next week to the Clerk.

9090. PRECEPT for 2014/15

Cllr. Kerr proposed, Cllr. Crawford seconded the motion, a show of hands was recorded with 6 for and 2 against - 8 members were present at the meeting.

RESOLVED: The precept will be £90,000 including the £16,731 Council Tax Reduction scheme given to the Parish Council from Mansfield District Council. The balance of £73,269 will be met from the residents of the Parish through the Warsop precept.

Unfortunately Cllr. Wetton had to leave the meeting early, therefore his vote could not be recorded.

Cllr. Moody suggested a piece in the next W&DN stating that the rise in precept equates to 3p per week and other councillors said there needs to be an explanation as to why we have had to raise it, all agreed. Cllr. Crawford will work with Tania on this.


Bank transfer £16,000 from Current to Premier account

Lloyds TSB Current Account – 24 Feb 14……………………… £16,250.12

Lloyds TSB Premier Account – 24 Feb14 ……………………. £48,703.77

Paid in for W&DN21JAN – 24 Feb 14 ……………………...... £1,881.00

Accounts already paid:

V1174. Leah Fryett – Chairman’s Allowance ………………………… £100.00

V1175. C. Wilson – Wages – 5 week Jan………………………………£367.20

Accounts to pay:

V1176. Cash – Delivery of W&DN Mar edition ………………………… £360.00

V1177. Cash – Postage ………………………………………………….. £60.00

V1178. T. Barlow – Mobile phone allowance ………………………….. £8.75

V1179. Minster Cleaning – February …………………………………….£531.72

V1180. Morton’s Print – W&DN Feb ………………………………… £1,163.00

V1181. Cash – loft Installation ……………………………………….. £250.00

V1182. NALC – Annual subs …………………………………………. £1,534.57

V1183. Chubb – Fire Alarm service …………………………………….. £98.40

V1184. Smiths of Derby – Clock Service ………………………………. £200.40

V1185. Fairacre Services – Repairs to water boiler ………………….. £200.77

V1186. Notts County Supplies – Stationery …………………………….. £68.12

9092. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL–In the absence of Cllr. Allin there was no report.

9093. MANSFIELD DISTRICT COUNCIL:Nothing to report.

a.Planning Applications:

1. Former Mr Maggot shop High St. Warsop - replacement shop front including a security shutter

2. The Rectory, Church Rd, Church Warsop - works to tree

3. Land at Friar Ln, Warsop - outline application to demolish existing garages and erect 2 dwellings including the reserved matter of access

4. Land adjacent 2 Robin Hood Ave, Warsop - outline application to demolish existing garages and erect 2 no. dwellings including the reserved matter of access

5. Moorfield Farm Development.

b.The Carrs –Funding of £60,000 has now been secured through MDC and the possibility of further funding from the Environment agency is being sourced, together with other funding streams.

P-Day on 11th May at 11am is coming together RBL, Inner Wheel, ATC, Scouts and Big Warsop are offering help. Planting in other parts of the parish is being planned. Before P-Day and Cllr. Dale asked for a date when the PC could get together and cut back the shrubs in High Street car park, ready to plant poppy seeds It was also suggested planting the 3 flower beds on Mansfield Road before MDC grass them over. This involves a lot of work so more volunteers are needed.

9079. DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Monday 17th March

Signed ………………………………. Chairman Date ……………………..