The meeting was opened by the Chairperson at 1930 hrs

Dedication and final tribute read by KM


Vince Taylor (VT) / Chairperson
Ian Hone (IH) / Secretary / Case Worker
Kevin McLean (KM) / Treasurer (Elect)
Hughie Thompson (HT) / Welfare Lead / Case Worker
Sandie Rule (SR) / Wings / Assistant Secretary
Ian Campbell (IC) / BSO


Flt Lt Ian Kent / OC 1244 ATC Sqn


The minutes of the last meeting were not available for this meeting because the public computer being used had become infected with a Virus. SR apologised and will publish the minutes once the situation has been resolved.


There were no matters arising


The quoted figures are taken from the Branch Bank Statement generated on 25 October 2017.

  • Treasurers Account £34727.35
  • Welfare Account £2758.02
  • Wings Account £1334.31


The welfare report was written and presented by HT:

Mr Chairman, fellow members, the Branch Welfare Account as of today, stands at £2758.02. This stated balance includes £1074.56, monies I am holding on behalf of the RAF Ben Fund against previous successful grant applications, therefore our working Welfare capital to-day stands at £1683.46. A little healthier than that reported last month, (£878.46), owing to funds expended by ourselves during the summer months on a particular case being re-imbursed to us by the Ben Fund.

Casework I’ve been involved with since we last convened includes counselling and explaining the Ben Funds position on funding headstones to a bereaved reservist’s widow. An RAF Ben Fund rent review has been carried out as well as the administration and re-application of various RAF Ben Fund RFA’s, three in total. I advised a former RAF Warrant Officer on the possibilities of his being eligible, or not, for an E.P.V. I successfully applied to the Ben Fund for financial assistance for an ex-SNCO mover, he was obviously delighted at the result and expressed his sincere gratitude.

We continue at the RBL town centre “Pop-In” with a RAFA “Welfare surgery” every Wednesday afternoon from 13.30 hrs. Roy and I used to do this each week together, but of recent weeks we have been doing it, turnabout. Roy has frequent medical appointments to attend and they always seem to fall on a Wednesday, so if anybody could help out with a Wednesday p.m. stint at the RBL “Pop-In” for a couple of hours it would be most appreciated. You don’t necessarily have to be “welfare trained” as you can always

make a referral through me to one of our welfare team, it’s just so as we maintain our town centre presence.

Roy, I know is working on an EPV case at the moment and all is in hand there. He has a few other on-going cases as well.

IH reported that the case involving a retired RAF Officer whose wife had been taken into care is progressing. The applicants Son who is the main contact has been sent details of Companies who will provide written estimates for a Wet Room Conversion.

This morning I received a further E.P.V. enquiry via Area which I will look into in due course

Unless there are any questions that concludes my October 2017 report.


There are no current collections arranged for the immediate future for our area. SR will be running her Charity Stall in Christ Church on 11 Nov 17.

HT informed the committee that he had the Wings return to complete and it was important that the correct details were entered.

The account currently stands at £1334.31 and it as proposed by HT and seconded by IH that the amount be increased to £5000 as has been done in previous years. CARRIED


Past Events

  • Thu 21 Sep 17 – Shrivenham Officers’ Mess Battle of Britain Dining In Evening – Ena invited
  • Mon 25 Sep 17 – 1244 ATC Sqn visiting Technology School
  • Sat 14 Oct 17 – Stn Cdr attended 1244 ATC Sqn Dining In Evening as Guest of Honour
  • Sat 14 Oct 17 – Swindon Wildcats collection. Collected £201.23
  • Mon 16 Oct 17 – RAFA Youth Presentation Evening
  • Thu 19 Oct 17- Area RAFALO Meeting at RAF Cosford

Future Events

  • Mon 16 Nov 17 – Shrivenham RAFA Committee Meeting

Other Matters

The Stn Cdr attended a recent RAF 100 launch and is looking to holding a formal Dinner to include veterans from nearby branches for 2018.

Next meeting

  • Thu 16 Nov 17


  • Mon 25 Sep 17Visited the Technology School at Shrivenham
  • Sat 14 Oct 17Hosted their Annual Dining In Evening
  • Mon 16 Oct 17Hosted Helen Gibson (RAFA HQ Youth Community Worker) who provided a RAFA YOUTH Presentation

Other matters

  • The offer from the Branch to donate £200 towards the cost of a minibus still requires


  • Following on from the RAFA YOUTH Presentation, the Chairperson will approach the Sqn to

See whether there would be interest in receiving a RAF recruiting presentation from AFCO



9.1 HT informed that the Branch Standard Bearer would be attending the Cenotaph Service at the request of the RBL.

9.2 IC stated that the Area Conference Bookings were rapidly filling up and advises those attending to book without delay.

9.3 IC the BSO workshops were going to take place shortly specifically for the Officers of the Branch with a particular emphasis on current legislation and Charity Law. Officers of the Branch are encouraged to attend.

9.4 IC Area is looking at the Swindon Branch and Club membership as there appears to be a discrepancy numbers. The BSO was advised to speak to the Club Chairman who is the Branch & Club Membership Secretary.

9.5VT is in the process of recruiting a new Vice Chairman for the Branch.

9.7 VT Invitations received from Carterton RAFA on 7 Nov 17 and to Calne RAFA on the 9 Nov 17. All Branch members are welcome to attend.

9.8 VT RAF 100 Service in Worcester Cathedral 20 May 18.

9.9 VT Military Tattoo 24/25 November 2018. Looking for ideas on how to transport the Baton from Swindon to Birmingham. VT will be speaking to colleagues at the Defence Academy.

9.10VT will ask the President to lay the Wreath at the Cenotaph. If unavailable Ena Day (Life Vice President) will be askedto carry out this task.

9.11VT Asbestos report has been completed no real concerns were identified but the Attic must remain locked until the Cement Tile Debris has been removed. VT thanked HT for his attendance at the inspection.


The next meeting will be held on 16th NOVEMBER 2017 commencing at 1930hrs. Provisional dates for December are the 7th & 21st

There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chairman at 2050hrs.

V S Taylor

Warrant Officer

Swindon Branch Chairperson