The full Conference Fee is (without VAT) : 450 Euro before July 1st - After July 1st 500 Euro –The Fee includes: Proceedings, Transport, attendance at all Conference Sessions, 3 Lunches , 2 Conference Dinners and refreshments (coffee) during session breaks. Students 350 Euro - Conference Dinners Excluded - Accompanying Person 350 Euro - Conference Dinners and Social Programme –
For the Special Session of 19 October, the Fee is 200 Euro (without VAT). The fee includes Proceedings, Transport, attendance at the Sessions, 1 Lunches , the Conference Social Dinners on 18 October and refreshments (coffee) during session breaks.
Each participant is asked to fill in a separate registration form and send it to the Congress Secretariat accompanied by the proof of payment. Registration will be confirmed after receipt of the fee(s).
1- By credit card (Visa,MasterCard, American Express), please fill in the registration form.
2- By bank transfer
Please send the Registration Form, with payment to:
By e-mail:
By Fax: +39-050-836665
Segreteriat Conference VGR2006
c/o DIMNP - Università di Pisa
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Nucleare e della Produzione
Università di Pisa - Facoltà di Ingegneria
Via Diotisalvi, 2 - 56126 – PISA
Tel. 334-8667146 / 050-836656- Fax. 050-836665
We will not disclose this information to third parties.
The participant's full name and mailing address should be clearly indicated on the order, as well as payment details. Collective remittances must be accompanied with a list of participant's name and payment details for each person. Remittance charges should be paid by the sender. Those who do not receive a confirmation notice before the congress are requested to present a photocopy of the proof of their payments on site.
Title (Prof. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms.):______
Surname / Name:______
Postcode / Zip:______
Telephone / Fax:______
Modality of payment
□ Enclosed photocopy of bank transfer:
- current account: n°2350588
– Bank: Cassa di Risparmio di Pisa Agenzia 3
- Bank address: dei miracoli - Pisa
- ABI: 062554
- CAB: 14023
- Holder of current account: Marco Nicola Mario Carcassi/ Convegni dimnp
- IBAN: IT(space)68(space)U(space)06255(space)14023(space)000002350588
- CIN(space)U
(Banking expenses excluded)
□ Payment with credit card
I authorize the conference organizer to charge the total amount of Euro______to my:
□ Visa □ Mastercard □ American Express
Number ______-______-______-______Security Number ______
Date expiration: month ______year ______
Cardholder name______
Date ______Signature ______