The National Honor Society

Of Edward H. WhiteMilitary Academy of Leadership

Governing Documents

Article I

The name of this organization shall be The National Honor Society of Secondary Schools (NHS).

Article II
Mission and Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students at Edward H. White Military Academy of Leadership. The Organization seeks to buildleadership for the global community through activities that will engage participants in exemplarycharacter development, academic scholarship, selfless service to the school and its surrounding community.

Article III

The following shall comprise the National Honor Society Adviser(s): At least one certified teacher within good standing with the Duval County School Board and the State of Florida.

Article IV

All registeredstudentsat Edward H. White Military Academy of Leadership and in grades 11 and 12 who have and maintain a 3.5 weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) can obtain membership in the Organization without regard to race, religion, national origin, marital status, disability or age. The following is a description of expectations for members of the National Honor Society:

  1. Membership in NHS is an honor bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities.
  1. All new members must complete a new member application tohelp the adviser(s) become familiar with the student and his or her record of academic excellence at Ed White High School.
  2. All applicants will have a disciplinary record check and will not be eligible for membership if their record contains any Class III offenses.
  3. All accepted members must be registered students in good academic standing and must have a 3.5 weighted GPA.
  4. Members must be in compliance with the policies, procedures and rules governing registered student organizations Edward H. White High School and Duval County School Board.
  5. Membership will be re-evaluated by the adviser(s) if a member:

1. Does not keep a 3.5 weighted GPA for the school year and each 9 weeks,

2. Receives disciplinary action for fighting, instigating a fight, plagiarism or any Class III or

higher offense.

3. Does not participate in at least 9 hours of community service per grading quarter, attend

80% of chapter meetings, and participate in the two (2) fund raisers held by NHS.

  1. A member who transfers to another school and brings a letter from the principal, or chapter adviser shall be accepted automatically. Transfer members must meet the new chapter standards within one semester in order to maintain membership.
  2. Members who resign or are dismissed are never again eligible for membership or its benefits.
  3. Applications and induction will be completed one time a year and within the first two months of the new school year

Article V
Duties of Chapter Officers

Section I: President

  1. The President of NHSshall appoint standing committees and such other committees as are necessary for the implementation of the Organization’s effective running.
  2. He or she shall be responsible, along with the Adviser(s), for the enforcement of the Constitution and By-laws.
  3. He or sheshall have a working knowledge of the Organization’s By-laws, as well as preside over and keep order in all meetings of the Organization.
  4. He or she shall ensure the implementation of one-year plan-of-action for the Organization.
  5. He or she shall only serve for one (1) yearand must be a rising senior at the time of his or her election.
  6. He or she shall have an understanding of the positions and duties of all officers and committee chairs.

Section II: Vice President

  1. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, Program Director or Corresponding Secretary in his or herabsence.
  2. He or she shall replace the President upon the President’s resignation, removal, or permanent absence.
  3. He or she shall be responsible, along with the Adviser(s) and President, for the enforcement of the Constitution and By-laws.
  4. He or she shall perform such duties as assigned by the president and adviser(s).

Section III: Program Director

  1. He or she shall produce or cause to produce all records of activities and the set program for the event,without delay, upon written or oral request of the adviser(s), president and/or membership.
  2. He or she shall replace the Vice President upon the Vice President’s promotion, resignation, removal, or permanent absence.
  3. He or she shall produce, with assistance if needed, any programs that are typed, run off or created for any event.
  4. He or she shall coordinate and execute two (2) fundraising and (4) community service activities with the approval of the adviser(s).

Section V: Recording/Transcribing Secretary

  1. The Recording/Transcribing Secretaryshall be responsible for the written record of the proceedings of NHS, general meetings, the executive board meetings, and the special meetings of the Committees.
  2. He or she shall forward to the Adviser(s) and President, a copy of the minutes of the meetings 48 hours after the adjournment of the meetings, for approval for distribution to the membership.
  3. He or she shall maintain a record of all minutes and meeting notes for availability upon request.
  4. He or she shall be responsible for maintaining an electronic record of attendance and service hours.
  5. He or she will also assist the secretaries in maintaining chapter minutes in the absence of the Historian.

Section VI: Corresponding Secretary

A. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all e-mail correspondence, upon the approval of the adviser(s), with the membership. Correspondence will include, but is not limited to, reminders about chapter meetings and activities, meeting minutes or other correspondence deemed necessary.

B. He or she shall also develop the Chapter’s Web page and e-mail accounts.

Section VII: Historian

A. The Historian will be responsible to taking all pictures and maintaining a written history of the

events of NHS.

B. He or she will also assist the secretaries in maintainingchapter minutes in the absence of the

Recording Secretary.

C. He or she shall also produce a video montage of the Chapter’s activities for the current

academic year to be presented at annual senior banquet in May.

Article VI

Removal from Office/ Membership

Section I: Warning/Probation

Members will be placed on warning for the following reasons:

A. A member will receive a warning if he or she fails to complete and turn in documentation of the

completion of 9 community service hours per grading quarter (9 weeks) to the Adviser(s)

and/or does not participate in the two (2) fundraisers sponsored by NHS.

Probation: A member will be placed on probation if he or she does not complete and turn in official documentation of 18 community service hours to the Adviser(s) by the end of the consecutive grading quarter (9 weeks) following the quarter he or she received a warning. For example, if a member receives a warning at the end of the first grading quarter, he or she must submit documentation of 18 community service hours by the end of the 2nd grading quarter.

B. A member will receive a Warning if his or herGPA falls below the weighted 3.5 requirement at

the end of any grading quarter. A member will have one (1)grading quarter (9 weeks) to

regain his or her 3.5 weighted status.

Probation:If the member fails to regain a 3.5 weighted GPA after said grading quarter (9

weeks), he or she will be placed on probation and sent a letter stating the above mentioned. He or she will have an additional grading quarter (9 weeks) to regain the 3.5 weighted GPA. If he or she fails to regain a 3.5 weighted GPA after 2 consecutive grading quarters, he or she will be removed and barred from membership in the NHS.

Section II: Removal from Office

Officers and Committee leaders will be asked to relinquish their duties for the following reasons:

  1. If the Chapter officer or committee leader does not call the Adviser(s) or President to make them aware of their absence before a meeting or an NHS-sponsored event three (3) times.
  2. If the Chapter officer or committee leader fails to plan activities and/or fulfill their duties as outlined in Article V of the Constitution and By-laws. This includes misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance of assigned duties.
  3. A signed petition of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the executive board specifying charge, shall be necessary to initiate removal proceedings.
  4. After a hearing at which both sides shall have the right to be heard, a special meeting of the membership called by the President (or Vice President in the case of an impeached President).
  5. The President (or Vice President in the case of an impeached President) may, by a majority of those present, recommend removal of the officer in question from office.

Section III: Removal from Membership

  1. A member or officer can removed by 2/3 vote of the official membership.

1. Upon receipt of the petition initiating removal proceedings, the President (or Vice President

in the case of an impeached President) shall call for a special meeting of the regular

membership to consider the charges.

2. A notice of the meeting shall include a copy of the impeachment petition.

3. Said officer/member shall be notified of the charges against her/him in writing at least

twenty (10) calendar days prior to said special meeting.

  1. A member or officer will be immediately removed from the Chapter’s roster if he or she is written up and punished for a Class III offense as outlined in the Duval County School Board Student Code of Conduct will not receive a warning or probation. A Class III or higher offense is cause for immediate dismissal.
  2. A member or officer will be immediately removed from the Chapter’s roster if he or she is written up and punished for cheating on a test or assignment and/or committing an act of plagiarism.
  3. Any member can be removed from the Chapter’s roster if he or she is reported as participating, leading, or having knowledge about hazing activities within NHS or Edward H. White High School.

Article VII
Elections & Terms

The following shall be of compliance in regards to the appointment ofChapterOfficers:

  1. ChapterOfficers shall serve their term for one year, unless they are removed, resign, or graduate.
  2. New Chapter Officers are nominated by the upcoming senior class who are active members in NHS.
  3. Nominees are placed on a ballot and only the upcoming seniors are allowed to vote.
  4. Chapter Officers term shall begin immediately following advisers’ approval and end at the culmination of the academic school year unless given an extension by the advisers or removal from office.
  5. The advisers of the National Honor Society shall fairly and justly count ballots for all elections andassembly voting.

Article VIII

The Edward H. White High School National Honor Societydoes not accept, condone, participate or promote hazing activities, which may include physical, mental, or emotional abuse. We stand in accordance with the rules, regulations and laws of the Duval County School Board and the State of Florida.

Article IX

The By-laws may be amended at the time of new Chapter Officers appointments by two-thirds (2/3)vote provided that the proposed amendments shall have been presented in writing to the Principal and Adviser(s) prior to the start of next academic year and induction of new members. The Adviser(s) must approve amendments.

The Constitution & By-Laws were written and approved by the advisers of the National Honor Society of Edward H. White High School in Jacksonville, Fla.:

Mrs. Tracie Carollo

Ms. Tonya Brown


Jason S. Bloom, Principal

Ms. Traci Battest, Activities

Revised May 1, 2016


NHS Member’s SignatureParent’s/Guardian’s Signature

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