Tuesday 10th January 2017- Full Governing Board Meeting


Minutes of the Full Governing Board Meeting

Meeting Date: Tuesday 10th January 2017

Meeting Time: 17.45

Meeting Venue: Threemilestone School

Governors Present: / Mrs Sarah Douce (Chair), Mr David Hick (Acting Headteacher), Mrs Rachel Dower, Rev Jeremy Putnam, Mrs Susan Brown, Mrs Adele McAlpine, Dr Alison Stephens
In Attendance: / Kerrie Edwards (Clerk),
Apologies: / None
Item / Decision / Action
1.2 / Apologies for absence
There were no apologies for absence.
The Acting Headteacher has been in contact with Mr Pascoe and suggested that he took the time to consider if he can commit the time to the role of Governor. There has been no further communication with Mr Pascoe and Governors have assumed that he no longer wishes to carry out this role. It was agreed that the Chair of Governors would write to Mr Pascoe. / SD
2.1 / Declaration of Business and Pecuniary Interests
None pertinent to this meeting, except Mrs Brown, Mr Hick are paid members of staff.
3.1 / Minutes of the previous FGB meeting held on 17th November 2016 and matters arising
Governors approved the minutes as a true and accurate reflection of the meeting and there were no matters arising.
4.2 / Governor membership Update
The Governors placed an advert in the school’s newsletter before Christmas, advertising for new Governors. 2 Parents have come forward and are keen to take on the role. Both candidates bring a wealth of financial experience and one has an extensive knowledge of Interserve. Governors felt that these two candidates would be an asset to the Governing Board. It was agreed that the Chair would make contact with the potential Governors to invite them to attend the next FGB meeting on 14th March.
In addition to this, 2 people approached a Governor stating that they could be interested in the role but required further information. It was agreed that the chair would make contact with the 4 potential new Governors. / SD
5.1 / Safeguarding
Safeguarding was discussed as part of the Headteacher report.
6.29 / Headteacher Report
The Headteacher report was circulated prior to the meeting and the Acting Headteacher read through the report to discus key points which are highlighted below:
·  The Acting Headteacher carried out a data session at the beginning of November for Governors to attend. Governors found this useful.
·  The School’s expected standards in key stage 1 are higher than National Average in Reading, 82%, (74% NA) and Writing 66%, (65% NA) and slightly below in Maths, 72% (73% NA)
·  The School are above greater depth at key stage 1 in Reading, Writing and Maths.
·  Key stage 2 data is weakest in maths 61% compared to NA 70% reaching the expected standard. Progress in maths is also the weakest -1.9.
·  Maths is a key priority in the SDP and measures are in place to address this.
·  A Governor questioned whether reading is statistically significant because it’s higher? The Acting Headteacher stated that writing follows reading; the school has focused a lot on reading which mirrors the national trend.
·  There is a gap in Pupil Premium and the school will focus on this area. There is a gap nationally.
·  A Governor queried what Pupil Premium is predicted at this year? The Acting Headteacher explained that there is an influx of Pupil Premium children in year 4 relating to specific issues with moving in from out of the county. The tracking system is working well. In the autumn term, pupil’s progressed at different rates and targets were set at where the children were expected to be. There is still a gap of 15%.
·  A Governor questioned if SEN came under the same line? The Acting Headteacher confirmed that this is a separate bracket, although some Pupil Premium children are also SEN.
·  The Headteacher stated that Governors should be aware of the number of children with complex issues and advised them to read the SEND report within the Headteacher report written by Jen Dyer.
·  Maths is a key School Improvement Development item. The School has carried out a lot of work and has now adopted the white rose scheme, which is mastery led. This is a challenge for the school as it takes time to plan at the moment however this will become easier and will be worthwhile over time.
·  The School are working well within the Maths hub, which is strong within the cluster.
·  The Acting Headteacher will be providing TA’s and parents with a Maths update session after half term and Governors are welcome to attend.
·  The School has introduced a Maths card system, which is colour coded and run in the same order of difficulty as the reading book colour banding. 3 children have achieved Maths card badges as a reward.
·  A 4-year-old Syrian child has joined Foundation Stage and is doing well despite the parents or child not speaking any English. The School will visit Archbishop Benson School for best practice. A Governor questioned whether the school could use telephone interpretation? The Acting Headteacher confirmed this has been done; in addition, the School has also applied for EAL funding and have access to an interpreter who has already been used.
·  The other pupils have welcomed the new child into the school and the parents are receiving wider support in the form of English lessons.
·  The TPAT cluster hub has been working hard to show good practice. This will follow the same model, as Maths and the cluster will meet regularly.
·  The School are focusing on the appropriate use of social media. A lot of parents use Facebook and the school has received a number of positive comments. Policies will be updated to reflect changes.
·  The Acting Headteacher explained that the children attended a number of trips last term including Harvest Festivals, 50th Anniversary Celebration, Truro City of Lights and a trip to the pantomime to name a few. These were all highly successful. 150 parents attended for Decoration Day, which received positives comments.
·  Threemilestone School Choir attended a fundraising evening in Truro Cathedral before Christmas.
·  The Acting Headteacher stated behaviour is improving with no major incidents this term. The School has new play equipment, which seems to provide a focus.
·  There were 24 safeguarding concerns during the autumn term; the Acting Headteacher explained that these were not all MARU referrals.
·  Three ViST reports had also been received.
·  The Acting Headteacher stated that the new Headteacher has a lot of safeguarding experience.
·  A discussion took place around mental health and Governors felt that the pastoral support could be developed further.
·  The Acting Headteacher has been working with the School Business Manager to get a handle on the budget. The conversion money is yet to be released. The latest management report was released in November 2016 and the lines still need to be sorted. There is a forecast budget of £70k with an in year deficit of £57k. This will become clearer when the school receive the next management report. The School are still waiting on an insurance pay out and this has been chased. Judy Brinson from TPAT has offered to attend a resources committee.
7.2 / HIP Report
The HIP report was covered in great detail at the last Full Governing Board meeting on 17th November 2016.
The Acting Headteacher stated that the last HIP visit primarily focused on behaviour and safety learning walks. The next HIP visit is due to take place on 9th March 2017 and will concentrate on Maths and Pupil Premium in particular. The visit will take place at Threemilestone School.
8.3 / Policy Reviews/Updates:
Safeguarding Policy
The Acting Headteacher explained that the policy has been written by CAPH and has been adopted by TPAT. The policy refers to the Keeping Children Safe in Education document and includes FGM, Prevent and radicalisation. A Governor questioned whether the school’s E-policy is up to date? The Acting Headteacher confirmed that it had been reviewed but was unsure whether it had received Governor approval. The Acting Headteacher will query this. Governors unanimously agreed to approve the policy and the Chair of Governors signed it.
Health & Safety Policy- The Acting Headteacher explained that this is a TPAT policy. A Governor queried a section in the policy with regards to break times, it was agreed that there is no timetable for wet playtime however an adult needs to be in the class. The Acting Headteacher will amend this. There was an unexplained question mark on page 5 and the Acting Headteacher agreed to elaborate on this. With the above changes in mind, Governors unanimously agreed to approve the policy. After a discussion it was also agreed to change the review date of this policy to January 2018.
Admissions policy 2018/19- Governor unanimously agreed to adopt this policy. / DH
9.6 / Staffing
The EYFS teacher is due to go on maternity leave after Easter. The School has advertised for a replacement to cover the maternity and will be shortlisting on 27th January and interviewing on 3rd February. The new Headteacher will be involved in the process and the Acting Headteacher invited Governors to attend. As Rev Putnam is the EYFS Governor, he agreed to attend both dates. The Acting Headteacher will confirm timings.
A Year 1 teacher was due to go on maternity leave however was signed off sick before Christmas.
A Year 4 teacher is due to go on maternity leave at the end of the term.
One teacher is due to return from maternity leave.
A year 3 TA has been successful in applying for another job and handed her noticed in at the end of term as a result, she will be leaving the school shortly.
A Governor queried the general morale and feeling amongst member of staff? The Acting Headteacher explained that although staffing has been a challenge at times on the whole morale has been positive. / DH
10.3 / Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium was touched upon in the Headteacher Report and the Acting Headteacher went into more detail.
The new spending plan has been uploaded on to the website. This is a working document.
The key focus areas are:
·  SLT monitoring, looking at disadvantaged children
·  Teachers will be given a day release time to focus on disadvantaged children
·  Keeping targets fresh in people’s minds
·  Evidence of the Sutton Trust
·  TA’s having an impact
·  Continue to monitor with data drop
11.1 / TPAT update/Headteacher recruitment
The Headteacher recruitment process is now complete and the Governors have appointed a new Headteacher who will start in the Spring term. The Acting Headteacher thanked Governors for their support and commitment during the recruitment process.
12.2 / Chair’s Report
The Chair of Governors brought the governors attention to the Government Development Training Programme, which is due to be held at Truro College on 15th March. The Chair urged Governors to attend this session.
The Chair reminded Governors of the importance of completing their Skills audit in time for the next Full Governing Board meeting on 14th March 2017, as TPAT require this information. It was agreed that the Clerk would forward the audit documents on to Governors again. / All Govs
13.2 / School Development Plan Priorities
The School Development Plan is in the process of being updated. The Acting Headteacher circulated the key priorities to Governors at the meeting. Key things are raising attainment in maths through a mastery approach, narrow the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils, raise attainment iof boys writing (particularly focused on more able). This is based on the current plan and focuses on managing change effectively. Governors appreciated the condensed plan and agreed that the report held value.
The Acting Headteacher has researched other School Development plans of schools in the cluster and will share the full report in due course.
14.5 / Impact of this meeting
·  New Governor appointment
·  Skills audit
·  Adopted policies
·  Governors are refreshed and focus for the new term ahead
·  Replacement for mat cover
15.1 / Dates of meetings for 2016/2017
Meeting Type / Date / Day / Time
T&L / 24th January 2017 / Tues / 17:30
Resources / 28th February 2017 / Tues / 17:30
FGB / 14th March 2017 / Tues / 17:45
FGB / 9th May 2017 / Tues / 17:45
T&L / 23rd May 2017 / Tues / 17:30
Resources / 6th June 2017 / Tues / 17:30
FGB / 20th June 2017 / Tues / 17:45
This part of the meeting came to a close at 20:00
16.1 / Confidential (if any)
Please see part B of the minutes. Please note these minutes will only be circulated to those Governors in attendance of the meeting.

Action table

Item / Description / Action
1.2 / It was agreed that the Chair of Governors would write to Mr Pascoe. / Sarah Douce
4.1 / It was agreed that the Chair would make contact with the potential Governors to invite them to attend the next FGB meeting on 14th March. / Sarah Douce
4.2 / It was agreed that the chair would make contact with the 4 potential new Governors / Sarah Douce
8.1 / The Acting Headteacher will query whether the School’s E-policy has been updated / David Hick
8.2 / The Acting Headteacher will amend the Health and Safety Policy to reflect the wet playtime statement. There was an unexplained question mark on page 5 and the Acting Headteacher agreed to elaborate on this. / David Hick
9.1 / The Acting Headteacher will confirm appointment dates with Rev Putnam / David Hick
12.2 / The Clerk agreed to forward the skills audit documents for Governors to complete before the next meeting / Kerrie Edwards
All Governors