Tuesday 22 March 2016 at 7.00 pm at Stow Youth Centre

Public Participation. Nil


Present: Cllrs,Alun White (AW, Chair), Mike Moseley (MM),SimonClarke (SC),Ben Eddolls (BE), Colin Smalley(CS),Val Davies (VD) and Jenny Scarsbrook (JS), Mike Curtis (MC),

In attendance,advisors: Messers,Jack Baggott (JB), Kit Ayers (KA), AndrewEstabrook(AE), Geoff Parke (GP), Steve Jones (SJ), Nigel Surman (NS).

Clerk; Kim Bedford Acting Clerk and RFO

  1. Apologies received from: Cllrs;Sue Green (SG), Mike Moseley (MM)

2.Declarations of interest;None

  1. Chairman’s Announcements. A previous councillor has been reported as being poorly

and KB was requested to send the Council’s best wishes for a speedy recovery.

MC and AW were attending a meeting with G Arkell, with regard to the YHA / White Hart developments on 24.03.16. A meeting with the developer of the English Care Village development was also being arranged.

AW reported on the CDC Planning meeting he had attended to represent STC position regarding the Brocks (Huntingdon Antiques) site and the altered application which STC are against. AW had also expressed extreme disappointment that according to an Officials intervention, CDC did not have a parking policy for the District which does not help the current and future challenges for the centre of Stow.

In addition access for the Camp Garden development had been briefly discussed and CDC Officials stated the access via the neighbouring field could not be requested as that field did not belong to the applicant.

The A429, Fosse Way and the amount of traffic with its pollutant to the air quality was being challenged for accurate statistical data. KA gave background information on this and it was decided the matter needed persuing. KA to report back.

  1. Minutes of the last meeting:The committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on

3rd March 2016 with a re-draft of 5a and change to AOB which all approved. Proposed MC, seconded by BE, Motion carried.

  1. Matters Arising from the last Meeting

a)Update on the Square improvements. The initial report following the STC consultation was discussed, with the main areas of concern raised being; an inadequate turning space for the busses and coaches and the question of the new drop off point for buses and coaches potentially causing congestion. KB to raise with Highways and send a copy of the findings.

b)Appeal by McCarthy Stone on the Stow Ag site. STC had logged our interest to show our concerns at this. A written representation was to be collated and sent before the deadline of 14.04.16. This would include addressing the 22 page document. Perhaps exerts from the emerging Neighbourhood Plan could also be included as this strongly advised the site should be used for business activities not residential. A draft STC response would be considered at the next Planning meeting. 12.4.16. AE advised the number of separate responses was important.

c)Meetings and actions with regard to the ‘Brackley’ site (North of Tesco). Update on actions. Thanks to Sue Brawn and Mrs Baggottfor their help with this. CDC Councillor Keeling was helping with our concerns and would represent STC if needed. Details of a similar situation in Moreton in Marsh were to be shared with Stow Dr’s surgery, should they also wish to respond.This to be circulated to all committee members. Real concern over the ‘burden to the health community’ this development would bring.

d)Confirmed report to the CDC Enforcement Officer of works to The Coffee Shop, Church St. no response so far.

e)Meetings and actions with regard to the Youth Hostel / White hart site. JB to help with possible rateable value of car park space.

f)Report back from MC regarding concerns on The Old Stocks Hotel alterations. Urgent need to be called in by Cllr Keeling so as to be reviewed by committee.

  1. Section 106 agreements and Parking arrangements .To consider theitem as itwas

deferred form the 3 March meeting. Further discussions see 5a above.

  1. Neighbourhood Plan:

a)Update (Ben Eddolls, Chairman) progress so far is steady with a great deal of work beingput in by a number of people. Thanks to all.

b) Preliminary discussion on the previously circulated Town design Statement. It was agreed that all would study the document, reply to KB with comments who would collate the report for validation at the next meeting 12.04.16 after which the Full council would review for approval. All agreed it was an excellent document. The most vexing question as always was parking, and NS would supply some photographs showing illustrations of good/bad parking arrangements. Then the document would be presented to CDC Planning. Further documents would be reviewed by the Planning committee at their June meeting.

  1. Cotswold Strategic Plan. Committee discussed the proposed devolution to West Oxfordshire with Cotswold District Councils. Still early days, and numerous documents emerging from the political factions including Gloucestershire County Council. June should bring the consultation to us.

a)16/00446/FUL and 16/00447/LBC - Full Application for Change use of retail unit (A1) to residential (C3) and associated works at 8 Park Street. No objection, but statethere should be a condition which requires space to be used for parking at the rear of the property.

b)16/00724/LBC - Listed Building Consent for Internal refurbishment of shop and basement at Crossways House, The Square. No objection.

c)16/00535/FUL and 16/00536/LBC - Full Application for Change of use from retail (A1) to dwelling (C3) and installation of railings to front at Panagora House, The Square.No objection.

d)16/00965/FUL - Full Application for Change of use and alternations of 1st floor to create a 2 bed flat with roof terrace and side extension. The Crock Ltd. The Malt House, Digbeth Street.No objection, again with the proviso to provide own parking, especially as The Square is limited to 2 hours.

e)16/01059/TCONR - Works to trees in conservation areas for T1- Sycamore - Fell. The Fold Sheep Street.Noted.

f)16/01093/TPO - Works to trees with a TPO for Silver Birch T16 - Fell at Ashton House Union Street.Objection. AE to help with response to CDC, as this clearly manipulates the removal of a valued tree to the area.

  1. To decide on 4 priorities from this committee for the next Council years 2016 – 2017. These will form part of the Annual Town meeting report. Committee confirmed the priorities as;-

1.To complete the Neighbourhood Plan with STC approval through to Inspection and referendum

2.Resolve, where possible the identified parking issues for Stow.

3.Encourage and enhance Civic Pride.

4.’20 is plenty’ , look at streets where a lower speed would be encouraged with the help of Highways.

5.Work with CDC enforcement officers in situations of works without a valid planning application.

  1. Any other business: Items to be discussed at a future meeting;-

To discuss and research a possible/ recognisable CDD Parking Policy as applicable to Stow. Seek clarification from CDC Planning Dept.

Back Walls speeding survey. To review and seek options to help the situation.

SJ attended a Planning Seminar with GAPTC. Report back on salient points.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12th April 2016. 7.00pm

Kim Bedford. 04.04.2016

Signed. ______Councillor Alun White
