Testing in an Agile World
To compete in today’s online environment, developers must act and react fast! If they don’t, theircompetition will beat them to it. With the introduction of new mobile features, developers are looking to iterate faster and deploy code to production sometimes several times a day.The barriers to compete are lowand theonly way to defend your position is by innovating in rapid shortiterations.
This ongoing shift in the industry is forcing developers to adopt agile continuous deployment and integration methodologies and move from perpetual to subscription-based solutions to keep up with the pace of the development cycles. Open source and cloud based platforms such as BlazeMeter’s version 3.0 platform with VMware’s vCloud Hybrid Service helps developers facilitate continuous testing as part of the product delivery cycle. Deploying continuous testing enables enterprises to ensure a fast and error free user experience and shorter release cycles without compromising software quality. Leveraging developers and QA teams can instantly initiate and rapidly scale performance tests spanning anywhere from a hundred upto upwards of a million concurrent virtual users per test.
A key advantage of using the BlazeMeter solution in conjunction with the vCloud hybrid On-premise & Cloud environment is that it allows organizations to leverage their existing IT assets by seamlessly blending performance-tests that originate behind-the-firewall (on-premise) as well as testing that originates in the public Cloud – from the same environment.
The transition to deploying continuous testing methodologies by large enterprises such as GAP, Walmart, NBC and TicketFlyis driven by the need to accelerate their DevOps cycles to save time and money. They understand that in order to succeed in a competitive market and iterate faster, they need to be open to adopting new software development platforms.
How does the solution address this problem?
For the past four years, we’ve been witnessing an IT revolution. Organizationshave a new DNA – which some have started calling ‘DevOps’. This new DNA requires an IT infrastructure that supports agility. Using the wrong infrastructure willcreate friction and ultimately cause failures.Testing has become an integral part of the development lifecycle. It needs to isolatebugs and bottlenecks – but it absolutely cannot stop or slow the release cycle.Cloud computing and open source tools have become a great facilitator for agility. They replace many of the old techniques, saving a significant amount of time enabling users to achieve more with less. Apache JMeter, Selenium and VMWarevCloudallow the Agile-Age professional to do ten times more with ten times less resources. In this agile age, an investment in testing might just be the smartest investment an organization can make.
How is BlazeMeter in combination with vCloud Hybrid Service different than other options in the market?
While most load testing solutions work either as a cloud SaaS offering or as on-premise software, BlazeMeter is unique in that it works both on-premise, behind the firewall and as a fully managed self-service cloud based offering leveraging vMware’svCloud hybrid platform.
You can use the same solution for low scale testing at the level of the individual developer testing on a single box, and a production level load testing which requires hundreds of servers generating load from the public cloud.
How it Works
BlazeMeter version 3.0 self-service, automated back-end load testing solution allows users to run an unlimited number of tests for mobile and web apps, website, API or web serviceswith “zero time to test”, resulting in faster release times without compromising the software quality.In addition to generating load using Apache JMeter as the load engine, with version 3.0,users can now generate load using real browsers by utilizing Selenium webdriver technology.
Users can also run tests using the vCloud hybrid service feature to load test their CDN. A full REST API driven architecture enables complete functionality and control from any external system, allowing users to fully automate testing through the continuous delivery process.
With its Multi-Instance tests, BlazeMeter 3.0 significantly expedites the user’s ability to seamlessly build a collection of tests from disparate testing tools and orchestrate them to run together on every build and release. This allows users to run an unlimited number of tests in parallel -- tests generated by various open source tools -- by reducing the efforts associated in running regression, post-build and pre-production tests.
To support mobile productivity, the new Mobile Dashboard enables users to constantly stay in control by launching tests, viewing reports and ending test runs while ‘on the go’ from their mobile devices.
Start Testing Today
To learn more about how BlazeMeter’s version 3.0and vCloud Hybrid Service candeliver unlimited testing while supporting the continuous deployment model, sign up for a free trial at [include your vCloud Hybrid Service landing page here] or contact your (name of ISV) or VMware partner or sales representative.