· Memorandum on Rescission Of Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

· Overview of proposed legislation to replace DACA

· Litigation: AGs, Make the Road, University of California

· ILRC DACA Info Sheets

· DACA renewal loan fund

· Wellness: NYC WELL is a free and confidential resource that is available regardless of immigration status, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and in 200 languages – regardless of your immigration status. Dial 1-888-NYC-WELL, text WELL to 65173 or chat with a counselor online at

· Removal: DHS is already moving to recalendar DACA cases. Argue that this is premature and a waste of judicial resources.

· See Resources below for more.

DA Election for Kings County

Primaries tomorrow (Tuesday) include selecting a new DA. Medium has a breakdown of the candidates’ stances on immigration and broken windows policies.

Operation Mega

After word leaked that ICE was planning to target 6,000 to 10,000 immigrants in raids Sept. 17-22, ICE announced it was rescheduling the raids due to hurricanes. However, this does not mean there won’t necessarily be any raids. ICE Statement Regarding Questions on Enforcement Planning.

Bill bars transfer of PRM from State to DHS

FP: “In a stark repudiation of the Trump administration, lawmakers on Thursday passed a spending bill that overturned the president’s steep proposed cuts to foreign aid and diplomacy. Folded into the bill are management amendments that straitjacket some of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s efforts to redesign the State Department.”

US Justice Department Set to Appeal Ninth Circuit Travel Ban Ruling to Supreme Court

VOA: “According to a Justice Department official, the agency plans to ask the high court to weigh in on an appeals court ruling that says grandparents and cousins are close enough relatives to constitute an exemption from the Trump administration's travel order. The court also said that refugees accepted by a resettlement agency should be allowed to travel to the United States.”

OIL filed a petition for panel rehearing in Harbin v. Sessions

IDP: I'm sad to report that OIL filed a petition for panel rehearing in Harbin v. Sessions. IDP and Legal Aid are working with Mr. Harbin's lawyers on plans moving forward. Hopefully the panel will stick to its guns and deny the government's request. And quickly.


Call Congress to Pass the Dream Act (S. 1615/H.R. 3440)

Call your Congress members and urge them to pass the Dream Act, a bipartisan bill that would provide Dreamers a chance to adjust their immigration status, if they meet certain requirements. If Congress fails to act, 800,000 Dreamers who were protected by DACA will be at risk of being deported.

AILA Doc. No. 17090533

DACA Fee Donations Outside NYC

New York has several resources for assisting DACA recipients with renewal fees. Consider donating to organizations outside New York where the need may be greater. RAICES DACA fund.

Detention of UACs

NYLCU: Reaching out to the listserv to see if anyone has heard of any UACs that have been re-detained & placed in either secure facilities or at the non-secure Dobb's Ferry facility in Westchester. NYCLU has heard reports that kids are being held with no good reason and we are doing some work around this issue. We're hoping to speak to some kids or their parents, preferably at Dobb's Ferry! Feel free to forward if you know folks who do a lot of UAC work or to other listservs!Please send any sensitive info to my work email, .



· About DACA and Employment

· Practice Advisory: Advising Clients After the Announcement of the End of DACA

· Determine Whether Individuals Seeking Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Might Be Eligible for Immigration Benefits

· ImmProf list of DACA Resources

· ILRC DACA Info Sheets

· DACA renewal loan fund


· Salvadoran decree on imprisonment of deportees with gang affiliation and translation in English (attached)

· Guidance to Help You Prepare for Any Immigration Court Proceeding

· Citizenship classes: The Citizenship Project at The New-York Historical Society is designed to help permanent residents prepare for the USCIS naturalization exam. We offer a free 33-hour interactive program (utilizing our extensive and unique museum collection and resources) that covers all 100 questions and includes preparation for the naturalization interview.


For consideration Tuesday: H.R. 3697 - Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act - Criminalizing even unlawful entry as gang activity and obstruction of justice. Detainment of persons who have TPS – broad authority to DHS Secretary.

Matter of DELGADO, 27 I&N Dec. 100 (BIA 2017)

Robbery under section 211 of the California Penal Code, which includes the element of asportation of property, is categorically an aggravated felony theft offense under section 101(a)(43)(G) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(43)(G)(2012), regardless of whether a violator merely aided or abetted in the asportation of property stolen by a principal.

Matter of MOHAMED, 27 I&N Dec. 92 (BIA 2017)

Entry into a pretrial intervention agreement under Texas law qualifies as a "conviction" for immigration purposes under section 101(a)(48)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(48)(A) (2012), where (1) a respondent admits sufficient facts to warrant a finding of guilt at the time of his entry into the agreement, and (2) a judge authorizes an agreement ordering the respondent to participate in a pretrial intervention program, under which he is required to complete community supervision and community service, pay fees and restitution, and comply with a no-contact order.

CBP Awards Contract for “Other Materials” Border Wall Prototypes

CBP announced contract awards for “other materials” prototypes of the border wall. Four companies were selected to construct alternate materials border wall prototypes. CBP will meet with the vendors and determine construction timeline, however expects to construct the prototypes in the fall. AILA Doc. No. 17090833


· 9/14/17 NYSB: Redeeming the Pledge And Justice For All” CLE Conference

· 9/15/17 Refugee Council USA Advocacy Webinar

· 9/19/17 USCIS Info Session on Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program

· 9/20/17 New Age of Immigration: Impact on People of Color

· 9/22/17 Queering Immigration Conference

· 9/23/17 AILA Citizenship Day - a single-day workshop with sites around the country providing assistance to lawful permanent residents eligible for naturalization. The AILA-NY Chapter will again partner with CUNY Citizenship Now.

· 9/27/17 Understanding the Legal Framework for Trafficking Survivors for Social Service Providers

· 9/28-29/17 Legal Remedies for Trafficking Survivors for Attorneys

· 10/2/17 Strategies for Addressing Immigration Questions for In House Attorneys

· 10/3/17 Whither Immigration? New Directions in Research and Policy in an Era of Nationalism - Center for Migration Studies 2017 Academic & Policy Symposium

· 10/17/17 The NYIC's 30th Anniversary Gala

· 10/30/17 Immigration Panel for Artists


Monday, September 11, 2017

· Diversity and Inclusion in Law School and the Legal Profession By Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia

· September 11, 2001: 16 Years Later

Sunday, September 10, 2017

· Mental Health Woes of the Undocumented

· Immigration and Executive Power Panel at Cornell Law School

· Meet Kikito

Saturday, September 9, 2017

· My Mistake on Proposition 187

· At The Movies: Forbidden

Friday, September 8, 2017

· Boston Area Profs Arrested in DACA Protest

· Ninth Circuit Protects Refugees with Assurances of Sponsorship

· Billionaires Can Seek Asylum Too

· University of California Sues Trump Administration on Unlawful Repeal of DACA Program

· Can the Democratic attorneys general save DACA? The opinion of nine legal experts.

· No country for sanctuary seekers

· We support DACA and stand with Dreamers

· ABA Journal Featured Blog

· Trump’s Move to End DACA and Echoes of the Immigration Act of 1924

· Immigration Article of the Day: Status Non-Citizens by Linda S. Bosniak

Thursday, September 7, 2017

· Major Immigrant Rights Organizations Condemning & Warning of Raids, Operation Mega (UPDATED)

· LA Times: Undocumented Immigrant Activists Plan to Fight Harder

· The End of DACA and the Need for Congress to Enact Immigration Reform

Thursday, September 7, 2017

· Art on the Border

· Interview of AALS Section on Immigration Law Leaders

· Who Will Rebuild Houston After Hurricane Harvey? Teh Same People Who Rebuild New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina.

· White House claims ‘dreamers’ take jobs away from blacks and Hispanics. Here’s the truth.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

· At the Movies: George and Grace

· From the Bookshelves: Guerrilla Guides to Law Teaching: Immigration Law

· Immigration Article of the Day: Religious Organizations, Refuge for Undocumented Immigrants, and Tax Exemption by Ellen P. Aprill

· Breaking News: Sixteen state attorney generals have filed suit challenging the rescission of DACA!

· Resources on DACA

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

· Spotlight on DACA-mented Houston Paramedic

· Barack Obama on the "Political Decision" to End DACA

· Attorney General Sessions Announces the End of DACA

· Will the end of DACA prod Congress into immigration action?

· AG Jeff Sessions on DACA: 11:00 a.m. EST (8 a.m. PST)

· Forecast for Today: Hot, DACA Ended, Protests, Hotter

· Rose Cuison Villazor: What Do Dreamers Do Now?

Monday, September 4, 2017

· I Love My Undocumented People

· The Rainbow Railroad: LGBTQ Chechens Find Safety in Canada

· Cyrus Mehta: Immigration and Nationality Act Trumps America First

· An Undocumented Journey Through Harvey


Daily Immigration News Clips – September 8 2017

Aggregated local and national media coverage of major immigration law news stories being discussed throughout the U.S. on September 8, 2017


Associated PressTrump tweet unlikely to calm anxious immigrants
By Elliot Spagat

Mother JonesAdministration Isn't Sharing Dreamers' Information With ICE, But Another Threat Looms
By Noah Lanard

Associated PressPentagon: Trump order to end DACA raises issues for military

Associated PressPolitics Trump tweets reassurance about DACA at Pelosi's urging
By Erica Werner

ReutersTrump DACA Decision Followed Months of Meetings Involving Senior Democrat
By Richard Cowan

ReutersRyan Hopes to Combine DACA, Border Security in Immigration Bill: NYT Interview

Washington PostRyan: The U.S. doesn't have control over its borders and 'DACA is a symptom'

Washington PostHow many people will Trump's DACA rollback affect? About 100,000 fewer than initially reported.
By David Nakamura

Wall Street JournalBannon Criticizes Catholic Church Over Response to Trump's 'Dreamers' Move
By Eli Stokols

Wall Street JournalDACA Currently Enrolls About 690,000 Immigrants, Homeland Security Says
By Laura Meckler

Los Angeles TimesDACA brought 'Dreamers' out of the shadows. Now, some plan to only get louder
By Sonali Kohli , Cindy Carcamo and Corina Knoll

PoliticoImmigration advocates: Schumer, Pelosi dissed Dreamers
By Heather Caygle, Seung Min Kim, and Elana Schor

PoliticoCardinal Dolan rips into Bannon for 'insulting' remarks about Catholic Church and immigrants
By Nolan D. McCaskill

The HillBannon: 'The guys on the far right' are not happy with Trump's DACA decision
By Mallory Shelbourne

The HillSenate GOP whip: No vote on stand-alone bill for 'Dreamers'
By Alexander Bolton

The HillGOP lawmaker drops effort to force vote to extend DACA protections
By Cristina Marcos

Crain'sOne 'Dreamer' vows to finish med school in the face of DACA chaos
By Robin D. Schatz

The GuardianAirbnb vows to be first company to defy Trump and keep employing 'Dreamers'
By Sam Levin

Daily BeastKoch Brothers Will Push Congress to Protect DREAMers
By Lachlan Markay

Daily Beast200K Kids Could Lose Their Parents if DREAMers Are Deported
By Betsy Woodruff

SplinterObama Gave These Kids DACA. Here's How They Plan to Survive.
By Melissa Pandika

Associated PressAppeals court: Grandparents not part of Trump's travel ban
By Gene Johnson

New York TimesAppeals Court Limits Trump Travel Ban and Allows More Refugees
By Miriam Jordan

Washington PostGrandparents, refugees with formal assurances can enter under Trump's travel ban, appeals court rules
By Matt Zapotosky

Wall Street JournalAppeals Court Deals Blow to Trump's Travel Ban
By Jess Bravin

NBCHomeland Security Cancels Massive Roundups of Undocumented Immigrants
By Julia Ainsley and Andrew Blankstein

The HillICE denies plan for nationwide immigration raids
By Josh Delk

Daily BeastICE Wrongly Imprisoned an American Citizen for 1,273 Days. Judges Say He's Owed $0.
By Harry Siegel

Associated PressSenate passes $15B disaster aid measure, debt limit increase
By Andrew Taylor

Associated PressTrump nominates White House lawyer to important court seat
By Sadie Gurman

Associated PressIt's a 'great thing' to deal with Democrats, Trump now says
By Jonathan Lemire and Erica Werner

Associated PressJustice Department: Sanctuary cities lower on grant priority

Associated PressFor Trump and Ryan, a tortured relationship grows more so
By Jonathan Lemire and Erica Werner

Associated PressIntel official: Terror plots often raise concerns early
By Deb Reichmann

Associated PressEx-Trump strategist: White House aides must defend president
By Catherine Lucey

New York TimesTrump Reaches Out to Make More Deals With Congressional Democrats
By Peter Baker and Sheryl Gay Stolberg

New York TimesUsing Silicon Valley Tactics, LinkedIn's Founder Is Working to Blunt Trump
By Katie Benner

Washington PostRepublicans jolted by, and Democrats wary of, Trump's overtures to opposing party
By Robert Costa, Sean Sullivan and Mike DeBonis

Wall Street JournalMore Design Proposals Coming for a Mexican Border Wall
By Alicia A. Caldwell

Wall Street JournalPoll Highlights Lingering Divisions in the GOP
By Janet Hook

PoliticoMcCaul emerges as a leading candidate for DHS secretary
By Elana Johnson and Anna Palmer

PoliticoKey conservatives oppose Trump debt ceiling deal

New York TimesJR's Latest: A Child Caught Between the U.S.-Mexico Border
By Melena Ryzik

Washington Post (Editorial)Trump's deal with the Democrats saves us from disaster - but not for long

New York Times (Op-Ed)It's the DACA Decision, Not Hurricane Harvey, That May Tear Houston Apart
By Lacy M. Johnson

New York Times (Opinion)Dreamers, Liars and Bad Economics
By Paul Krugman

Washington Post (Opinion)'Go home and get in line': Fact-checking Kris Kobach on DACA
By Christopher Ingraham

Washington Post (Opinion)Appeals court rejects Trump's enforcement of travel ban order against grandparents and refugees with formal resettlement assurances
By Ilya Somin