Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of

Kilfinan Community Forest Company

held at Burnside Office 4th November 2010

Present - Directors; Roger Smith, Ian Holt, Vanessa Barlow, David Blair, Andrew Graham-Weall, Stuart Jack, Rob Blair and Sara Maclean

Preamble – Stuart and Roger explained that the meeting was called to discuss urgent Site Development planning in order to prioritise and agree the work required, especially in terms of site appearances and Community Relations. Their proposals are based upon specifications for a timber grab and 12T digger coming on site next week, and a smaller digger to follow.

Site Development

  • Site Entrance – Before A McCrae can be instructed to lay the tarmac at the entrance, the road’s drainage issues need to be addressed. Roger has identified ‘U’ profile crash barriers which would be used as drainage channel. The installation of which to be specified in the digger contractor tenders. Specification of tarmac installation also required.
  • Spoil – from the road construction is not suitable to be used as topsoil or in the raised beds. It is to be pushed back and levelled ratherthan relocated due to costs involved. Also to be included in digger spec.
  • Timber – Lots of brash and logs to be tidied. Brash to be burnt, logs to be pulled out before any more cross cutting takes place. Timber for milling to be relocated to compost shed area. Roger has identified a market for ‘in the round’ timber which can be sold once what we need has been separated out. To haul out logs from wall side will be awkward for the machines coming, which would require the FOT to attend . A local horse logger was suggested – it was agreed the horse logger might be useful for the allotment site. Once the brash and logs are cleared, banking to be graded to road level.
  • Paths and Allotment Site Clearance – Specification for paths was discussed and the saving of all topsoil from the site clearance. Roger will obtain all the quotes for this and ensure all paperwork is in place. (1)
  • Polytunnel - A concrete plinth and drainage at the entrance is proposed and some form of drainage down the sides was discussed. The digger would then level the area behind FOT cabin in order to complete the path to the entrance. A land drain is required and drainage for the bib taps.

The meeting agreed to the proposals so far.

  • Raised Beds - The specification and construction design was discussed. It was agreed to use ‘marginal’ timber to mill for this. It was agreed the FOT team could get on with construction inside the polytunnel if the timber was milled soon. The dimensions, accessibility of and materials around were discussed. Terram and visqueen to be priced.
  • School Access Path – David reported that Argyll & Bute Council have approved the ‘gift’ of the land, subject to being provided with the plans and spec. Roger and Sara to work on this. (2)
  • General Site Appearance – was discussed. Agreed to source and plant bulbs up the entrance for Spring. Once tarmac complete the pillars could be tidied. FOT team to continue building benches and seats for the site on wet days. Kyles of Bute Horticultural Society to be consulted.


  • HMRC Payroll course - Vanessa requested Jean be allowed to attend this free course in Glasgow to enable her to deal more effectively with payroll issues. Agreed.
  • Rates – A bill has been received, Sara has applied for exemption, Roger will deal in future.
  • Company Policies and Procedures – Roger has produced documentation for the Board to read and rattify. He talked briefly about the pertinent points, such as authorisation procedures for all spending. (3)
  • Markets - diary for next year - Andrew requested setting dates for next year to coincide with other community events run by Kyles Marketing Group. – table allocation – Agreed in future to allocate stallholders 1 table each.
  • Plumbing - Agreed to approach the King’s Court volunteer who is a plumber to connect the new supply to the cabin. A donation will be made to the Maxie Richards Foundation for this. Vanessa to enquire. (4)
  • FOT Overtime – Agreed to pay £7 per hour for overtime up to 40 hours and £8.50 per hour for hours worked over 40.
  • Container and tool store – Sara to further research 20’ containers as the portacabin from Argyll 1st is £2000 +VAT (5)
  • Compost Shed Plans - David to forward compost shed plans to Stuart and Roger. (6)
  • Volunteers Booklet – Roger and Ian will work to produce a volunteers booklet to be given to all volunteers. (7)
  • Funding applications - Michaela has completed a funding application for 3 posts; Community Forester (Full time for 2 years), Development Officer (FT for 2 years), Admin Officer (Part time for 2 years) we should find out from Leader at the end November about outcome.

Date of next meeting – not decided. Stuart and Roger will update all on site development next week.

Action Points

What / By whom / For when
1. / Spec and quotes for paths / Roger / ASAP
2. / Spec and plan of School Access path / Sara + Roger / ASAP
3. / Read Policies and Procedures / ALL / Next meet ?
4. / Plumber / Vanessa / ASAP
5. / Source containers / Sara / ASAP
6. / Compost Shed Plans / David / ASAP
7. / Volunteer booklet / Roger + Ian / ASAP

The Kilfinan Community Forest Company

Registered Office: Dunbeag, Tighnabruaich,Argyll,PA21 2DU,Scotland.

HQ: Burnside, Tighnabruaich, ARGYLL PA21 2BA

Tel:01700 811159email:

Company No 333208 Scottish Charity No SC038908