Appendix 2 Characteristics and outcomes of included studies

Reference / Inclusion period / Study design / No. of patients+ / Age / Female sex
(%) / Peritonitis etiology
(%) / APACHE II score / Mannheim Peritonitis Index / No. of bowel anastomosis / Indication / TAC technique / Fascial closure
(%) / Fistula
(%) / Mortality
(%) / Comment
Bertelsen et al.[1] / 2007 - 2011 / Retrospective / 101 / Median 66.8 (61.4-74.2) / 56.4 / 83.1 / na / na / na / 46.6% Drainage for severe peritonitis
25.7% Second look for intestinal ischemia
23.7% Inability to close
4.0% “Fascial necrosis” / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) 17.8% with polypropylene mesh mediated fascial traction / 39.6 / 2.0 / 39.6
Carlson et al.[2] / 1 Jan 2010 - 30 June 2011 / Prospective / 355 / Mean 58.6 (SD±17.0) / 36.9 / 72.9 / na / na / na / Unclear / NPWT (various types) / 41.1 / 13.8 / 27.3
223 / Mean 60.8 (SD±14.7) / 44.8 / 66.3 / na / na / na / 56.9% Bogota bag
17.5% Mesh
3.6% Dynamic retention sutures
8.5% Loose packing
12.1% Unknown / 60.1 / 8.5 / 29.6
Fortelny et al.[3] / Sept 2007 - Dec 2012 / Prospective / 87 / Median 69 (25-93) / 44.8 / 100.0 / Median 13.0 (0-39) / Median 15 (5-29) / na / “Advanced peritonitis in more than one quadrant” / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) with suture (running vessel loops) mediated fascial traction / 78.2 / 3.4 / 26.4
Goussous et al.[4] / Dec 2006 - Nov 2009 / Retrospective / 79
(of 111) / Median 63 (IQR 51-76) / 55.7 / 81.0 / na / na / na / 31% “Loss of domain”
30% Second look for intestinal ischemia
25% “Fecal contamination”
14% “Haemorrhage” / 93% NPWT (Unknown type)
6% Witmann patch
1% Bogota bag / 58.2 / 7.6 / 19.0 / Only sepsis group included
Indication and Type of TAC applies to total study population
Haddock et al.[5] / Jan 2006 - July 2011 / Retrospective / 36 / Mean 58.5 (SD±15.8) / 19.4 / 61.1 / Mean 21.9 (SD±6.9) / na / na / Damage Control Surgery / Dynamic retention sutures (ABRA, Canica Design) combined with NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 83.3 / 0.0 / 2.8 / Exclusion of patients who died before definitive closure
Huang et al.[6] / Jan 2006 - Nov 2011 / Retrospective / 40 / Mean 45 (SD±10.1) / 25.0 / 60.0 / na / na / 21/40 pts / 55.0% Inability to close
22.5% IAH/ACS
12.5% Drainage for severe peritonitis
10.0% Second look for intestinal ischemia / NPWT (self-made) with polypropylene mesh mediated fascial traction / 60.0 / 25.0 / na / Exclusion of patients with anticipated OA <5 days
Khan et al.[7] / Jan 2008 - Dec 2010 / Retrospective / 42 / na / 47.6 / 54.8 / na / na / na / Damage Control Surgery / NPWT (“vacuum suction dressings”) / 73.8 / 9.5 / 19.0
Pliakos et al.[8] / Jan 2009 - Dec 2011 / Prospective / 39 / Mean 58.5 (SD±18.1) / na / 100.0 / Mean 20 (SD±5.6) / na / na / “Sequential Organ
Failure Assessment score > 7 or Mannheim
peritonitis score > 29” / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 59.0 / 0.0 / 35.9 / Exclusion of patients who died < 24h
Richter et al.[9] / April 2010 - Aug 2011 / Retrospective / 81 / Mean 64.7 / 45.1 / >60.5 / Mean 19.1 / na / na / Unclear / NPWT (92.6% ABThera OA Negative Pressure Therapy System KCI, 7.4% “other TAC devices”) / 80.2 / 16.4 / 30.9 / Fistula rate for patients without preexisting fistula
Zielinksi et al.[10] / Dec 2009 - June 2010 / Retrospective / 18 / Median 66 / 44.4 / 73.7 / Mean 85 (30-133)
APACHE III / na / na / 39% Second look for intestinal ischemia
33% “Shock”
17% Planned relaparotomy
6% Inability to close / NPWT (Unknown type) / 83.3 / 0.0 / 11.1 / 50% of patients had botulinum toxin A injections into the lateral abdominal wall musculature to enhance fascial closure
Dietz et al.[11] / Unknown
(3 years) / Retrospective / 62 / na / 48.4 / 53.2 / na / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / “Four staged approach with 2 component mesh and NPWT ” / 33.9 / 4.8 / 40.3 / Inclusion of patients with 3 or more relaparotomies
Goussous et al.[12] / Dec 2006 - June 2010 / Retrospective / 173 / Mean 63 / 49.1 / 63.6 / na / na / na / 33% Second look for intestinal ischemia
31% “Fecal contamination”
23% “Loss of domain”
13% “Haemorrhage” / 92% NPWT (“negative pressure dressing”)
5% Witmann patch
3% Bogota bag
0.6% Dynamic retention sutures / 64.2 / 6.3 / 22.6 / Exclusion of patients who died before first attempt of fascial closure
Kafka-Ritsch et al.[13] / May 2005 - Oct 2010 / Prospective / 160 / Median 66 (21-88) / 36.3 / 93.8 / na / Median 25 (5-43) / na / “Advanced peritonitis in more than one quadrant”
“Patients requiring rapid wound closure””
Planned relaparotomy
Inability to close / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) with fascial sutures (vessel loops) / 75.6 / 3.1 / 20.6
Kafka-Ritsch et al.[14] / Oct 2006 - Sept 2011 / Prospective / 51 / Median 67 (28-86) / 54.9 / 100.0 / na / Median 26 (12-39) / 31/51 pts / Damage Control Surgery / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) with fascial sutures (vessel loops) / 100.0 / 0.0 / 9.8
Kleif et al.[15] / 1 Aug
2009 - 31 May 2011 / Retrospective / 14
(of 16) / Median 62 (54-83) / 21.4 / 100.0 / na / na / na / Damage Control Surgery / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) with polypropylene mesh-mediated fascial traction / 50.0 / 0.0 / 7.1
Perez Dominquez et al.[16] / June 2006 - March 2011 / Retrospective / 23 / Mean 63 (34-88) / 21.7 / 78.3 / na / na / na / Unclear / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 78.3 / 17.4 / 26.1
Plaudis et al.[17] / 2007 - 2012 / Prospective / 22 / Mean 59 (21-58) / 27.3 / 72.7 / Median 15 (9-32) / Median 28 (21-40) / na / ACS and/or planned relaparotomy / NPWT (ABThera OA Negative Pressure Therapy System KCI) / 100.0 / 13.6 / 4.5 / Mannheim Peritonitis Index applies to peritonitis patients only
Pliakos et al.[18] / Jan 2000 - Dec 2009 / Prospective / 31 / Median 68 (52-84) / 35.5 / 100.0 / Mean 17.3 (9-28) / na / na / Unclear / 25.8% Bogota bag
25.8% Zipper
19.4% Sandwich
16.1% Mesh
12.9% NPWT (self-made) / 16.1 / 54.8 / 45.2
27 / Median 59 (18-89) / 29.6 / 96.3 / Mean 18.6 (9-32) / na / na / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 66.7 / 0.0 / 37.0
Rasilainen et al.[19] / 31 March 2004 - 4 Jul 2008 / Retrospective / 54
(of 104) / Mean 55 (19-85) / 25.9 / 61.1 / na / na / na / 59% ACS
31% Inability to close
7% Prophylactic (for IAH)
2% IAH / 66.7% NPTW (51.9% self-made, 14.8% V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI)
33.3% Bogota bag / 44.4 / 18.5 / 33.3 / Only control group included
Salman et al.[20] / Aug 2010 -Dec 2011 / Retrospective / 7 / Mean 65.6, median 68 (43-85) / 42.9 / 85.7 / Mean 22.3, median 23 (19-26) / na / 0/7 pts / Unclear / Dynamic retention sutures (ABRA, Canica Design) (unknown if combined with NPWT)57.1% with prior NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 85.7 / 0.0 / 14.3
Acosta et al.[21] / 1 April 2006 -
31 Aug 2009 / Prospective / 111 / Median 68 (20-91) / 27.0 / 51.4 / na / na / 33/111 pts / 69.4% Inability to close
26.1% Drainage for intra-abdominal infection
19.8% IAH/ACS
12.6% Second look for intestinal ischemia / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) with polypropylene mesh-mediated fascial traction / 76.6 / 7.2 / 29.7 / Exclusion of patients with anticipated OA < 5 days
Indications for OA could be multiple
Caro et al.[22] / Jan 2006 - Dec 2009 / Retrospective / 46 / Mean 63 (29-80) / 28.3 / 67.4 / na / na / na / “Anticipated high risk of developing IAH/ACS; intestinal oedema or difficulty to close” / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 21.7 / 17.4 / 32.6
Fieger et al.[23] / 1 Jan 2005 - 31 Dec 2007 / Retrospective / 82 / Mean 65.5 (26-86) / 46.3 / 95.0 / na / na / na / Unclear / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 42.7 / 19.5 / 11.0
Manterola et al.[24] / Jan 2002 - June 2008 / Prospective / 86 / Median 53 (25-87) / 62.8 / 64.0 / Median 12 (4-30) / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / Bogota bag / 39.5 / 12.8 / 11.6
Prichayudh et al.[25] / Jan 2001 - June 2007 / Retrospective / 19
(of 73) / na / na / 78.9 / na / na / na / “Primary closure impossible or dangerous” / NPWT (“Vacuum pack”) / 10.5 / 31.6 / na / Only severe peritonitis group included
Exclusion of patients who died <48h
Verdam et al.[26] / Jan 2006 - May 2010 / Retrospective / 18 / Mean 66 (50-90) / 22.2 / 83.3 / Mean 15 (5-29) / Mean 34 (28-38) / na / Unclear / Dynamic retention sutures (ABRA, Canica Design) with NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI); 50% with prior bogota bag and 50% with prior NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) only / 77.8 / 16.7 / 11.1
Kritayakirana et al.[27] / Unknown
(5 year) / Retrospective / 35
(of 103) / Mean 53 (SEM±2.9) / 31.4 / 51.4 / Mean 16 (SEM±1.2) / na / na / Second look for intestinal ischemia
Drainage for intra-abdominal infection
Damage Control Surgery
“Necrotizing abdominal wall infection” / NPWT (“Vacuum-type dressing”) / 60.0 / 17.1 / 31.4 / Only urgent group included
Indications for OA could be multiple
Lopez-Quintero et al.[28] / 7 March 2006 - 9 April 2009 / Retrospective / 19 / Mean 49.2 (SD±12.7; 30-72) / 47.4 / 100.0 / Na / na / na / “2 or more of the following: (1) fecal or diffuse peritonitis and difficult to manage with 1 operation, (2) hemodynamic instability, (3) excessive intestinal edema, (4) septic shock, (5) need for reassessment of anastomoses and (6) APACHE II score > 15” / NPWT (“Vacuum pack”) / 36.8 / 26.3 / 26.3 / Exclusion of patients who died before first NPWT system change
Padalino et al.[29] / March 2006 - Oct 2007 / Prospective / 9 / Median 55 (23-79) / na / 100.0 / Mean 22.6 / na / na / Planned relaparotomy and ACS / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 66.7 / 11.1 / 0.0
Schmelze et al.[30] / Aug 2003 - Jan 2008 / Retrospective / 49 / Mean 66 (24-86) / 46.9 / 100.0 / Na / Mean 28 (10-44) / na / Unclear / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) 83.7% with prior gauze packing / 22.4 / 22.4 / 40.8 / Exclusion of patients with fascial closure within 7 days
Shaikh et al.[31] / Jan 2004 - Dec 2008 / Prospective / 42 / Median 68 (21–88) / 47.6 / 76.2 / Na / na / 38 in 34/42 pts / 40.5% Inability to close
59.5% “Thought unwise to close" / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 52.4 / 4.8 / 9.5
Amin et al.[32] / Jan 2005 - Dec 2008 / Prospective / 20 / Mean 59.3 (SE±3.95) / 45.0 / 100.0 / Mean 16.7 (SE±1.9) / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 65.0 / 10.0 / 0.0
Balentine et al.[33] / 1998 - 2008 / Retrospective / 88 / Mean 63.4 (SEM±.14) / 5.7 / 62.5 / Median 72
APACHE IV / na / na / 33.0% Drainage for intra-abdominal infection
17.0% Planned relaparotomy
15.9% Second look for intestinal ischemia
10.2% Inability to close,
9.1% IAH/ACS
11.4% “Hemodynamic instability” / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI or self-made)
Skin only
Bogota bag
Loose packing / 38.6 / 12.5 / 34.1
Gonullu et al.[34] / 2000 - 2006 / Retrospective / 37 / Mean 63.5 (44-83) / 40.5 / 100.0 / Mean 27.8 / Mean 32.0 / na / “Uncontrollable infection and/or increased IAP” / Bogota bag / 13.5 / 10.8 / 43.2
Horwood et al.[35] / March 2003 - Aug 2008 / Prospective / 27 / Median 73 (34-84) / 51.9 / 96.3 / na / na / na / Inability to close
Damage Control Surgery
Anticipated high risk of ACS / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 18.5 / 11.8 / 37.0 / Fistula rate for survivors only
Özgüc et al.[36] / Jan 2000 - Dec 2005 / Retrospective / 74 / Mean 52.8 (SD±17.6) / 29.7 / 78.4 / na / na / na / 50.0% IAH/ ACS
43.2% Planned relaparotomy
6.8% Damage control surgery / NPWT (“Vacuum pack”) / 44.6 / 0.0 / 60.8
Reimer et al.[37] / Sept 2000 - Sept 2005 / Retrospective / 10
(of 23) / Median 55 (22-86) / 20.0 / 100.0 / na / na / na / Unclear / Dynamic retention sutures (ABRA, Canica Design) (unknown if combined with NPWT) / 30.0 / 20.0 / 0.0 / Exclusion of patients with fascial closure within 7 days
Wondberg et al.[38] / 2004 - 2007 / Prospective / 30 / Median 63 (27-86) / 30.0 / 100.0 / na / Median 28 (12-43) / na / Planned relaparotomy and/or
Inability to close / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 33.3 / 6.7 / 30.0
Barker et al.[39] / Jan 1999 - May 2006 / Retrospective / 120
(of 258) / Mean 53.4 (1-91) / 42.7 / 68.3 / na / na / na / 65.0% Planned relaparotomy,
12.5% Inability to close
8.3% Damage control
6.7% Increased IAP
7.5% Mulitfactorial / NPWT (“Vacuum pack”) / 60.8 / 6.7 / 23.3 / Only general surgery groupincluded
Kirshtein et al.[40] / Sept 1995 - Dec 2003 / Retrospective / 152 / Median 58.5 (25-83) / 24.3 / 89.5 / na / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / Bogota bag / na / 5.9 / 23.7 / Unclear delayed fascial closure rate
Perez et al.[41] / April 2004 - Dec 2005 / Prospective / 37 / Median 58 (34-86) / 51.4 / 56.8 / na / na / na / “High tension on the fascia, persistent bacterial contamination of the abdominal cavity, and massive bowel edema” / NPWT (Unknown type) / 70.3 / 2.7 / 37.8
Rao et al.[42] / Nov 2003 - March 2005 / Retrospective / 29 / Median 60 (31-80 / 48.3 / 100.0 / na / na / na / 69.0% Drainage for severe intra-abdominal sepsis
17.2% inability to close
13.8% IAH/ACS / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / na / 20.7 / 34.5
Robledo et al.[43] / Jan 1999 -Jan 2001 / Randomized Controlled Trial / 20
(o f 40) / Mean 49.6 (SD±15.9) / 50.0 / 100.0 / Mean 24 / na / na / Drainage for severe intra-abdominal sepsis / Non-absorbable polypropylene mesh (inlay) / na / 10.0 / 55.0 / No apparent intention to achieve fascial closure
Wilde et al.[44] / Unknown
(36 months) / Retrospective / 11 / Mean 55.3, median 62 (21-79) / 72.7 / 90.9 / na / na / na / 54.5% “High risk for of IAH/ACS”
36.4% Planned relaparotomy
9.1% IAH/ACS / NPWT (“Modification of vacuum pack”) / 90.9 / 18.2 / 0.0
Oetting et al.[45] / 1 June 2003 - 31 Dec 2005 / Retrospective / 22
(of 36) / Median 65 (33-80) / 31.8 / 100.0 / na / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI) / 68.2 / 13.6 / 22.7 / Only peritonitis group included
Cipolla et al.[46] / 22 Sept 2001 - 30 June 2004 / Retrospective / 5
(of 17) / na / na / 100.0 / na / na / na / Inability to close / NPWT (V.A.C. Abdominal Dressing KCI or self-made) 20.0% followed by Wittmann patch / 20.0 / 20.0 / 0.0 / Exclusion of patients who died <24h
Adkins et al.[47] / Jan 1998 - April 2002 / Retrospective / 81 / Mean 61
(SD±16) / 54.3 / 100.0 / Mean 72 (SD±28)
APACHE III / na / na / Unclear / NPWT (self-made) / na / 14.8 / 33.3 / No apparent intention to achieve fascial closure
García Iñiguez et al.[48] / Jan 2000 - March 2002 / Retrospective / 50 / Mean 55.9 (SD±16.5; 22-85) / 48.0 / 92 / na / na / na / Unclear / Bogota bag / na / 6.0 / 36.0 / No apparent intention to achieve fascial closure
50 / Mean 56 (SD±17.80; 22-89) / 50.0 / 96 / na / na / na / Non-absorbable polypropylene mesh (unknown placement technique) / na / 20.0 / 48.0
Martinez-Ordaz et al.[49] / Unknown
(7 months) / Retrospective / 21 / Median 63.0 / na / 100.0 / na / na / na / “High risk for of IAH/ACS” / Bogota bag / na / 28.6 / 38.1
18 / Median 60.5 / na / 100.0 / na / na / na / “Subcutaneous polyethylene bag” (with retention sutures) / na / 5.6 / 38.9
Tsuei et al.[50] / July 1997 -Dec 2000 / Retrospective / 46
(of 71) / Mean 52.8 / 37.5 / 93.5 / na / na / na / Unclear / NPWT (“Vacuum pack”) and “a few skin-only or bogota bag” / 15.2 / 19.6 / 39.1 / Both pancreatitis and sepsis group included (trauma excluded)
Schachtrupp et al.[51] / Unknown
(12 months) / Unclear / 40 / na / na / 70.0 / na / Mean 31.2 (SD±3.7) / na / Unclear / Absorbable polyglactin mesh (inlay) / 57.5 / na / 25.0 / Mannheim Peritonitis Index applies to peritonitis patients only
Sokmen et al.[52] / Jan 1995 - Aug 2000 / Retrospective / 25 / Mean47 (26-80) / 24.0 / 88.0 / na / Mean 24 (10-34) / na / Unclear / 96.0% Non-absorbable polypropylene (64.0%) or polyester (32.0) mesh,
4.0% absorbable polyglactin mesh (all inlay) / na / 4.0 / 16.0 / No apparent intention to achieve fascial closure
Doyon et al.[53] / June 1993 - Dec 1998 / Retrospective / 17 / Mean 48.0 / 41.2 / 82.4 / Mean 20.0, median 20 (10-30) / na / 4 in 4/17 pts / Inability to close
Planned relaparotomy
Drainage for severe intra-abdominal sepsis / Bogota bag / 94.1 / 0.0 / 17.6
Koniaris et al.[54] / 1 Jan 1996 - 31 Jan 2001 / Retrospective / 6
(of 13) / Mean 53, median 57 (10-75) / 33.3 / 100.0 / Mean 19.3, median 22 (12-29) / na / na / Unclear / Dynamic retention sutures (unknown if combined with NPWT) / 83.3 / na / 33.3 / Exclusion of patients who died <24h
Fistula rate applies to survivors only
Tremblay et al.[55] / Jan 1997 - Dec 2000 / Retrospective / 50
(of 118) / Mean 51
(7-89) / 58.0 / 92.0 / na / na / na / 32% Inability to close
24% Planned relaparotomy
14% Damage Control Surgery
12% ASC
18% Other / Skin only
Bogota bag
Absorbable polyglactin mesh (unkown placement technique)
Retention sutures / 12.0 / 14.0 / 56.0 / Only non-trauma group included
Zingales et al.[56] / June 1992 - Dec 2000 / Retrospective / 60 / Mean 46 (21-84) / 28.3 / 91.7 / Mean 19.7 / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / Zipper with non-absorbable polypropylene mesh (inlay) / 20.0 / 13.3 / 38.3 / Conflicting reported data on fascial closure rate (20.0% vs 18.3%)
Bailey et al.[57] / 1990 - 1996 / Retrospective / 7 / Median 42 (24-46) / 57.1 / 100.0 / Mean 22.7 (3-35) / na / 1 in 1/7 pts / Drainage for intra-abdominal infection / 71.4% Loose packing
28.6% Non-absorbable polypropylene mesh (inlay) / 14.3 / 14.3 / 28.6
Bosscha et al.[58] / June 1988 - Jan 1995 / Retrospective / 67 / Mean 56 (20-84) / 40.3 / 100.0 / Mean 13 (5-27) / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / NPWT (self-made) “whenever indicated” (unknown frequency) combined with a mesh (unknown type and placement technique) / 28.4 / 23.9 / 41.8
Tons et al.[59] / 1988 - 1999 / Retrospective / 377 / Median 59 (0-96) / na / 67.0 / na / na / na / ACS / Non-absorbable polypropylene mesh or absorbable polyglactin mesh (unknown placement technique) / 18.0 / 18.0 / 21.5
Wittmann et al.[60] / 1988 - 1999 / Prospective / 128 / Median 44 (13-85) / na / 85.0 / Mean 19 (SD±19) / na / na / Planned relaparotomy ( “staged abdominal repair (STAR)”);
87% Inability to close
13% Second look for intestinal ischemia / Wittmann patch / 93.0 / 2.3 / 18.8
Gentile et al.[61] / 1985 - 1994 / Retrospective / 11
(of 40) / na / na / 100.0 / na / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / Absorbable polyglycolic acid mesh (inlay) / na / 54.5 / 45.5
Losanoff et al.[62] / 1988 - 1995 / Retrospective / 19 / Mean 56 / 42.1 / 89.5 / Mean 22.3 (12-42) / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / Other (“Palisade dorsoventral lavage”; dynamic retention sutures with a ‘screen’ made of silicone drains transfixed with stainless wire between the skin edges) / 78.9 / 0.0 / 21.1 / Fistula rate for survivors only
Losanoff et al.[63] / Unknown / Retrospective / 29 / Mean 46.2 (18-68) / 27.6 / 72.4 / Mean 17.3 (11-24) / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / Non-absorbable polycaproamide mesh (underlay) / 79.3 / 0.0 / 20.7
Smith et al.[64] / April 1992 -Dec 1996 / Retrospective / 38
(of 93) / na / na / 84.2 / na / na / na / Planned relaparotomy
Inability to close
Second look for intestinal ischemia
Damage Control Surgery
Drainage for intra-abdominal infection / NPWT (“Vacuum pack”) / 55.3 / na / 42.1 / Only general surgery group included
Brock et al.[65] / April 1992 - Dec 1993 / Retrospective / 11
(of 28) / na / na / 90.9 / Mean 26.3 (10-35) / na / na / 81.8% Planned relaparotomy
9.1% IAH/ACS
9.1% Both / NPWT (“Vacuum pack”) / 18.2 / 36.4 / 36.9
Hubens et al.[66] / May 1989 - Sept 1993 / Retrospective / 23 / Mean 46.8, median 55 (0-67) / 34.8 / 100.0 / Mean 20.3, median 20 (10-35) / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / Zipper (Ethizip Ethicon) (inlay) / 34.8 / na / 39.1 / Included 4 paediatric patients
Ercan et al.[67] / Oct 1988 - March 1990 / Retrospective / 10 / Mean 53.1 (31-70) / 20.0 / 90.0 / Median 30 (16-43) / na / 5 in 5/10 pts / Unclear / Zipper with non-absorbable nylon mesh (inlay) / 60.0 / 0.0 / 40.0 / Exclusion of patients who died during the “early period”
Hakkiluoto et al.[68] / 1987 - 1990 / Prospective / 21 / Mean 65 (26-88) / 23.8 / 100.0 / Mean 22.3, median 23 (16-31) / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / Zipper (Ethizip Ethicon) (23.8% inlay, 76.2% skin-sutured) / na / 0.0 / 47.6 / No apparent intention to achieve fascial closure
Schein et al.[69] / Jan 1985 - July 1989 / Prospective / 31
(of 52) / na / na / 100.0 / na / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / Non-absorbable polypropylene mesh (inlay) (“sandwich technique”) / 3.2 / na / 58.1
Wittmann et al.[70] / Unknown / Prospective / 117 / na / na / 94.9 / na / na / na / Planned relaparotomy
Drainage for severe peritonitis / 43.6% Dynamic retention sutures
27.4% Zipper with non-absorbable polypropylene mesh (inlay)
15.4% Zipper (Ethizip Ethicon)
14.5% Wittmann patch / na / 00.0 / 23.9 / No apparent intention to achieve fascial closure
Ivatury et al.[71] / 1982 - 1987 / Retrospective / 30 / Mean 52.1 (19-95) / 40.0 / 56.7 / Mean 15.3 / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / 70.0% Non-absorbable polypropylene or absorbable polyglycol acid mesh (inlay)
30.0% Loose packing / na / 10.0 / 46.7 / No apparent intention to achieve fascial closure
Hedderich et al.[72] / Dec 1982 - July 1984 / Retrospective / 10 / Mean 64, median 66.5 (41-74) / 40.0 / 80.0 / na / na / na / Planned relaparotomy / Zipper with non-absorbable polypropylene mesh (inlay or skin-sutured) / na / 20.0 / 20.0 / No apparent intention to achieve fascial closure
Anderson et al.[73] / 1978 - 1981 / Retrospective / 20 / Mean 46.7 (17-83) / 45.0 / 100.0 / na / na / na / Drainage for severe peritonitis / Loose packing / 55.0 / 25.0 / 60.0
Hollender et al.[74] / Unknown / Retrospective / 22 / na / na / 90.9 / na / na / 7 in 7/22 pts / Drainage for severe peritonitis / Loose packing / na / 0.0 / 31.8 / No apparent intention to achieve fascial closure

+ Number of patients included in this review and analysis. If a subset of the patients reported in the original article was included, the total number of patients described in the original article is given between parentheses. APACHE = acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, TAC = temporary abdominal closure, na = not available, NPWT = negative pressure wound therapy, IAP = intra-abdominal pressure, IAH = intra-abdominal hypertension, ACS = abdominal compartment syndrome, OA = open abdomen, SD = standard deviation, IQR = inter quartile range, SEM = standard error of the mean, SE = standard error


[1] Bertelsen CA, Fabricius R, Kleif J, Kristensen B, Gogenur I. Outcome of Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy for Open Abdomen Treatment After Nontraumatic Lower Gastrointestinal Surgery: Analysis of Factors Affecting Delayed Fascial Closure in 101 Patients. World J Surg 2013.

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