Name: ______Block: _____









Points Earned

wall / /2
membrane / /2
Vacuole / /2
Chloroplast / /2
complex / /2
reticulum / /2
Nucleus / /2
Mitochondrion / /2
Lysosome / /2
Ribosome / /2
DNA / /2
Cytoplasm / /2

Personal Learning Lab for Cells!


Demonstrate your understanding of cell organelles and their role in helping the cell function and maintain homeostasis. Specifically, demonstrate your understanding of the structure and function of the following cell parts: cell wall, cell membrane, vacuole, chloroplast, golgi complex, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus, mitochondrion, lysosome, cytoplasm, ribosome, and DNA.

You have your choice of how you demonstrate your knowledge:

-Design a booklet, powerpoint, or brochure about cells

-Design a 3 dimensional cell model

-Make up a song and music video about cells

Booklet or Brochure or Powerpoint: Design a book that is user-friendly, visually appealing, and interesting. You can design yours in the style of The Magic School Bus Goes into the Cell, a comic book, travel brochure, or even a textbook! This option needs to have a lot of information and visuals!!!

Poor / Fair / Good
Information conveyed
Book conventions and distribution of content / missing more than 4 words
information is not conveyed in a user-friendly format
More than a few pages are too dense with material, and book conventions are not used / missing more than one word
information displayed with appeal
A few pages are too dense, and not all book conventions are used / All words are used correctly
Information creatively displayed, with appeal
Content of material is appropriately distributed, and relevant book conventions like index, page numbers, and headings are used

Other rubrics on back

Song and Music Video:Design a song or music video showing your understanding of the material. Many songs rhyme in couplets, which means lines rhyme two at a time. Lines one and two rhyme with each other; but not with the other lines. Lines three and four rhyme with each other, but not with other lines, and so on.The functions of the organelle must be described in the song. You must explain the music you are using for the song as well. Songs and music videos need recorded.

Poor / Fair / Good
/ missing more than 4 words / missing more than one word / All words are used correctly with corresponding descriptions
Information conveyed / information is not conveyed in a user-friendly format / Understanding of information creatively demonstrated / Understanding of information creatively demonstrated, with appeal
/ Not very original or poor presentation of music/poem / Original, good presentation of music/poem / Very novel and original, excellent presentation of music/poem
Mnemonic devices or other ways to help remember and accurately describe each reaction.

3 dimensional cellmodel: Build a plant or animal cell out of household materials. After reviewing the project requirements begin looking around for materials that resemble in appearance the different features of the cell you will build. Remember, the pieces you use for organelles need to reflect the structure it serves in the actual cell. For example, a cell wall if stiff and supportive, so whatever you use to represent the cell wall needs to be like that description. PARENTS, THERE IS NO NEED TO GO OUT AND BUY ANYTHING FOR THIS LAB. STUDENTS ARE TO USE THINGS FROM AROUND THE HOUSE. You need a key of parts and functions for your model too.

Poor / Fair / Good
Information conveyed
Physical Model
NO FOOD / missing more than 2 words
information is not conveyed in a user-friendly format
Model is three-dimensional with some representation of the form and function but it is not accurate in terms of structure and function.
NO FOOD / missing more than one word
information displayed with appeal
Model is three-dimensional and represents the form and function of the organelle but cannot identify how the structure is related to the function. Most structural characteristics are present.
NO FOOD / All words are used, and used correctly
Information creatively displayed, with appeal
Model is three-dimensional and represents the form and function of the organelle, and clearly identifies how its structure is related to its function. All structural characteristics are present.

Cell Organelle Learning Lab

Below are the criteria for getting all possible points for the cell organelle learning lab. Students can use this as a cheat sheet to check their lab for all pieces needed. This assignment is being given to students on October 8th and9th, and students will have 2 weeks to complete. Remember, if a student does not complete a cell learning lab by the due date of Oct. 23 (a day) or Oct. 24th (b day), they will take a cell organelle quiz that will assess their mastery of the content on that due date. The grading key included with the directions has to be filled out and it does not count as the key or legend for the 3d model. THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT, STUDENTS CANNOT WORK IN PAIRS OR GROUPS!

3D Cell Model:

  • Absolutely no food can be used!
  • All organelles from the list required have to be present
  • A legend or key has to be provided with the model. The grade sheet attached to the directions does not count as the legend or key. Organelle’s names and functions need to be on the key.
  • Size of the organelles has to be reflected in the model. For example, ribosomes are the smallest and numerous part of a cell, so whatever material is used has to fit accordingly.
  • Be creative! 3D means three-dimensional. Use materials from home that are found around the house.

Book /Brochure/Powerpoint

  • Each organelle gets its own page or slide!
  • Has to include all organelles from the list provided.
  • On each page, I need the organelle name, its function, picture, and which cells they belong in.
  • Needs to be typed and color printed pictures if you are doing a book.
  • Powerpoints need to be sent to me electronically by the class time due.

Music Video:

  • Lyrics need to be typed up and turned in with lab. All organelles and their functions have to be in the lyrics.
  • Has to be filmed.
  • Has to be done to recorded music.
  • Has to be sent electronically by the due date for his or her class.


Feel free to ask any questions along the way.