Enclosure 3
Government of Greenland
Mineral Licence and Safety Authority
P.O. Box 930, Imaneq 1A 201, 3900 Nuuk, Greenland
Ph: +299 346800 Mail: Website:
This report must be completed and forwarded no later than one month after end of field work. A report must be completed for each licence.
The following must be attached:
- Atopographicmap
- Map of the area where field activities were conducted, with clear marking of camp sites, helicopter landing sites and areas of other activities. Coordinates must be supplied along with the map.
- Energy consumption form
- See enclosures
All positions must be supplied as degree, decimal with five decimals following WGS84
If this form does not leave room for all the information in the pre-defined fields, please submit an attachment with this information. An attachment must be listed in section T of this form.
A – Area and periodLicence number
Area name
Field period
B – Short description of activities and preliminary results
C – Each employee(Greenlandic/foreign) involved in activities in Greenland (Employed by Licensee or Subcontractors)
Name &
Date of Birth
Hans Hansen
(17/03/1966) / 1) Nationality and 2) Country of Residence
1) Danish
2) Greenland / Job Title:
- Camp manager
- Geologist (assistant)
- Driller/Drilling Assistant
- Cook (assistant)
- Logistic crew (boat, helicopter, etc.)
- Engineer, biologist etc.
- Other (write specific job title)
Airgreenland / 1) Field Period 2) Total days
1) 15/07/14-22/08/14
2) 38 days
*Companies operating in Greenland shall be registered in the Greenland Business Register (the GER register). Registration must be applied before any work is commenced.
D – All enterprises (Licensee/subcontractors & Greenlandic/foreign) involved in activities in Greenland (you can add more tables)
1 / Company name
Contact person's Email address
*GER number
Period (dd/mm/yy – dd/mm/yy)
Type of service provided
If foreign enterprise, why was a Greenlandic company notchosen?
2 / Company name
Contact person's Email address
*GER number
Period (dd/mm/yy – dd/mm/yy)
Type of service provided
If foreign enterprise, why was a Greenlandic company notchosen?
3 / Company name
Contact person's Email address
*GER number
Period (dd/mm/yy – dd/mm/yy)
Type of service provided
If foreign enterprise, why was a Greenlandic company notchosen?
E – Exploration activities
Activity / A: Reconnaissance / B: Follow-up / C: Advanced
Geological mapping
Airborne geophysics
Ground geophysics
Rock sampling
Geochemical sampling
Bulk sampling
F – Positioning
Own system / Global system
Pricking in on map
GPS / Other / Describe
Fix points
Established / Left in field / Type
Coordinates (WGS84) / Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
Fix point 1 / N / W
Fix point 2 / N / W
Fix point 3 / N / W
Established / Left in field / Type
Coordinates (WGS84) / Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
Baseline 1 / N / W
Baseline 2 / N / W
Reference grid
Established / Left in field / Type
Coordinates (WGS84) / Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
Reference point 1 / N / W
Reference point 2 / N / W
Reference point 3 / N / W
Reference point 4 / N / W
G – Important areas for wildlife
Yes / No
Was field work conducted in areas or periods important to wildlife cf. Rules for Fieldwork
If yes, give a short description of the activities. The areas of activities must be marked on the attached map with coordinates in degree, decimal with five decimal conforming to WGS84.
H – Accommodation and transport
Base camp in settlement / Name of settlement
Base camp in field / Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
Coordinates of field camp / N / W
Plane / Helicopter / Ship / Vehicle
Field camp moved by
Drill camp moved by
Transport in the field
I – Communication in the field
Makeand model / HF / VHF / UHF / SHF
Internal communication
External communication
Satellite communication
Emergency communication system
J – Handling of waste
Combustible waste / Non-combustible waste / Human waste / Lubricants / Drilling fluid / Chemical waste
Transported to dump
Transported to treatment plant
Transported out of Greenland
K – Fuel and fuel containers in the field
Licensee’s ID mark on fuel containers
Has any fuel been stored at the termination of field work: / Yes / No
Storage / Type / Amount / Year & month / ID mark
Storage / Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
1 / N / W
2 / N / W
3 / N / W
Have any empty fuel containers been stored at termination of field work? / Yes / No
Storage / Type / Amount / Year & month / ID mark
Storage / Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
1 / N / W
2 / N / W
3 / N / W
L – Constructions
Were any constructions established during current field period? / Yes / No
Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
1 / N / W
2 / N / W
3 / N / W
Were any constructions left in the field at the end of field period? / Yes / No
Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
1 / N / W
2 / N / W
3 / N / W
M – Storage in the field
Have any material, equipment etc. (excluding fuels, fuel containers and constructions) been stored in the field? / Yes / No
Storage / Type / Amount / Year & month / ID mark
Storage / Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
1 / N / W
2 / N / W
3 / N / W
N – Drilling (other than hand-held equipment)
Yes / No
Has there been any drilling in the field period
Type / No. of holes / Total length (m) / Name of equipment
Drill cores are stored at
Yes / No
Drilling fluid additives used during operation
Type / Amount consumed
O – Explosive materials in the field
Yes / No
Have any explosives been stored in the field?
Name of certified blaster
Type / Amount in / Amount used / Amount out
Explosives transported out is stored at
Returned to supplier
P – Blasting
Yes / No
Has any blasting been conducted in the field?
Name of certified blaster
Position / Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
1 / N / W
2 / N / W
3 / N / W
Position / Type of blasted material / Amount
Yes / No / Yes / No
Seismic survey / Crater formation
Describe crater formations if any in section P
Q – Damage to vegetation or soil
Yes / No
Has any damage been done to vegetation or soil during field work?
Type / Size (m2) / Type ofrestoration
Position / Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
1 / N / W
2 / N / W
3 / N / W
REMEMBER: If vegetation or soil is damaged pictures of the damages must be attached to this field report.
R - Chemicals
Yes / No
Have any chemicals been used during the field work?
If yes, list names and amount
Describe purpose; i.e. nickel testing etc.
S – Radioactive Equipment
Yes / No
Has any equipment with radioactive sources been used during the field work?
If yes, list make and models
Describe purpose
T – Archaeological observations
Have any archaeological observations been made during field work? / Yes / No
Description of observation / Observed artifacts
Position / Degree / Decimal / Degree / Decimal
1 / N / W
2 / N / W
3 / N / W
REMEMBER If any new archaeological observations have been made, photographs of the observations must be attached to this field report.
U – Information provided to municipalities
Yes / No
Has written information been submitted to local municipality (Enclose copy)
Has any town meetings been conducted? (Enclose minutes)
Description of information activities
V – Accidentsand near miss
Yes / No
Have there been any accidents during field work?
Has there been any near miss during field work?
Date / Short description (detailed description can be enclosed)
W – Enclosures
Title of enclosure(s) (text) / Enclosure number
Title of enclosure(s) (pictures) / Enclosure number
Title of enclosure(s) (maps) / Enclosure number
Title of enclosure(s) (other) / Enclosure number
Date / Signature