Special Class Science 8

Mrs. Falco

2017 - 2018


The following supplies are due no later then Monday, September 11th

*2 inch Three Ring Binder

*Set of 5 dividers labeled:

-Class Notes





*Spiral notebook/composition book (journal entries)

*2-Pocket folder (2)

*Packet of loose-leaf paper


Classroom Rules

As 7th graders you are well aware of the rule for being on time. Please make sure that you arrive to class on time everyday. If you are late, it is expected that you will have a pass. If tardiness becomes a habit, cut slips and referrals will be given.

Please make sure that you arrive to class with appropriate supplies (binder, papers, pens/pencils, homework, etc. each day. I don’t mind lending out pens/pencils and paper from time to time but please make sure you bring your own and return any items that you borrowed.

All students are required to sign in/out of class each time they leave and return to the room. If signing out or leaving too often becomes a problem, you will no longer be given hall privileges or possibly be put on pass restriction.


Grades will be based on the following percentages:




Class work10%

Conduct 5%

*If you do all of your homework and come to class on time, do your work, and follow the rules you will earn a 100 for 25% of your grade. This can have a large affect on your grade because it can increase or decrease your grade by as much as 20 points. This can be the difference between passing and failing.

If you are asked to complete seatwork or group work, this grade may be counted as homework or a quiz grade. In class group or individual projects will be counted as a test grade.


If homework is not handed in on time or incomplete you will automatically lose half credit. I will accept homework up until the end of the 5-week period. After that, your grade becomes a zero. If your homework is complete but shows no effort your grade will also result in a zero.

It is cheating to copy someone else’s homework or allow another person to copy yours. If you are caught, you will both receive a zero and your parents/guardians will be notified.


If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what homework and class notes you missed. You can find out what homework and class notes were taken by logging on to my website. Homework and notes will be posted daily. I will also have extra copies of notes and homework in stacked files labeled Science 8. Homework is due on the day that you return toschool. I will also accept homework for full credit until the end of the week or 5 school days after the day you return. If you fail to make up your homework before the 5-week period, it will become a zero.

Extra Help

I am available everyday periods. These periods may change throughout the year.

After School Help

I will announce and post in class what days I will be holding after school help during the year. Please make sure that you have a signed note from your parent/guardian stating how you will get home from school at 3:15 (whether you are taking the bus, walking, or being picked up by your parent or guardian). After school help is a time when students who have been working hard in class can stay for extra support in any of their subjects. It is not a homework club or a time for students to hang out with friends after school.


In order to access my webpage you must go to Using the pull down window, choose a School and click Middle School, click on Faculty, scroll down to my name and click on my webpage. You can access class notes, homework, and other important information such as upcoming test/quizzes, project due dates, and upcoming events at MMS.

Contacting Me

If you need to contact me please call me at 845-236-5840 or

e-mail me at . I check my e-mail often and will get back to you as soon as possible.