Art 4, last week
Monday/Tuesday-no class
Wednesday-Exam day, laptop return
1.Correct Baseline Assessment. If you were not here for the baseline, you will take a new one.
An educational art iMovie: With a partner, create an iMovie to teach your audience how to create an artwork or understand an art concept. How will you make the movie factual and appeal to your target audience? Learn about layout design, use of color, contrast, scripting, and prompting.
It is graded on content, layout, accuracy, and design.
Suggested topics include: Baroque art, chiaroscuro, genre scenes, Rococo art, Neoclassicism, propaganda in art, Impressionism, an artist study, Cubism, Surrealism, how to draw a portrait, landscape, shading, perspective, abstract artwork, grid enlargement technique, how to draw what you see, gesture drawing, contour lines, implied lines, unusual views to spice up your artworks, how to add great details to spice up your artworks, how to take an interesting photo, how to make an iMovie, how to succeed in art class, how to make ...
3.Ted Talks:
4.Puzzles in Art, aesthetics activity: in groups of three, read the puzzle and discuss your responses/opinions.
There are no right or wrong answers if you can substantiate your claim/opinion. Share out with the class by
reading the puzzle and getting the class' opinions. Share group's opinion after you asked the class for theirs.
5.Cleaning chores.
6.Clean out your drawer and return any art supplies. Remove your name tape and empty crumbs into trashcan.
Show your teacher your clean drawer for a grade. Take your portfolio home or donate it to the art room.
7.Mural for hallway: poster of NIHS and everyone in it, to be shown at the beginning of next school year.
Thursday-no class
Friday, last day
1.View artshow and semester slideshow.
2.Ted Talks.
3.Highest grade award.
4.Final chores.