
Operating Reliability Subcommittee

May7, 2013 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CDT

May 8, 2013 | 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. CDT

Kansas City Power and Light

1200 Main Street

Kansas City, Missouri

(816) 719-9718

Conference: 1-866-740-1260; Access Code: 5247004; Security Code: 097745

Introductions and Chair’s Remarks

NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement


1.Administrative Matters

  1. Arrangements – Jim Useldinger, Robert Rhodes
  2. Announcement of Quorum – Secretary
  3. Operating Reliability Subcommittee Roster*
  4. Parliamentary Procedures* – Secretary
  5. Balancing Authority-to-Reliability Coordinator Mapping* – Secretary
  6. Future Meetings – Secretary

i.September 10–11, 2013 – St. Paul, MN (hosted by MISO)

ii.November 12–13, 2013 – Taylor, TX (hosted by ERCOT)

iii.February 11 – 12, 2014 – Tampa, FL (hosted by FRCC)

iv.Schedule future meetings

2.Meeting Minutes* – Approve – Chair Frosch

a.Minutes of February12–13, 2012 Operating Reliability Subcommittee Meeting

b.Minutes of March 13, 2013 Operating Reliability Subcommittee Executive Meeting

3.Reliability Plans* – Chair Frosch

a.Periodic Review of Reliability Plans

  1. Guideline for Approving Regional and Reliability Coordinator Reliability Plans

b.New or Revised Reliability Plans for Endorsement

  1. SPP Reliability Plan (Red-line)
  2. Southeastern Reliability Plan (Red-line)
  3. Southeastern Reliability Plan (Clean)

4.Operations Review* – All

a.Operations Review

b.Use of Proxy Flowgates

5.Interconnection Frequency Monitoring*

a.Frequency Monitor Reports and Frequency Excursions

  1. Eastern Interconnection – Vice Chair Wise
  2. ERCOT – Chair Frosch
  3. WECC – Mike Cassiadoro
  4. HQT – Richard Mailhot

6.Status Report of CERTS Applications and Intelligent Alarm and Epsilon Performance Statistics – Gil Tam

Objective: Mr. Tam will provide an update on CERTS applications and Interconnection Intelligent Alarm and Epsilon performance statistics.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item: No

7.Status Report on Implementation of the MISO Reliability Plan – Mike McMullen

8.MISO Investigation Report on the NERC TLR Level 5 Events (March 21 through April 2, 2013) – Tim Aliff

a.Flowgate 6509: Nelson AT1 500/230kV Xfmr (flo) Hartburg – Cypress 500kV line

b.Flowgate 18506 PPG-Rosebluff 230kV line (flo) Hartburg – Cypress 500kV line

9.Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (Phase 2) Status Report – Frank Koza

10.Geomagnetic Disturbance Reference Document* – Mike McMullen

11.NERC Reliability Tools Transition – Frank Koza

12.NERC Reliability Coordinator Hotline – Sam Chanoski

Objective: Mr. Chanoski will provide a status report of NERC’s effort to replace the existing NERC RC Hotline, which is currently housed in the Princeton area. The replacement Hotline would function almost identically to the current one, however, there is some additional functionality available.
Presentation: No / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Item: No

13.Situation Awareness FERC, NERC, and Regional Entities, Version 2 – Sam Chanoski

a.SAFNR Version 2 Status Report

b.Plan for SAFNR Version 2 Model Updates

Objective: Mr. Chanoski will brief the subcommittee on NERC’s efforts to plan and execute its first pattern file update to SAFNF V2. The value of a situation awareness tool is directly proportional to the accuracy of the underlying data the tool reflects. The update process captures new, retired or modified facilities visible to SAFNRv2; thus, it does not add, delete or change any types of information available to the tool. The intent is to make the update process as efficient as possible on all involved entities, especially the Reliability Coordinators, while ensuring all data is handled appropriately and an accurate pattern file update is available for use by early August 2013.
Presentation: No / Duration: 10 minutes / Background Item: No

14.Resynchronization of Islands under a Restoration Event – Mike Oatts

Objective: Mr. Oatts will brief the subcommittee on the efforts of several Eastern Interconnection RCs to standardize on a set of information to be obtained by an RC operator prior to authorizing the resynchronization of islands under a restoration event.
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item: No

15.Net Actual and Net Scheduled Interchange* – Larry Kezele

Objective: The Operating Committee requested that the Operating Reliability Subcommittee find volunteer reliability coordinators in the Eastern and Western Interconnections to create proposed procedures and technology solutions that would create an error checking matrix of BA interchange data for their respective Interconnections. This project would have BAs share ICCP data with one Reliability Coordinator in their respective Interconnection. The RC would develop an error-checking matrix that could be reviewed if frequency was significantly off-schedule and the underlying cause is not known. The matrix could also be used if a BA's EMS were down as it would provide an alternate ACE calculation for the impacted RC and BA. BAs would share ICCP net interchange actual (by neighbor) and net interchange scheduled (total) data with the designated RC in their respective Interconnection and that the designated RC develop an error checking matrix.
Presentation: No / Duration: 25 minutes / Background Item: Yes

16.Southwest Outage – Chair Frosch

a.Operating Committee Assignment to the ORS*

Objective: The ORS will discuss member responses to the Operating Committee’s assignment. As noted below, the OC requests a presentation of the highlights of the survey responses.
Background: At its March 2013 meeting, the Operating Committee discussed its assignment to the ORS and provided the following guidance related to a deliverable from the ORS for the OC’s June 2013 meeting. The OC values the expert technical advice that the ORS can provide. At this point the OC is not looking for a lengthy whitepaper capturing the details of the ORS member responses to its survey. Rather, following your discussions,it might be more efficient if the information can be condensed into a presentation format, while capturing the pertinent themes.
For example:
  1. The themes on how limits are monitored with/without RTCA.
  • One theme could be that all operating entities in the TO-TOP-RC hierarchy utilize RTCA, with good communications and cover for each other.
  • Another, only the RC has RTCA and covers the entire area with plans in place for tool failures.
  1. Themes on practice, procedures and tool status.
  • Similarly, what are the approach themes?
  1. ORS thoughts on the tools report going forward.

Presentation: Yes / Duration: 60 minutes / Background Item: Yes

17.NERC ORS IROL Survey Request – Mike Cassiadoro

a.WECC IROL Survey*

Objective: WECC Reliability Coordinator issued an Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit (IROL) survey to the ORS. Mr. Cassiadoro will review the survey results and address any questions the subcommittee may have.
Presentation: Yes / Duration: 20 minutes / Background Item: Yes

18.North American SynchroPhasor Initiative: Operations Implementation Task Team – Vice Chair Wise

Objective: Vice Chair Wise will provide a summary of the February 20–21, 2013 NASPI meeting.
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item:

19.Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 Reports – Chair Frosch

a.BRAZ Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 Report, dated April 1, 2013

Objective: The ORS reviews recent Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 reports at each of its meetings.
Presentation: No / Duration: 5 minutes / Background Item: BRAZ Event Report

20.Parallel Flow Visualization Project – All

Objective: The ORS will discuss its May 2009 motion related to the Parallel Flow Visualization project and that motion’s relationship to the NAESB Business Practices Subcommittee’s ongoing efforts to develop business practices related to its Generator-to-Load project.
Background: At its May 2009 meeting the ORS approved the following motion:
…that the Operating Reliability Subcommittee (ORS) agrees that the future use ofGeneration-to-Load (GTL) impacts, as identified in the MISO, PJM, and SPP“Generation-to-Load Reporting Requirements” white paper, will improve visibility and,as such, will enhance reliability of the Eastern Interconnection (EI). The ORS believesthe IDC should be modified to accept GTL calculations The GTL impact calculationshould be consistent for all EI reliability coordinators (RCs) and, as such, a singlevendor should be selected to implement the methodology and to perform the actualcalculations for all EI RCs.
These changes are intended to provide information only at this point (i.e. providing thecalculated GTL impacts without changing the functionality of the tools) until the ORSagrees that it is appropriate to utilize the additional data to enhance tool processes orpossible changes to TLR procedures. It is recognized that any changes to the TLRprocess to utilize the additional data made available as a result of this initiative will bedetermined preferably by the existing joint NAESB/NERC TLR standard drafting team.Industry support will be critical to the success of this initiative and will be best achievedby ensuring appropriate industry input and transparency in the decisions taken.
The ORS directs the Interchange Distribution Calculator Working Group (IDCWG) totake the following actions:
  • Identify the minimum data set required to achieve the required calculations bythe September 2009 ORS meeting
  • Identify the required changes to the IDC to identify the GTL impacts
  • Recommend a vendor to perform the GTL calculations for all EI RCs
  • Determine, in cooperation with the vendor, the GTL calculation methodology
  • Identify to the ORS any additional items that are required to incorporate GTLimpacts
The IDCWG should target having proposed recommendations to the ORS for theNovember 2009 meeting.
The GTL impacts should be archived in the IDC for an initial period of 12 to 18 monthsto allow analysis to be performed to assess the potential impact of any proposed changesto the TLR process including the possible use of near real time data for NNL calculationsand possible use of near real time data for other TLR calculations as determined byNAESB. Process changes may be incorporated before the completion of the analysisperiod if the ORS determines it is appropriate.
In addition, the NERC ORS will develop reliability metrics to confirm that the GTLcalculation is an improvement in accuracy over the static NNL calculation, which mustbe met, before changing to using the GTL calculated impacts for TLR.
Presentation: No / Duration: 30 minutes / Background Item: No

21.IDC Working Group Status Report – Yasser Bahbaz

Objective: The IDC and related applications (e.g., webSDX) were transferred to the IDC Association on April 1, 2013. The ORS will consider terminating the IDCWG.
Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item:

22.Data Exchange Working Group Status Report – Keith Mitchell

a.Approve – Revised DEWG Scope*

b.Discussion – NERCnet Project

  1. The DEWG will provide a summary of working group activities, including a summary of activities related to the NERCnet project.
  2. The ORS will consider the revised DEWG Scope.

Presentation: No / Duration: 15 minutes / Background Item: Revised Scope

23.Telecommunications Working Group Status Report – Clifton Johnson

*Background materials included.

Operating Reliability Subcommittee Meeting Agenda – May 7-8, 2013