ESA GMES: Terrafirma Service Level Agreement


ESRIN/Contract no. 19366/05/I-EC


LSM Product


10th June 2008

Copyright NPA and Terrafirma collaborators 2004 ii

ESA GMES: Terrafirma Product Acceptance Report v1


Town Name:
Product type:
Date received:
Name of Organisation:
Author and date of compilation:
All Terrafirma recipients are to complete the following Product Acceptance Report regarding supplied Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) deliverables and aspects of product ordering and delivery. The product acceptance report ensures that the product data layers received from the Operational Service Provider conform to the data layer standards as described in S5: Service Portfolio Specification. This applies to all the Terrafirma products currently available:

1.  H-1: Historical ‘raw’ product (‘raw’ InSAR motion measurements).

2.  H-2: Causal product (initial interpretation of H-1 by national geo-organisation).

3.  H-3: Modelled product (modelled H-1/H-2 product by national geo-organisation).

4.  M-1: Updated H-1 product

5.  LSI: Landslide Inventory Product (Interpreted basin-wide InSAR motion measurements, integrated into existing landslide inventory)

6.  LSM: Landslide Monitoring Product (monitoring of specific landslide event)

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ESA GMES: Terrafirma Product Acceptance Report v2

Terrafirma LSI Product

Protocol / Standard / Ö / X (Conform/Non-conform) / Comments e.g. tests applied, reason for non-conforming
1. LSM Report
1.1 Description / Provides the reporting about the LSM for a test site
1.2 Format / Pdf
1.3 Section 1 / Introduces the report and gives information on several sections
1.4 Section 2 / Provides a general sketch of the test site, description of landslide phenomena and general information about the area
1.5 Section 3 / Describes the geological framework, landslide typology and related causes
1.6 Section 4 / Details the PSI landslide monitoring
1.7 Section 5 / Gives final consideration and geological interpretation
2. LSM Summary presentation
2.1 Format / Pdf

Ordering / Delivery

Protocol / Standard / Ö / X (Conform/Non-conform) / Comments e.g. tests applied, reason for non-conforming
1.1 Area of Interest / Match user specified AOI
1.2 Period of interest / Matches user expected temporal period
1.3 Delivery time / Within expected time-scale of delivery (i.e. within 5 months after SAR data deliverables)
1.4 General comments on the ordering / delivery of the service


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