Borut Savski, bio = CV

1960 Born in Ljubljana.

1979-1984 studies at the Electrotechnical Faculty at University of Ljubljana.

From 1984 collaborating with Radio StudentLjubljana, as technician, after 1988 also in editorial for music, editorial for culture and humanistic sciences, broadcasts, critics.

From 1993 to 1997 employed at Radio Študent as chief of organisation of programs. Co-organized/ organized a number of media projects, local and international, especially at introducing new media approaches in the program of Radio Študent.

Between 1997 and 2000 a keeper of Ministry of Experiment initiative at Radio Študent, established for research and usage of new media platform – the internet. During summer of 1997 with Marko Košnik co-organized the local Ljubljana situation of pioneering international netcasting project - Xtended Live Radio. During 1997 and 1999 perfromed over 100 tactical (small scale) local live broadcasts from subculture/contra-culture places in Ljubljana – to the airwaves of Radio Študent.

In 1998 participated as artist-activist at the international project of new media netcasters at Ars Electronica in Linzu.

From 1999 started a radio show Heavy Weather (Huda ura), presenting sound art from the point of constituting philosophies – the basis being the span between the moment (improvised, alghoritmic; the nature) and the structured time (the music; the culture).

From 1999 he works as artist, writes essays, scriptures, scriblings. The basic approach is on the level of metaphors – the points of translations of meanings between different discoursive fields. Arts production is parallel and intertwined.

Since 2000 web programming of some subcultural web portals (Radio Študent, Trivia Records label, DIVA – digital video archives, etc.)
From 2005 various music/ improvising collaborations with different artists (dance: Mateja Bučar and Vadim Fiškin; sound: Matjaž Manček, Luka Prinčič, Stefan Doepner; music: Bogdana Herman). Trivia Records label issued two printed Cds and a large number of web-based compilations
From 2007 takes part in Cirkulacija 2 initiative in ex-factory Rog in Ljubljana as one of the founding members.
Lately participates at Theremidi Orchestra social-hardware-electronics DIY project based at Ljudmila lab.


- Sound Biotope (1999) in Kapelica Gallery Ljubljana, together with John Grzinich

- Round Table (2001) for Kunstradio / ORF 1

- Sonic point of View (2002; „Zvočno gledišče“), Kapelica gallery LJ

- Logic Space (2003), Kapelica gallery; performance in social behaviour - for two piano wires and four participants
- Electric Jesus (2004) Turning Sounds meeting in Varšava/ Poland; meta-performance
- Eye meets I (2004); P74 Ljubljana and Transart Merano; performance
- Orakelj/ Oracle I (2005); Kiberpipa LJ
- Plesalec/ Dancer (2005); Kapelica LJ
- Bowlfulls of Sound/ Posodi polni zvoka (2005); Moderna galerija; sound performance (together with Luka Prinčič and Matjaž Manček)
- Totem and Tabu (2005); Kapelica Gallery LJ, Borut Savski - Elektric Jesus 2; Stefan Doepner - Robot Totem
- Distributed Body/ Distribuirano telo (2005) Mala galerija; part of the series of events “Oscilacije/ Oscillations” curated by Bojana Piškur
- 2006 – international perfromances by project group Problemloss Orchestra (Prinčič, Manček, Savski)
- Intermediate Spaces / Vmesni prostori (2006); festival in Graz and Ljubljana (Trivia Art/ ESC gallery co-production); part of Steirischer Herbst festival
- music for dance performance Brothers Karamazov/ Bratje Karamazovi (2007) by Mateja Bučar; also at Fabbrica Europa festival in Florence / Italy
- Fluid Space / Fluidni prostor generative video-sound installation in Museum of Electricityx and Light in Santral Istanbul (2007); rezidency in Istanbul/ Turkey.
- 2007 - Etnoband of Scarecrow Statelet/ Etnobanda Državice Ptičjestrašilne - MetastazaA; Milena Kosec, Bogdana Herman, Stefan Doepner, Borut Savski; series of multimedia performances

- 2007 – Establishing of Cirkulacija 2 collective space at Rog Factorty Ljubljana.

- 2007 - Videographics/ Videografike (2007); generative videographic principles.

- 2008 – Etnoband/ Etnobanda – MetastazaB (2008); series of multimedia performances
- 2008 - Dancers/ Plesalci at Ars Electronica festival in Linz / Austria. Participation at Kapelica gallery group exhibition.
- 2008 - Strained Structures/ Prenapete strukture I, Kapelica gallery. In january 2009 as part of Parahouse12 in productionof Egon March Intitute in Berlin, Germany – as: Octopussy/ Hobotnica.

- 2009 - Strained Structures/ Prenapete strukture II: Being/ Bitje; festival Device_Art in Zagreb
- 2009 – organization/ participation at Cirkulacija 2 event in MedienKunstLabor KunstHaus Graz / part of NCC (Net Community Convention).

- 2009 – three installations and participation at Cirkulacija 2 event in Viba Film studios in Ljubljana. Organized by Kapelica gallery.
- 2010 - Borut Savski & Bogdana Herman – Newly composed Slovene Folk Songs/ Novokomponirane slovenske ljudske
- 2010 - Oracle/ Orakelj II (2010); generative video installation; participation at XOR / Oracle / Orakelj; a project by Petra Kapš in Likovni salon Celje/ Slovenia.
- 2010 - Round Table/ Okrogla miza and Strained Structuires/ Prenapeta struktura III - Ikebana, Device Art exhibition in Tokyo/ Japan
- 2010 - Music is Dead - Long live the Music – A solo concert at Jakopičeva gallery in Ljubljana; Sound Explicit events – production of P74
- 2010 – organisation/ participation at Cirkulacija 2 event at Mostovna in Nova Gorica as part of PixelPoint festival;

- 2011 - Borut Savski & Bogdana Herman – Newly composed Slovene Folk Songs/ Novokomponirane slovenske ljudske – second year of performances (at Kavarna Union and at Kazemate gallery Ljubljana Castle)
- 2011 – organization/ participation at Cirkulacija 2 events at Light Guerilla in Ljubljana; coproduction with Forum Ljubljana.

- 2011 - Strained Structures III / Prenapete strukture III – Tree of Life, Salon Rotovž Maribor; part of Museum of Robots exhibition by UGM Maribor
- 2011 – organization/ participation at Cirkulacija 2 events at MFRU/ International festival of computer arts in Maribor; coproduction with MKC Maribor.
- 2012 - Strained Structures III / Prenapete strukture III – Tree of Knowledge (of good and evil...), Metropolis gallery Ljubljana;