Step 2

Explanation of Data Submitted

Grades 9-12

All Regular Education Subject Areas

(For Example: Math, Science, English, History, Art, Music, Drama, P.E., etc.)

Complete the following templates for one preparation only.If you teach any content areas that have an End of Course Test (EOCT), you must select one of those as your preparation.

[For Gifted Resource, minimum number of students is 10]

Save this template as:


For Step 2, all of the following questions must be thoroughly answered on this template (one preparation only) to explain the data that you are submitting on your roster (Step 3).

In Step 3 of this application, you will be providing scores/ratings for the pre-assessment, formative assessments, and the post-assessmentfor the 2012-2013 school year.

In Step 4 you will submit blank copies of the pre-assessment, one formative assessment, and the post-assessment for the preparation selected.

Explanation of Data Submitted
Subject Area:
Grade Level:
Class Period(s) or Block(s):
List each of the classes you taught first and second semester for the 2012-2013 school year. Explain your school’s schedule. (Is it a traditional six or seven period day where classes meet for a semester for a half unit of credit, and do students change teachers for the second half of the course? Is the schedule organized on a 4x4 block where the unit is earned in a semester, or is it an AB block where the students take the class for the entire year with the same teacher?) The listing of classes and description of the schedule will enable the reviewers to understand the roster submitted in Step 3.
STANDARDS: Name the set of learning standards (state and/or national) you used to determine content and objectives for instruction and assessment.
PRE-ASSESSMENT: Describe the pre-assessment you submitted in Step 4 to show how this assessment was appropriate for both your students and the curriculum being assessed.
SCALE: Explain the meaning of the pre-assessment results you recorded on the roster. For example, were the results recorded as percent correct, a particular level of a rubric, etc.?
What changes would you make in how you pre-assessed students in order to improve the quality of the assessment, provide better diagnostic information about your students, and to better align it with the standards you are expected to teach for this subject and grade level?
POST-ASSESSMENT: Describe the post-assessment you submitted in Step 4 to show how this assessment was appropriate for both your students and the curriculum being assessed.
SCALE: Explain the meaning of the post-assessment results you recorded on the roster. For example, were the results recorded as percent correct, a particular level of a rubric, etc.?
What changes would you make in the post-assessment in order to improve the quality of the assessment and to better align it with the standards you taught?
DESCRIPTION OF IMPACT: Based on the results of the post-assessment, summarize the learning demonstrated by the students listed on the roster by discussing the group’s progress toward mastery of the curriculum standards. Specifically, address the growth from the pre-assessment to the post-assessment and the significance of this growth relative to school, district, state, and /or national expectations.
ALIGNMENT OF ASSESSMENTS TO STANDARDS: In the matrix below, show how you aligned the pre-assessment and post- assessment in 2012-2013 with the identified learning standards. Note: Add rows as needed.
Learning Standards – include all standards for year. / Describe how you assessed the standards with the submitted pre-assessment. You may reference specific items or describe performance tasks from the submitted pre- assessment. Be specific. / Describe how you assessed the standards with the submitted post- assessment. You may reference specific items or describe performance tasks from the submitted post- assessment. Be specific. (If EOCT wasused as the post-assessment, it is aligned with the standards and you do not need to complete this column.)
Save as:Explanation_Subject_LASTNAME
Example: Explanation_WorldHistory_Smith
Step 3:
Download and complete the student roster for the preparation (subject) for 2012-2013.
Save as: Roster_Subject_LASTNAME