A School of Good Samaritan Education

Director of Mission, Identity and Culture

3-point Leadership Team Position

Role Description(commencing Term 4 2016)


The Director of Mission, Identity and Culture is a member of the College Leadership Team and Head of the Mission Team with specific and delegated responsibility for ensuring the College community retains a deep understanding of our Catholic Good Samaritan Benedictine mission, identity and culture. The Director works to ensure the College remainsfaithful to Good Samaritan Education(GSE) charism which is ‘centred on the person of Jesus Christ in the communal seeking of God…enriched and inspired by the Parable of the Good Samaritan, the Rule of St Benedict and the Sisters of the Good Samaritan.’ The Director is responsible for building aninclusive culture in the College by ensuring we offer a diverse range of co-curricular and extra-curricular programs whichalloweach student to be recognised and appreciated.

Key Areas of Responsibility

The Director of Mission, Identity and Culture is accountable to the Principal.The Director is the community leader of various teams responsible for the development and support of faith formation programs and programs that express our College identity and culture, focusing on the building of community in the College.

Role Accountabilities

Models and fosters collaborative and personal leadership within the College community:

  • Models effective interpersonal communication skills, including the skills of effective listening, conflict resolution, negotiation, mediation, assertiveness and constructive confrontation.
  • Contributes to the College Leadership Team and to its identification, analysis and discussion of College issues.
  • Implements decisions of the College Leadership Team specific to the role and to the cohesive functioning of the team.
  • Influences the development of school curriculum and co-curricular programs by contributing to educational discussion and debate.
  • Seeks professional development opportunities so as to be competent and confident in the role and familiar with current educational discussion and debate.
  • Is a member of, and networks with, relevant professional bodies.
  • Participates as a member of the College Leadership Team in College functions, sharing this responsibility with other members of the team.
  • Undertakes other duties as specified and delegated by the College Principal.
  • Is loyal to the College Principal, Board and Leadership Team.

Leads and monitors the development of policies, programs and practices which form students and staff in the Catholic Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition:

Faith Formation:

  • Works in collaboration with the College Leadership Team, Head of Religious Education and Head of Community and Social Justice to ensure that faith formation programs for students are of the highest quality and are given priority in the College.
  • Works with the College Mission Team (Director of Mission, Identity and Culture, Head of Religious Education and Head of Community and Social Justice) to ensure the provision of opportunities for students to develop a closer relationship with God through prayer and liturgy, mission, retreat experiences and community activities.
  • Assists the Principal in fostering the spiritual development of staff by providing opportunities to nurture spiritual growth through staff retreat days and staff reflections.
  • Explores opportunities for students, staff and parents to engage in spiritual and faith formation byconnecting them to their parish and the Good Samaritan community.

Prayer and Liturgical Life of the College:

  • Provides leadership in preparing and planning significant events relating to the Catholic life of the College.
  • Works with the College Mission Team to prepare whole school liturgies and Eucharistic celebrations.
  • Establishes a cooperative relationship with the Parish Priests of the feeder parishes of the College and works to connect students and their families to the local church.
  • Works with the College Mission Team and the Heads of Year to facilitate the provision of Year Group liturgical and prayer experiences.
  • Works with the College Leadership Team, Head of Religious Education and the Head of Community and Social Justice to facilitate prayer experiences within the curriculum.

Social Justice Initiatives:

  • Assiststhe Head of Community and Social Justice in facilitating and coordinating social justice initiatives in the College.

Retreats and Reflection Days:

  • Works with the College Leadership Team and Mission Team to implement an approach to student retreats and reflection days that is in partnership with the Religious Education curriculum and sense of the sacred elements within curriculum programs.
  • Works collaboratively with clergy and other invited guests for retreats.
  • Assists the Head of Community and Social Justice in facilitating and coordinating retreat programs to encourage application of students’ faith to everyday living, including:

Development of a social conscience.

Respect for difference.

Compassion for others.

Sense of confidence and self-worth.

Commitment to our Stella Maris College Benedictine and Good Samaritan values.

Leads and coordinates the Mission Team in the cohesive, effective management of the identity and culture of the college:

  • Coordinates regular Mission Team meetings and undertakes the Annual Goal Setting and Review for the Mission Team.
  • Leads the Mission Team in the development, evaluation and regular review of religious formation, faith development, prayer, liturgy and social justice activities.

Manages and administers those responsibilities which develop and improve the quality of Mission, Identity and Culture:


  • Plans and coordinates the implementation of strategies which highlight and develop the Catholic Good Samaritan ethos of the College.
  • Develops and reviews the College’s Mission, Identity and Culture in collaboration with the Leadership and Mission Teams.
  • Ensures that strategic direction in Mission, Identity and Culture are congruent with the Mission Statement.

Identity and Culture:

  • Coordinate and oversee the staffing of co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, ensuring that staff are presenting appropriate activities to foster student engagement with the college community and nurture the development of personal skills and interests.
  • Works with the Deputy Principal to ensure the offerings in the co-curricular and extra-curricular program remain relevant and engaging for students and provide an opportunity for staff to foster student talents.

Length of Tenure

The Director of Mission, Identity and Culture is appointed on contract for a period of threeyears’, renewable for a further three years on the completion of a successful Performance Review.

Performance Review/Appraisal Conditions

The appointee to this position will be required to undergo an Annual Goal Setting and Review with the Principal and a comprehensive Performance Appraisal during the period of the appointment.

Teaching Requirements

The Director of Mission, Identity and Culture will carry a0.5 FTE teaching load.


The remuneration for the position will be as follows:

  • The position attracts an allowance equivalent to Coordinator 3 in the AIS MEA.
  • Superannuation Guarantee at the current rate of 9.5% will be paid by the College in addition to salary.

Selection Criteria

In the selection of the Director of Mission, Identity and Culture, Stella Maris College is seeking to appoint an educator and administrator of the highest calibre who is called to serve and utilise their gifts in bringing to life the mission of our Church through Catholic education in the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition.

Essential Criteria for the role:

  • Be an active member of a Catholic Parish with a strong commitment to promoting Catholic Good Samaritan values.
  • Be able to demonstrate an understanding of the charism of Good Samaritan Education as articulated in the Good Samaritan Schools Teaching and Learning Framework and the Good Samaritan Schools Mission Framework.
  • Have a minimum of five years teaching and leadership experience in a Catholic school.
  • Have relevant teaching qualifications and have, or be working towards, post graduate qualifications in education, leadership, religious education or theology.
  • Be able to demonstrate a high level of competency in the domains of leadership as outlined in the role description.

Highly Desirable Criteria:

  • Have significant leadership experience (e.g. Head of Religious Education, Head of Faculty in more than one school).
  • Have a proven ability to work in a collaborative environment as a member of a leadership team.

Applications should include:

  • An Application for Employment (Teaching Staff) form.
  • A letter of application addressing the criteria and role description (letter should be addressed to the Principal, Stella Maris College, 52 Eurobin Ave, Manly NSW 2095).
  • Details of your qualifications and experience.
  • Details of your ‘Working With Children Check’ Clearance. Your Clearance Number will be checked prior to commencing work in the advertised position, if you have not acquired one, you will be required to do so before commencing work.
  • An Educational Philosophy Statement (1-2 paragraphs).

Applicants should nominate three referees on their Application for Employment (Teaching Staff) form including the applicant’s current employer and the Parish Priest of the parish where the applicant is involved.

Applications close onMonday 8August 2014. Only electronic applications will be accepted. Please emailyour application to by 4:30pm on the closing date.