Advanced Entry to the MA (Social Sciences) Degree Programme - Policy and Procedures

Please note in the information provided below that:

  • “level” refers to the courses taken in a Social Sciences Subject at a given level eg level 1 Economics, level 2 Politics
  • “Year” refers to the Year of Study on the MA (SocialSciences) Degree Programme eg Year 2

Advanced Entry with ALevels or Advanced Highers (from School)

Advanced entry to level 2 in any subject of study is permitted only by each individual Social Sciences Subject and normally a student must have been awarded grade A at A Level or Advanced Higher to be considered for advanced entry in any Subject. Furthermore, an applicant must have a grade A in a minimum of two A Levels/Advanced Highersintwo relevant Social Sciences Subjects that would permit entry into level2 in both Subjects before a student may be permitted entry to Year 2 of the MA (Social Sciences) degree programme. If permitted advanced entry to Year 2 with two Subjects at Level 2, then the applicant wouldbe awarded 80 credits of level 1 general Social Sciences credits but would still be required to studyan additional 40 level 1 credits in Year 2 (ie a total curriculum of 160 credits rather than the normal 120 credits per year curriculum) to gain the requisite number of credits needed to graduate with the MA (Social Sciences)Honours degree by the end of studies (480 credits in total required).

If an applicant is permitted entry to level 2 in one Social Sciences Subject only then the applicantis not permitted advanced entry to Year 2 of the MA (Social Sciences) degree programmeand must instead enter Year 1 of the degree programme to complete 120 credits thus allowingnormal progression to Year 2 in the following academic session. There is little advantage to a student in this case, so mostapplicants choose to study the level 1 Subject that was studied at A Level/Advanced Higher rather than the level 2 Subject. No credits are awarded for A Level/Advanced Higher studiesin this case.

The procedure for requests for advanced entry is as follows:

  • The applicant for advanced entry must apply through UCAS and send his/her full University transcript and curriculum information to Admissions at the University of Glasgow for forwarding to the Chief Adviser (MA Social Sciences) via email: .
  • The Chief Adviser or appropriate nominee considers whether the student meets the overall MA (Social Sciences) degree requirements. If the applicant does not meet the degree requirements then the application is rejected.
  • If the applicant meets the overall degree requirements, the Chief Adviser or nominee sends the application and supporting transcript/curriculum information to the relevant Social Sciences Subject(s) for which the student wishes to be considered for advanced entry to level 2.
  • The relevant Social Sciences Subject(s) Level 2 Coordinator assesses the applicant’s transcript and curriculum studied at the other University or Higher Education Institution and either agrees to permit the applicant advanced entry to Level 2 in that Subject or rejects the application.
  • In some cases, a Subject coordinator allows advanced entry to Level 2 but the other Subject rejects the application – if that happens then the applicant is not normally permitted advanced entry to Year 2 of the MA (Social Sciences) degree programme since full time study is not then possible at level 2 and part time advanced entry is not permitted. The only exception to this is if an applicant applies for entry into Economics level 2 and no other subject, as he/she may be permitted entry on a restricted curriculum to study either Economic and Social History (ESH), or Central & East European Studies (CEES) as his/her other level 2 Subject.

International Baccalaureate

Economics only will permit anapplicant to be admitted into level 2 Economics courses based upon performance in the International Baccalaureate, but the student is not awarded any level 1 credits. Therefore, as above for advanced entry to one level 2 Subject by A Level or Advanced Higher, an applicant in this case isnormally advised to study 120 level 1 credits in Year 1 of the MA (Social Sciences) degree programme,including Economics level 1,to allow normal progression to Year 2 in the following academic session, rather than studying level 2 Economics in Year 1.

Transfer from another Universityor Higher Education Institution

The University does not accept applications from UK and EU students to transfer from another institution. Exceptions will be made only if it can be proven that astudentwho is currently living away from home needs to return to their home city due to significant personal problems such as family or personal illness, bereavement or other circumstances. These situations will be considered on a case by case basis and documentary evidence, such as medical reports, will be required. All applications from students currently studying at another Higher Education Institution must be made through UCAS and applicants must have met the SQA Higher or A level entry requirements to be considered for an offer. Any offer is likely to be to year one of study, unless the degree programme offers advanced entry or faster route.

Applications for advanced entry by students transferring from other Universities or Higher Education Institutions will only be accepted for entry to Year 2 of the MA (Social Sciences) degree programmeif they meet the requirements set out below.

Applications for advanced entry into Year 3 of the Honours MA (Social Sciences) degree programme arenot normally permitted. University regulations do not permit advanced entry to thefinal year of any degree programme ie the maximum credit that can normally be awarded for courses studied at another institution is 50% of the credits associated with any University of Glasgow degree programme (see University Calendar, College of Social Sciences, Generic Undergraduate Regulations, 4 Recognition of Prior Learning, paragraph 4.1).

An applicant to at the University of Glasgow for advanced entry (transfer) into year 2 of the MA (Social Sciences) degree programme based on academic performance at another University or Higher Education Institutionmust:


a) meet the initial entry requirements for the MA (Social Sciences) degree programme (see under each individual Subject entry at “Entry Requirements - MA (SocSci)” at for the following Subjects: Business & Management, Business Economics, Central & East European Studies, Economic & Social History, Economics, Geography, Politics, Social &Public Policy, Sociology)


b) have an excellent academic performance record at their current University or Higher Education Institution ie all ‘A ‘grades or similar


(ii) have substantial personal, compassionate or other reasons justifying a transfer into the MA (Social Sciences) degree programme at the University of Glasgow.

Important Note: In line with above, a student who has failed to progress in studies at another University or Higher Education Institution will not be considered for advanced entry (transfer) into the MA (Social Sciences) degree programme at the University of Glasgow.

Higher National Diploma and Higher National Certificate

No advanced entry or accreditation of prior learning is permitted in relation to the MA (Social Sciences) degree by either of the above qualifications.

FCW/LT/FC/ANUpdated May 2016