The following information will serve as a guide for student athletes at EJMS. These rules and expectations are in place to promote a fun, fair, and positive experience for everyone involved. Student athletes not following these rules are subject to punishment or dismissal. The head coach of the different sports may have additional rules and expectations that you will also have to follow.

1. Academics:

A. Academic performance is and will always be the most important aspect the students experience at EJMS.

B. Students that fail to maintain acceptable grades will be subject to missing practice and or competition. This will be left to the Coach’s discretion.

2. Eligibility:

All students must have passed 3 out of 4 of their academic classes and 3 out of 4 of their connection classes in the previous semester in order to tryout and or participate in any school sport.

3. Physical Examination and Insurance:

A. All students must have a current physical examination performed by a doctor in order to tryout and or participate in any school related activity including voluntary summer activities.

B. These physicals expire one calendar year from the date the doctor signs on it.

C. All students trying out or participating in EJMS athletics must provide proof of insurance or purchase school insurance.

4. Attendance:

A. All students must be present for no less than half of the school day in order to participate in practice or competition that day.

B. Students are also required to practice in order to participate in competition.

C. EJMS athletics also will take priority over any other recreational games or competition.

D. Student athletes are required to contact their coach ahead of time if they have to miss practice or a competition. Failure to do so could result in dismissal from the team.

5. Classroom Expectations:

A. We expect our athletes to be leaders in the school.

B. All student athletes are expected to represent their family, their school, their coaches, and themselves on and off the field of competition. Always set a positive example!!

C. Any negative display of attitude, behavior, language, fighting, or disrespect of any kindmay result in disciplinary action from the coach and/or school.

D. Consequences may include: extra conditioning, team suspension and or dismissal from the team.

E. Students are responsible for maintaining good grades. Failing grades could result in but are not limited to the following:

  • Study hall, tutoring sessions provided by their grade level hall, benched until grades come up, or dismissal from the team
  • Students will be held to the school wide academic discipline plan

F. An athlete can be put on contract from the coach and school that spells out what the punishment will be if he or she has another infraction.

G. The head coach of any sports has the right to have additional expectations and rules about classroom behavior and school rules.

6. In-School Suspension:

A. Students that are in ISS will not be allowed to participate in competition during those days, however they may be allowed to participate in practice.

B. Repeated visits to ISS can result in dismissal from the team.

7. Out of School Suspension:

A. Students will not be allowed to practice or participate in competition during their suspension.

B. They will be suspended for at least one competition when they return to school if no competition was missed during the suspension.

C. They will automatically be put on a contract that spells out their punishment if he or she has another infraction.

8. Traveling:

A. All team members are required to travel to the competition on school provided transportation.

B. Athletes may ride home with parents and only their parents. You can not ride with anyone but your parents.

C. You can ride back on the school provided transportation.

D. Parental requests for emergency situations must be approved by the coach.

E. The coach has the right to make everyone ride back on the school provided transportation.

9. Jewelry:

A. Students are not allowed to wear jewelry of any kind during practices or competition.

B. EJMS is not responsible for any lost or stolen jewelry.

10. Locker Rooms:

A. Locker rooms are for coaches and players only.

B. No horseplay in the locker room at any time.

C. Locker rooms must be kept clean by the athletes.

D. Athletes are responsible for their valuables.

E. Athletes may bring a lock to put on the lockers in the locker rooms, but it must be a combination lock and the coach must have a copy of the combination.

F. EJMS is not responsible for any lost or stolen personal property.

11. Equipment:

A. Athletes are responsible for equipment given to them by their coach.

B. The athlete has to return all his equipment,as quickly as he or she can, when the season is over. All equipment must be returned before they can participate in another sport.

C. The athletes and their parents are responsible for replacing any equipment that is lost.

D. If the athlete owes the school money, they must settle their account before they can participate in another sport.

12. Quitting or Dismissal:

A. Athletes will not be allowed to participate in another sport until the one he or she quit or has been dismissed from is over for that season.

13. Practices:

A. All practices are closed, unless specific permission is granted by the coach.

14. General Student Expectations:

A. Refrain from alcohol, drugs, tobacco products at all times. You are underage which makes it illegal. If you are caught using any of these during practice, the ride to and from the competitions, or at school, you will be immediately dismissed from the team and an office referral will be sent.

B. Always be on time! NO EXCUSES!!

C. Treat all players, coaches, and officials with respect and courtesy.

D. Use acceptable language at all times- even in the locker rooms.

E. Dress appropriately when representing yourself, coaches, school and team.

F. Be responsible- accept responsibility for your actions.

G. Be a good listener. Pay attention to your coaches and teammates during practice and competitions. Players should never talk when the coach is talking.

H. Always strive for the best you can be athletically and academically.

I. The head coach has the right to have more general expectations for his or her players.

J. The Coaching Staff reserves the right to handle issues related to conduct detrimental to the team or unsportsmanlike conduct as they see fit. Such consequences may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Extra conditioning, written or verbal apologies to affected parties, games suspension, dismissal from the team

15. Parent Expectations:

A. Parents are expected to pick up their child on time from practice and competitions.

B. Parents are expected to show good sportsmanship at both home and away events.

C. Parents will refrain from shouting out unsportsmanlike negative comments or harassing officials, coaches, players, other parents etc.

D. Parents will adhere to and respect the 24 hour rule

* If parents violate any of these expectations, they may be asked to leave the event. Depending on the severity of their actions, they may be suspended from future events. This will be at the discretion of the Coach, Activities Director, or Administrator.

16. Athletic 24 Hour Rule:

While all the coaches at EastJacksonMiddle School seek to maintain open communication with the parents of our athletes, incidents of the past have led us to adopt a new policy modeled after the one used at EastJacksonHigh School. There will be no contact between the player’s parents and the coaches allowed for 24 hours before or after a sporting event. For example, if EJMS has a game on Friday beginning at 6pm and ending at 8pm, there will be no contact allowed with the coaches of that event from Thursday at 6pm until Saturday at 8pm.

Violating this policy will result in the following action:

1st offense - warning

2nd offense – barred from attending the next home game

3rd offense – barred from all EJMS athletic events for the remainder of the year

Further, anyone found to be harassing or intimidating a member of the coaching staff will be subject to one or more of the following: immediate expulsion from the current event, barred from all future events at EJMS, and possible criminal charges. We want your children to benefit from competing on our sports teams, and we encourage you to help us teach them good and proper sportsmanship.

Any violation of any of these rules and expectations will result in immediate action. Understand that violation of some of these rules and expectations may result in dismissal or suspension from the team.

Please have the athlete and his or her parents print their names and sign it in the space provided. The athlete should also put his or her student number in the blank that is provided.


Athlete’s Name Parent’s or Guardian Name

(Please Print)(Please Print)


Athlete’s Signature Parent’s or Guardian Signature


Student’s Number