Beeston Community Forum Meeting –Thursday 4th November- Agenda
- Chairman’s Opening Remarks (N.B. Bill Birch to chair the meeting, in view of Christine Thornton’s absence)
- Apologies for absence
- Guest Speakers- Buses
i)Charles Donnelly- First Bus
ii)Colin Newbury- Arriva
iii)Philip Joyce- WYPTA
4. Discussion about the possible building of a Casino at Elland Road
- Minutes of the meeting of the Beeston Community Forum held on 7th October 2004
- Correspondence
- Report of Committee meeting 21st October 2004
- Forthcoming AGM
- Any Other Business
Minutes of the meeting of the Beeston Community Forum held on Thursday 7th October 2004(I am pleased to acknowledge, with thanks, the assistance of Bill Birch and Kathleen Fenton in the preparation of these minutes, in view of my inability to attend the meeting- Robert Winfield)
Attendance:- D Bottomley, K & S Burton, D Kenny, C Kirk, J Cunningham, S Francis, E Newton, R & H Harrison, G & M Mason, M & J Dean, J & K Fenton, J & J Hodgson, P Senior, R Almond, F Swift, D Bateman, R Kitson, R Nevin, P Johnson, A Barnard, C Quinn, Cllr. A Ogilvie & Cllr. D Congreve.
1st Item - Mick Turner, Fire Fighter from Hunslet Station.
He has been a fire fighter for 25 years, and gave some local relevant statistics. There are 3 machines at Hunslet, where the call out is 4,000 per year. House fires have decreased, mainly due to smoke detectors and flame retardant furniture. They receive quite a few false alarms, so suggests that, if making a genuine call, you try and ring more than once. 65% of all fires start in the kitchen, particularly caused by chip pans. These should be dealt with by first turning the heat off and smothering the flames with a wet cloth. If no improvement, leave initial wet cloth and cover it with a second one. Do not remove the pan from the cooker until it is cool. If situation proves too dangerous, evacuate the house. Faulty electric appliances are a problem - suggestions are to unplug appliances when not in use. Do not overload sockets; do not run cables under carpets. Extra care should be taken when using portable heaters because they can be knocked over. Do not dry clothes too near these kind of heaters.
10% of all accidental fires are caused by smoking - do not smoke in bed, make sure cigarettes are extinguished. Keep cigarettes and matches away from children.
In most fires it is not the flames (10%) that do most harm, but the 90% caused by smoke and fumes. Most recent smoke alarms now have batteries which last 10 years. Ideally there should be a smoke alarm on each floor. If alarm activates and you are in any doubt, just get out. If no exit, suggest try and get all people into one room, ideally nearest to outside access. Smoke detector batteries should be checked weekly.
Cards were provided, and anyone wanting further help or advice was asked to complete one and the Fire Brigade could then arrange for a home visit to do a check and fit smoke detectors. In Beeston the Fire Station is only 10 minutes away at the most, which makes for a quick response.
2nd item - Valentine Fair. Speakers - Mr Robinson (International Fun Fairs),
Inspector Justin Pedley (Holbeck Police) and Andrew McGill (Head of Outdoor Events - Leeds Leisure Services).
It is intended to bring the Valentine Fair to Elland Road again next year - to run from 4th to 11th February to coincide with the half term school holidays. Site is patrolled by Council event officers on a daily basis whilst the Fair is on. No complaints arose last year. Mr Bateman said that people had stopped complaining. They were told that, when the Fair switched from Millennium Square to Elland Road it was a one off, but it now seems permanent. Council are treating the event as a moneymaking enterprise, and have never discussed the implications with local residents. 4 years ago there was an article in the local newspaper saying all 6 Councillors had objected to this one off proposal - where did the authorisation come from? Mr McGill said that political discussion had taken place, but hopefully it will not inconvenience matters. Mr Bateman said that one event which was held in Roundhay Park had never been repeated. In defence of the Fair it was said that there were no problems in the ground. Problems were caused by people on their way to and from the Fair - this consisted of violence and fly parking in Elland Road and the Heath estate. Mr Robinson took note of the comments and said he would arrange for more cones and supervision to be put in place, as well as looking to light the car parks. Stewards managed supervision inside the grounds but, if problems arose, the Police were there as back-up. Mr McGill said he would make sure that all points are addressed at the multi agency meeting. Steve Francis commented that, although the Fair has moved around, it seems to have come to rest here - why was Woodhouse Moor not considered? Mr Robinson said that, since the Fair had moved from the city centre, it had been getting larger, and now attracts people who travel long distances to see some of the new attractions, which include some spectacular ones from overseas - as a result of this Woodhouse Moor was too small. Inspector Pedley said when the Fair was in Millennium Square the site was difficult to Police because of traffic problems, complaints having being received from people who had trouble visiting the hospital. Mr Bateman said that everyone living on the Heath estate has a resident parking permit, which were adopted because of potential fire problems. Inspector Pedley assured us that, if a vehicle was deemed to be blocking the road, it would be removed immediately. Mr McGill said he would ensure that litter was not a problem, saying that last year the road was cleared every morning. John Hodgson welcomed the fact that everyone seemed to be working together as far as litter was concerned. It was good to hear that both the site and Elland Road would be cleared, but felt that this should also be extended to include surrounding areas - Heath estate, Wesley Street etc. Mr McGill said he would get back to us on this, and also check the noise rating as to which rides should be turned off. Christine Thornton raised the question about whether we could expect the Valentine Fair to come to Elland Road on a regular basis. Mr McGill said they expected that this would be the case, but it would be determined by Council policy.
Mr Robinson said they hoped the Fair could be held at Elland Road every year, and in this connection they wanted everyone to be happy about it from every aspect.
Cynthia Kirk said most of the litter comes from overflowing bins, so asked if both the number and position of the existing bins could be looked at. Pauline Johnson said that litter on match days extended as far as Cross Flatts Grove. It was felt that there was not enough bins to cope with litter on a normal match day. Mr McGill said he would look into these issues, but may need to take it up with appropriate LCC department. A resident mention that during one Fair, a whole section of street lighting had failed, and we need to ensure that this does not happen again. Christine Thornton said that we need to make sure that the environment is made as safe as possible. Inspector Pedley said there are internet links where street lighting problems can be reported.
Des Bateman thanked the top table for being frank and honest about the Fair, and said that consultation of this nature should have happened a few years ago. John Hodgson asked that there be a de-briefing session after the Fair, and Mr McGill agreed to this. Inspector Pedley said there would be an increased Police presence during the event.
Inspector Pedley also informed the Forum that we now had 2 Community Constables - Stan Julian had been joined by James Foster, and as from next week we will also have 2 Police Community Support Officers, and all 4 will be totally focused on our area. It is hoped that they will be able to attend a Forum meeting.
In response to traffic questions, Inspector Pedley said he would liase with Mr Broadbent in the Police traffic management, to find out if the Police had objected to the speed limit on Elland Road being changed from 40 to 30 m.p.h. Regarding cars speeding down Wesley Street, he said he would ask the traffic department to do roadside checks.
The Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd September were taken as read - proposed by John Hodgson and seconded by Steve Francis.
3rd Item - Raymond Harley - Beeston Village Survey.
Mr Harley is Church Warden at St. Mary's who have been part of a steering group (Churches & Neighbourhood Action). They have been doing a "Beeston Village Survey" aimed at getting feedback from youth about what is going on in the area. In this connection questionnaires have been sent to local schools (Beeston Primary & Hugh Gaitskill). He left a draft copy for us to see, and said there is to be a meeting about this at St. Mary's on Wednesday 17th November at 7.30p.m. Steve Francis said it was a church initiative, but unfortunately it was an oversight that they had not seen fit to involve Beeston Forum before proceeding.
Apologies were received from Robert Winfield, John Butler and Mr & Mrs Pickersgill.
Alwyn Barnard mentioned a bus shelter that had been damaged 4 years ago and, despite writing many letters about it, he has had no response. Cllr. Ogilvie said he would take the matter up for him.
Des Bateman asked how Jack Sharpe was. John Hodgson said he was doing well with his treatment. Christine Thornton said she had seen him recently, and he looked well. John Fenton was letting him have minutes of meetings, so trying to keep him up to date regarding what was going on.
Christine Thornton enquired how the new crossing access to the new health centre was progressing, and Cllr. Ogilvie said he would look into this.
John Hodgson said that the Forum welcomed the decision of the Committee to endorse Bill Birch as our representative at the new Community Area Meetings. There was a unanimous vote on this, with no one voting against, and no abstentions.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.10p.m.
IIMPORTANT- Notice is hereby given that the Beeston Forum AGM, to be held at 7.30p.m on Thursday 2nd December at Wesley Street Methodist Church will consider, and if thought fit pass the following amendment to the Constitution of the Forum.
ADD NEW CLAUSE 7- PRESIDENT OF THE FORUM (present clauses 7-15 to be renumbered consequentially)
i)The Committee shall have the right, but not the obligation to nominate a single individual, who has , in the opinion of the Committee given meritorious service to the Forum, for election by the AGM as President of the Forum
ii)The resolution to elect the nominee of the Committee as President of the Forum will require a simple majority of those voting
iii)The President shall hold no other Office within the Forum, and shall be invited to Committee meetings, but shall have no voting rights within the Committee.
iv)The President shall chair the Annual General Meeting unless he/she expressly declines to do so
v)If the Committee declines to nominate a candidate for election by the AGM as President of the Forum, or if the nominee of the Committee is rejected by the AGM, the Presidency of the Forum will remain vacant