
The periodic table has metals, nonmetals, and metalloids grouped together. To the right of the periodic table, starting to the left of boron (element #5, B) you should see a line that looks like a staircase. Elements far to the left of this line are metals, elements to the far right of this line are nonmetals, and elements right around the line on either side are semimetals, or metalloids.

The periodic table also consists of different families which share similar properties. Families are columns in the periodic table; they are also referred to as groups. The different families are listed below.

1.  Alkali metals

2.  Alkaline earth

3.  Transition metals

4.  Boron Group

5.  Carbon Group

6.  Nitrogen Group

7.  Oxygen Group

8.  Halogens

9.  Noble gases

10.  Lanthanides

11.  Actinides


For this project you will turn in:

1. Poster, Powerpoint, or Popplet describing one family from the periodic table.

2. Model of an atom from that family.

3. Research paper about the family

Poster, Powerpoint, or Popplet instructions

1.  Answer the following questions. The poster, powerpoint, or popplet should include both the question and the answer.

1.  Where is this family located on the periodic table?

2.  What are the elements in this family?

3.  What other elements does this family react with? Why?

4.  What are these elements used for in daily life?

5.  3 interesting facts about this family

2.  Include a bibliography with at least 5 reliable sources.

3.  Poster or PowerPoint should be neat, legible, and well-organized.

Model of Atom

1.  Model must be 3-dimensional.

2.  Model must include the following parts: nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrons, energy levels.

3.  All parts of the atom must be labeled.

4.  Model should be neat and easy to interpret.

Research Paper

1.  A typed, double-spaced, one-page paper answering the questions:

1.  When were these elements discovered?

2.  Who discovered these elements?

3.  How did they discover this element?

2.  A bibliography with at least 3 sources in APA format.

Project Calendar

Monday / Tuesday / Wed./Thurs. / Friday
21- No School / 22- Assigned Project / 23/24 / 25- List of materials due
28 / 29 / 30/31- Work time after lab / 1- Poster OR Model due
4- Rough draft of essay due / 5 / 6/7 / 8- Work time after quiz
11 / 12 / 13/14- Project work day / 15- PROJECT DUE