Conditions of Hire of St Mary’s


Before the event

  1. Please complete an Application Form to make a booking. We will reply in writing We will give you a copy of the Conditions of Hire, together with the list of the charges
  1. The Parochial Church Council (‘PCC’) reserves the right to refuse to accept any booking, or in exceptional circumstances to cancel any booking at any time prior to the commencement of the event (with return of any deposit already paid).
  1. The Hall is not licensed for the sale or supply of alcohol, nor can alcohol be provided without charge at an event to which an admission charge is made (such as “free drink with ticket”). Sales or supply of alcohol are therefore EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN on the premises unless the Hirer has obtained the appropriate Temporary Event Notice (T.E.N.) from the Local Licensing Authority.

During the event

  1. Only the rooms and times confirmed in the booking form may be used, and only for the purpose described there. If other rooms are used the PCC reserves the right to charge forthis.
  1. The rooms are limited to a maximum number at any one time as set out.
  1. Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the premises.
  1. Vehicles must be parked so that they do not obstruct any of the outside doors.
  1. All Hirers are responsible for ensuring that no excessive noise or disturbance is caused by their use of the premises. Particular attention must be paid to ensuring that those people leaving the premises do so as quickly and quietly as possible.
  1. The PCC reserves the right to stop any event that may be in progress if:
  • the Hirer is failing to comply with the agreed conditions of hire,
  • In the PCC’s opinion the use of the premises is not being conducted in an orderly fashion.
  1. Under no circumstances may decorations, notices, posters etc. be fixed to any part of the premises without the permission of the Church Office.
  1. All Fire Safety and Health and Safety requirements must be followed at all times. Users of the cooking facilities must hold current appropriate Food Handling qualifications.
  1. Fire Equipment (extinguishers, blankets etc.) must NOT be moved or used for any purpose except for the purpose for which they are provided. FIRE EXITS MUST BE KEPT CLEAR AT ALL TIMES BOTH INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY. Any failure of the lighting system must be reported to the caretaker or Church Office.
  1. All rooms, including the toilets and kitchen, must be checked and left in a clean and tidy condition. Please ensure that all lights are switched off and that the oven and hob have been turned off before leaving the premises (if used). Failure to switch OFF appliances and/or lights will result in the Hirer being charged for the Electricity and Gas used until such time as the omission is rectified. All tables and chairs must be stacked and returned to the appropriate place (Hall – chair store). Any decorations, equipment, food, jumble, empty bottles, containers and the like must be removed from the premises within the hire period and placed in the bin outside, and large amounts/items removed from site. Rubbish must not be left in the car park.

After the event

  1. The PCC accepts no responsibility in respect of loss, accident, damage, injury or death that may occur whilst persons are on the premises or curtilage.
  1. Damage caused or found must be notified as soon as possible to the Church Office, if necessary by leaving a message on the office answer-phone. Details should be confirmed promptly in writing to the Church Office. Failure to advise could render the Hirer liable for all repairs and replacements.
  1. In the event of an accident occurring to any person(s) in the Centre, or its curtilage, full details must be provided to the Church Office as soon as possible, and in any event within 24 hours of the accident, so that the necessary entry can be made in the accident book.
  1. Failure to secure the doors and / or windows properly will result in the Hirer being liable for any resultant damage and / or loss.

Child Protection

  1. St Mary’s Church operates a child protection policy that meets the standards of “The Care and Protection of Children – Policy, Procedures and Good Practice to safeguard and Promote the Welfare of children and Young People; Diocese of Guildford 2008[1]”.Regular Hirers will be requested to confirm in writing annually that they continue to meet these requirements.
  • Safe recruitment of adults with CRB disclosures for all leaders and helpers
  • At least two workers for every group whatever the size, keeping a gender balance

Whenever possible the gender of adult workers should reflect that of the children. There must be at least one female supervisor for mixed-gender or female-only groups

If a child or young person is alone with a worker for any reason there must always be another adult nearby and the child must be informed where that person is

  • No person under 18 should be left in charge of a group
  • A register must be kept of children which includes name, address, dob and next of kin.
  • An appropriate level of adult supervision must be provided:

0-2 years1 person for every 3 children

2-3 years1 person for every 4 children

3-8 years1 person for every 8 children

Over 8 years1 person for the first 8 children and then 1 extra

person for every extra 12 children


  1. [ e.g. every Thursday from 19.00 to 22.00 in the Hall for a year, ending July 2016 ]

I have received these terms & conditions & agree to abide by them.

Signature…………………………………………………… Date ……………………

Print Name……………………………………………………………….